Remember when Michael Moore offered his home up to Refugees?

So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

You really need to read the article or if you did, work on your comprehension skills.

He has opened up his apartment and has asked others to do as he has done.

Apparently 14 hundred have.
So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

MM is participating silly...thats what the thread was about.

And if your entire point is to go "Thats all" to everything then you can play that game by yourself in the peanut gallery
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

He has signed up, and I have signed up. We're just waiting on placement. :D
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Notice how the far left condemns the Church for doing what it is supposed to do..

However this is the reason why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

You know any form of radicalism is dangerous no matter right, left, Islam, Christian, Taoist but the one I fear the most is those within Mossad that burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich that had Bacon on it!

That is the true word of terror or terrorism!

Yes many on the far left claim this, but they support the most dangerous religion on the planet.
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Notice how the far left condemns the Church for doing what it is supposed to do..

However this is the reason why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

You know any form of radicalism is dangerous no matter right, left, Islam, Christian, Taoist but the one I fear the most is those within Mossad that burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich that had Bacon on it!

That is the true word of terror or terrorism!

Yes many on the far left claim this, but they support the most dangerous religion on the planet.

You know when you have become radical is when you can not see the radicalism within your own community or political party...
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Notice how the far left condemns the Church for doing what it is supposed to do..

However this is the reason why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

You know any form of radicalism is dangerous no matter right, left, Islam, Christian, Taoist but the one I fear the most is those within Mossad that burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich that had Bacon on it!

That is the true word of terror or terrorism!

Yes many on the far left claim this, but they support the most dangerous religion on the planet.

So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

MM is participating silly...thats what the thread was about.

And if your entire point is to go "Thats all" to everything then you can play that game by yourself in the peanut gallery
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?
I did?
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Notice how the far left condemns the Church for doing what it is supposed to do..

However this is the reason why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

You know any form of radicalism is dangerous no matter right, left, Islam, Christian, Taoist but the one I fear the most is those within Mossad that burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich that had Bacon on it!

That is the true word of terror or terrorism!

Yes many on the far left claim this, but they support the most dangerous religion on the planet.

you left off Will Robinson.
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.
The Church is massively scummy and a full inquisition should be held on their NGOs to root out traitors.
In 1956 200,000 Hungarian - mostly political - refugees sought new home in the West.

The United States could have and should have offered refuge to more, but stopped at about 30,000 due to some antiquated Quota laws, which President Eisenhower could have easily overturned with an executive order.

Most Hungarian refugees were fleeing political persecution. Most had dreams to come to the Promised Land. America was the FIRST CHOICE and after all the blather on Voice of America (in Hungarian) the refugees thought that they will make it to America. Admittedly, there were some who were imprisoned criminals, who were freed when the Revolution opened prison doors. But even those criminals never had any intention to kill Americans in the name of a so called religion.

The United admitted fewer Hungarian refugees than Canada, the SECOND CHOICE.

I was among those whom America rejected, but Canada welcomed, at the ripe old age if 18, all by myself. In subsequent years I learned to love Canada, and having no regret of missing out on America. And why should I have? Our culture, standard of living, jobs, education, entertainment, our democracy and freedoms are pretty much the same.

In the last 58 years I traveled through every state of the Lower 48. I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and other charitable organizations, in Florida and Kentucky and Georgia and Missouri, two weeks each year from 1993 to 2004 when arthritis told me to stop. From 1997 to 2003 (when I retired) I was commuting from my Ontario home to our company's Head Office in Akron, Ohio on the weekly bases to work on a L1-B visa helping thru a major computer system change and, of course, the Y2K changes. I was there when the terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers and my heart was broken when I saw my American colleagues stunned by the enormity of the event. For many years after 9/11 I displayed the Stars and Stripes on my car and home.

I probably know more about America than most Americans. And based on recent news event, I probably love America more than some Americans.

Why did I say all this?

Because I hope America will be as strict admitting Syrian refugees as she was admitting Hungarian refugees. Let them go and find THEIR second choice as I did. They can and should go to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Iran or Pakistan. I hope that President Obama will NOT issue executive order compelling States who do not wish to accommodate potential terrorists to admit them. I wish that President Obama will be as resolute with current day refugees as President Eisenhower was in my time.
MM is participating silly...thats what the thread was about.

And if your entire point is to go "Thats all" to everything then you can play that game by yourself in the peanut gallery
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?
I did?

If you're looking for who to blame if another attack happens you can blame the Catholics unless you have different rules for them
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Bahahahaaa....Come on all you Catholics, do as you are shown. God's instrument commands you.
And this thread showed up

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

People were really angry about this for some reason. I think the word Michael followed by Moore is the bell that makes cons go mad. Well I have a new target for your scorn


Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis resettles Syrian refugee family despite GOP governor’s objections

Gotdammit! The US is under attack by the Liberals like Michael Moore AND the Catholic Church! :ack-1:

FTA: Helping people flee violence is an “essential part of our identity as Catholic Christians and we will continue this life-saving tradition,” the church said, adding that the family has relatives in the area.

Notice how the far left condemns the Church for doing what it is supposed to do..

However this is the reason why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

You know any form of radicalism is dangerous no matter right, left, Islam, Christian, Taoist but the one I fear the most is those within Mossad that burnt my Grill Cheese Sandwich that had Bacon on it!

That is the true word of terror or terrorism!

Yes many on the far left claim this, but they support the most dangerous religion on the planet.

You know when you have become radical is when you can not see the radicalism within your own community or political party...

"...the most dangerous religion on the planet." She's really off the rails.
So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

You really need to read the article or if you did, work on your comprehension skills.

He has opened up his apartment and has asked others to do as he has done.

Apparently 14 hundred have.

The article in the OP doesn't mention M. Moore at all you liar.
I believe the point was does he have refugees living there yet? Does he?

IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?
I did?

If you're looking for who to blame if another attack happens you can blame the Catholics unless you have different rules for them
I will, why wouldn't I. They are now no different than Mr. Moore.
IDK...what does that have to do with people being butthurt that MM wants to do it and have nothing to say about those Anti-American terrorist loving Christians?
people wanted to know if he did, so they know who to blame if ISIS attacks again by his house.

Blame the Catholics..wait....thats different tho, right?
I did?

If you're looking for who to blame if another attack happens you can blame the Catholics unless you have different rules for them
I will, why wouldn't I. They are now no different than Mr. Moore.

Sure you will, I'll hold my breath on it
So... Michael Moore is not participating I see.

How many liberals here sign up to house refugees? I missed that in your post.

You really need to read the article or if you did, work on your comprehension skills.

He has opened up his apartment and has asked others to do as he has done.

Apparently 14 hundred have.

The article in the OP doesn't mention M. Moore at all you liar.

You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.
You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.

Yes I was correct that you lied. Further, the OP brings up Michael Moore, not me. It is therefore the OP's responsibility to make his point with documentation. They failed. You also could have provided a link, but chose not to.
You are correct. The OP article is about the catholic church.

Unlike you I must have went and found that information for myself. It's very easy to do in a simple search. My choice is Bing but Google is the most used.

Why couldn't you do that? The information was very easy to find.

I guess you're too lazy and don't want the truth. The actual truth doesn't fit in with your bigotry and hate for everyone who doesn't have your views.

Yes I was correct that you lied. Further, the OP brings up Michael Moore, not me. It is therefore the OP's responsibility to make his point with documentation. They failed. You also could have provided a link, but chose not to.

I didn't lie I was mistaken. I made a mistake.

You want a link here you go, straight from the far right wing publication Newsmax:

Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

You're certainly a very lazy person. All it took was a few seconds.

But then as I said, the truth doesn't fit your bigotry and hate for anyone who doesn't have the same views you do.
Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

In this article Moore makes the offer to Gov. Snyder, not actual refugees. He personally set up a registry with over 1,500 offers. None of teetse properties has been inspected or verified as actual rentals. Lame.

Oh look. You're the liar.

From the article:

Liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has offered his Traverse City, Michigan apartment as home to a Syrian refugee couple in defiance of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's ban of refugees in his state.

Moore said he wants a Syrian refugee couple to use his Michigan apartment rent-free for six months to a year while they get settled into the country and find jobs.

Michael Moore Offers His Apartment to Syrian Refugees

I made an honest mistake. When pointed out to me I acknowledged my mistake and corrected it.

You're just lying. On purpose.

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