Remember when Kumala harris got destroyed in 4 minutes by not totally woke by Gabbard?

Harris has an irritating habit of smiling and laughing at inappropriate times, giving the false impression that she is in control or has the upper hand. It reminds me of the Jerzy Kozinski book, "Being There." She is an empty suit without a cogent idea or the intelligence to defend her positions with facts and logic.

It won't be long before the smiling and laughing become insufferable even to the Left.
Harris has an irritating habit of smiling and laughing at inappropriate times, giving the false impression that she is in control or has the upper hand. It reminds me of the Jerzy Kozinski book, "Being There." She is an empty suit without a cogent idea or the intelligence to defend her positions with facts and logic.

It won't be long before the smiling and laughing become insufferable even to the Left.
The reason as to why many people smile in those situations is they are nervous..
Look at kumala harris's stupid hypocritical overly black privileged face.

No, what I remember is that Gabbard outed herself as a crazy, and realized she couldn't even run for her Congressional seat once people in Hawaii realized how nuts she was.

Meanwhile, Harris is going to be the next Vice-President.
Kumala is a lot like Killary... both are detestable, loathsome animals. Their own party can't stand them. And there's not a damn thing they can do about it. The harder they try, the worse it gets.
Harris is probably the biggest phoney in an occupation where nearly everyone is a phoney. It figures that she was picked by shakedown Joe. That boy seems to be attracted to evil.

He didn’t pick here ... She was hand picked by Pelosi, Warren and Cortez because they know Joe will not finish his first term, so they wanted a non-white woman to take his place within the next two and half years...
Harris has an irritating habit of smiling and laughing at inappropriate times, giving the false impression that she is in control or has the upper hand. It reminds me of the Jerzy Kozinski book, "Being There." She is an empty suit without a cogent idea or the intelligence to defend her positions with facts and logic.

It won't be long before the smiling and laughing become insufferable even to the Left.

To quote an article I read this morning Kamala is "Hillary in a black face".
Look at kumala harris's stupid hypocritical overly black privileged face.

No, what I remember is that Gabbard outed herself as a crazy, and realized she couldn't even run for her Congressional seat once people in Hawaii realized how nuts she was.

Meanwhile, Harris is going to be the next Vice-President.

Gabbard outed herself as someone trying to make change in the Democrat Party. She also mopped the floor with Harris in the Democrat Primary Debate. Where did Harris finish? Harris is in position to be the next Vice President because of her ability to position herself in the party.

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