Remember when Michael Moore offered his home up to Refugees?

You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.

Yes I was correct that you lied. Further, the OP brings up Michael Moore, not me. It is therefore the OP's responsibility to make his point with documentation. They failed. You also could have provided a link, but chose not to.

I didn't lie I was mistaken. I made a mistake.

You want a link here you go, straight from the far right wing publication Newsmax:

Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

You're certainly a very lazy person. All it took was a few seconds.

But then as I said, the truth doesn't fit your bigotry and hate for anyone who doesn't have the same views you do.

Gee, I did your job for you and posted a link in a prior post to yours. There goes your lazy claim (liar)

Read the article, it certainly doesn't fit your narrative either, so according to your assessment, you are a bigot and hateful. Have a nice day.
Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

In this article Moore makes the offer to Gov. Snyder, not actual refugees. He personally set up a registry with over 1,500 offers. None of teetse properties has been inspected or verified as actual rentals. Lame.

Oh look. You're the liar.

From the article:

Liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has offered his Traverse City, Michigan apartment as home to a Syrian refugee couple in defiance of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's ban of refugees in his state.

Moore said he wants a Syrian refugee couple to use his Michigan apartment rent-free for six months to a year while they get settled into the country and find jobs.

Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

I made an honest mistake. When pointed out to me I acknowledged my mistake and corrected it.

You're just lying. On purpose.

Interesting how you left out this part liar:

Moore says on his website that he sent a letter to Snyder on Friday making the offer and accusing the governor of being "anti-American" and "un-Christian."

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So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

You really need to read the article or if you did, work on your comprehension skills.

He has opened up his apartment and has asked others to do as he has done.

Apparently 14 hundred have.

The article in the OP doesn't mention M. Moore at all you liar.

You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.
look at the little bigot standing tall for a moment. Wow bigot, how you been? funny little libturd you are.
So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

MM is participating silly...thats what the thread was about.

And if your entire point is to go "Thats all" to everything then you can play that game by yourself in the peanut gallery
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?

I blame the Catholics for bringing in a Muslim family when there are 10's of thousands of Christians that are in danger of genocide in the middle east.
You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.

Yes I was correct that you lied. Further, the OP brings up Michael Moore, not me. It is therefore the OP's responsibility to make his point with documentation. They failed. You also could have provided a link, but chose not to.

I didn't lie I was mistaken. I made a mistake.

You want a link here you go, straight from the far right wing publication Newsmax:

Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

You're certainly a very lazy person. All it took was a few seconds.

But then as I said, the truth doesn't fit your bigotry and hate for anyone who doesn't have the same views you do.
no, that is full blown deceit, but it is typical libturdness. Thanks for stepping up there and proving our point.
MM is participating silly...thats what the thread was about.

And if your entire point is to go "Thats all" to everything then you can play that game by yourself in the peanut gallery
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?

I blame the Catholics for bringing in a Muslim family when there are 10's of thousands of Christians that are in danger of genocide in the middle east.
dude they think they wouldn't vote for a democrat. don't you get it? POTENTIAL VOTERs

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