Remember when Pelosi said she never met with Sergey Kislyak

Well, she said she never met him. I've sat across a table in many meeting without actually meeting some of the attendees on a personal level.
Thinking Error: redefining
2nd Thinking Error: Playing dumb

Lunacy, just because you were at a table with 20 people doesn't mean you actually met them.

"Seen him in a meeting" is the most you can squeeze out of the picture.

Trumpsters are getting desperate.
I told you this would blow up in the Dem's faces. This makes three uppity Dem's who claimed they never met with the Russian ambassador then photos surfaced of the meetings. Liberals LIE told you so!

Well, she said she never met him. I've sat across a table in many meeting without actually meeting some of the attendees on a personal level.
Thinking Error: redefining
2nd Thinking Error: Playing dumb

Lunacy, just because you were at a table with 20 people doesn't mean you actually met them.

"Seen him in a meeting" is the most you can squeeze out of the picture.

Trumpsters are getting desperate.

Clearly she is talking to him in the photo, she is talking - he is across from her, and he is the only one looking at her.
So yeah...that most certainly qualifies as meeting someone.
Clearly a multi-$million investigation is needed, and she should of course resign immediately.
Rational common sense-thinking folks understand this Russian thing is just a Democrat sabotage witch hunt. No one 'conspired' with Russians to 'rig' the Election. And Russia did not 'Hack the Election' either. It never happened. It's just all about sabotaging Trump. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, she said she never met him. I've sat across a table in many meeting without actually meeting some of the attendees on a personal level.
Thinking Error: redefining
2nd Thinking Error: Playing dumb

Lunacy, just because you were at a table with 20 people doesn't mean you actually met them.

"Seen him in a meeting" is the most you can squeeze out of the picture.

Trumpsters are getting desperate.
Dems are always what they preach against.
My thread proves that.
Dem's are squirming and writhing in agony, don't these dumb asses know proof of their lies would surface? God how dumb are they?

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