Remember when PROGS cared about


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Lies? And then they supported Biden anyway

Women? And then they supported Biden anyway

Fighting the establishment & system? But then they denied Trump and supported Biden anyway

Desire someone other than a elderly white man run the country? And then they supported Biden anyway

Desire we not enter into War? But then they denied Trump and supported Biden anyway

Jobs? And then they denied Trump and supported Biden anyway

Equality? And then they support biased PROG-run "news", debates and media, and the MQ for VP is a black woman

Racism? And then they supported Biden anyway

They wanted someone to do the job as opposed politics? And then they denied Trump and supported Biden anyway

Me too? And then they supported Biden, Harris and the Clintons anyway

A safe place to live? And then they supported anarchists anyway

Black communities? And then they supported anarchists anyway, and drug abuse

Children? And then they supported Biden anyway

Standard of living? And then they supported high taxes, entitlements and illegal immigration anyway

Our democracy? And then they supported biased PROG-run "news", debates, media, Russian hoax & impeachment anyway.

Election integrity? And then they supported deep-state appointed POTUS Harris anyway

Competence in the White House? And then they denied Trump and supported Biden anyway, and desire criminals, children and illegals have the right to vote

Education? And then they supported political indoctrination anyway
They don’t support anything. They have no real convictions or guiding principles.
Their “leaders” only goal is power and enrichment, and they will take whatever position they feel will best help them achieve this.
I remember when the DNC opposed court packing and were appalled at the thought of it. Shortly after FDR proposed it, Congress passed term limits for the President which was all influenced by the corruption of FDR and his court packing scheme, and this from his very own party. Even Biden is on record as condemning it, but today's DNC and Joe Biden are in love with the idea.

That is all you have to know about today's radical DNC.
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