Remember when I said that if Trump didn't build the wall last budget it wouldn't happen?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
Time will tell on that subject, so I can wait and see what he does next to get it built.
Republicans passed the last budget, they bitch slapped Donnieboi like a bastard stepchild.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
/----/ My support for Trump has not wavered a bit. He won't give up on the wall. One way or the other - we will get one.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
/----/ My support for Trump has not wavered a bit. He won't give up on the wall. One way or the other - we will get one.

You're probably right.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
There was never going to be a wall. You are not some clairvoyant. I could’ve said “unless Mars collides with Venus, there will be no wall.” Does that mean I’m a genius predictor? Nope.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
Time will tell on that subject, so I can wait and see what he does next to get it built.
He mentioned using money from the Defense/Military Budget.... Which would make more sense, since he has always claimed it is a part of our National security// our Defense.... And since Mexico isn't paying for it... then take the money out of the defense budget, which is humongous.... I suppose?
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.

We probably won't get an actual "budget." Most likely just a "continuing resolution" to kick the can a little farther down the road. The GOP-led Congress actually passed a real budget in 2015, which was at the time, the first one in 6 years. Of course, the Democrats were against it. They'd rather kick the can down the road a little farther.

President Trump's 2018 budget actually cut a bunch of unnecessary wasteful spending, while it increased spending for the VA, DHS, and the DOD.
There is only one angle, and if I were his advisor I would suggest the President uses it. National Security.

It's the ultimate and honest characterization of what the U.S if facing. Make it $8-10B from the military budget and have them build it. You can use endless examples, from drug mules to violence, to human trafficking to economic burden on the nation, to the potential fear of disease crossing the border. Fiscally, it's the easiest justification possible and average Americans support it.

He can stand on this issue day in and day out and call out anyone against it. Ask them why they don't want to secure the border. There is no real response he can't dismiss and make laughable. Have the border guards provide their input and data.

If the global socialists can't bombard the U.S with untraceable citizens, they cannot covertly gain deeper influence on your Republic.
Why doesn’t the FACT that the majority of Americans.....especially those in border states....don't support the fucking wall....ever register with you idiots?
Why doesn’t the FACT that the majority of Americans.....especially those in border states....don't support the fucking wall....ever register with you idiots?

How do you intend to prevent further growth of the 20M+ illegal immigrants you have? How about the billions a year spent to give them welfare, educate their kids, give them healthcare?

Maybe America can triple it's debt and welcome another 25M, I doubt it though, unless you don't want a military.
As I figured, it won't happen now, as the Democrats won't buckle (and don't want permanent border security) and the GOP won't hold the line for the president to make sure it happens.

Oddly, of all the issues, this is probably the one that worries the global socialists the most. A wall ensures America maintains it's sovereignty, makes it far tougher to control the U.S Republic externally.
Time will tell on that subject, so I can wait and see what he does next to get it built.
He mentioned using money from the Defense/Military Budget.... Which would make more sense, since he has always claimed it is a part of our National security// our Defense.... And since Mexico isn't paying for it... then take the money out of the defense budget, which is humongous.... I suppose?
Trying to shift funds around without Congress would guarantee a legal that would drag out and he'd probably lose..................

He can shut down the border time and again..............and crush Mexico to help deal with it............and start dropping the hammer on businesses hiring illegals.......start massive raids there and the Butt Hurt would be off the charts.
Do "shocked canadians" think the U.S. presidency only lasts two years? The crazy domestic and international left seems to be desperate for a victory dance at halftime
Do "shocked canadians" think the U.S. presidency only lasts two years? The crazy domestic and international left seems to be desperate for a victory dance at halftime

Well, when they held the House they couldn't get things passed, how will they do it in the Minority?

Obama was not afraid to do a shutdown to get what he wanted, Trump has to go hard at them. America needs it. As someone who want to see America succeed I will personally offer to build the damn thing, just pay me the going rate.

You're the last station for freedom.
Why doesn’t the FACT that the majority of Americans.....especially those in border states....don't support the fucking wall....ever register with you idiots?

Border states are inhabited by barely legal wetbacks and pussified fools whom have been suckered by wetbacks..,FUCK THEM and their opinion on the matter.
Why doesn’t the FACT that the majority of Americans.....especially those in border states....don't support the fucking wall....ever register with you idiots?

How do you intend to prevent further growth of the 20M+ illegal immigrants you have? How about the billions a year spent to give them welfare, educate their kids, give them healthcare?

Maybe America can triple it's debt and welcome another 25M, I doubt it though, unless you don't want a military.


We are at a net negative when it comes to immigration through the southern border and undocumented immigrants generate more than enough revenue to cover any social services afforded them.

Start working with facts.
Why doesn’t the FACT that the majority of Americans.....especially those in border states....don't support the fucking wall....ever register with you idiots?

How do you intend to prevent further growth of the 20M+ illegal immigrants you have? How about the billions a year spent to give them welfare, educate their kids, give them healthcare?

Maybe America can triple it's debt and welcome another 25M, I doubt it though, unless you don't want a military.


We are at a net negative when it comes to immigration through the southern border and undocumented immigrants generate more than enough revenue to cover any social services afforded them.

Start working with facts.

You need LEGAL immigration, where you pick and choose who you want to enter. Not mules, human traffickers, criminals and just people who don't give a damn about America. Are you a FlopHouse?

Please provide your sources to your assertion, here's mine, and there are many that outline the billions a year illegal immigration costs taxpayers.

Border surge highest since 2011, each illegal immigrant costs $70,000, 7x deportation price

Border surge highest since 2011, each illegal immigrant costs $70,000, 7x deportation price

The net costs to taxpayers for every illegal immigrant who sneaks into the United States has reached nearly $70,000, about seven times the cost of deporting them, and about $70 billion, according to a new report.

And, according to federal Census data, the surge of legal and illegal immigrants across the Mexico-U.S. border has reached a new high since 2011 and matched the historic high of 1.75 million set in 1999.

The latest Census data from 2016 shows that immigrants continue to come into the United States, both legally and illegally, and the costs to taxpayers in enforcement and social services continues to rise — even when offset by the taxes they pay.

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