Remember when Republicans were going to show us how it's done in the Middle East?

remember when Republicans never do anything they say they're going to do ?

like everyday ?

has lois been arrested yet ... or hillary? or repealing obamacare 55 times .. or or or ....
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years..

That's for sure, President Moron has done everything in his power to turn the Middle East from a run of the mill shithole into HELL ON EARTH, now that's change we can believe in!

Way to go Democrats ! under your watch; you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can take an idiotic Republican Foreign Policy and make it even worse. :rolleyes:
Obama hasn't lost 4K and destroyed tens of thousands of military families. He certainly doesn't appear to have a policy that is making things better, although we may get a belated "peace" in Syria and we're not going to have a war with Iran.
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years..

That's for sure, President Moron has done everything in his power to turn the Middle East from a run of the mill shithole into HELL ON EARTH, now that's change we can believe in!

Way to go Democrats ! under your watch; you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can take an idiotic Republican Foreign Policy and make it even worse. :rolleyes:
Obama hasn't lost 4K and destroyed tens of thousands of military families. .
Really, what's the ISIS death toll up to now? How many dead in Libya? What about the carnage wrought by the "Arab Spring"?

Or do we not count the dead and maimed that don't happen to be Americans?

He certainly doesn't appear to have a policy that is making things better, although we may get a belated "peace" in Syria and we're not going to have a war with Iran.
Making things better? By all appearances his foreign policy has been the root cause of significantly increased instability and carnage; and for his next trick he's well under way in assisting the Iranians in the acquisition of nukes and a revitalized military.

The only thing President Dip Stick does seem competent at doing is making excuses and shifting the blame, his administration should heretofore be known as the "Not My Fault Regime"
Oh my how twisted you are. When Bush left office Libya was stable, Syria was stable, Iraq was stable, and Iran contained Now under democrat "leadership," I use the word lightly, none of that is true. And, Europe is in termoil because of what Obama did in Syria and Libya. This whole ME disaster can be laid at Mrs. Tulza and Obama's feet.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.
Not really. America is much more liked now than it was during the Bush years. Trump being so close to the presidency, however, is making us look like a laughingstock again.

That being said, neither party has anything to brag about when it comes to the Middle East.
Oh my how twisted you are. When Bush left office Libya was stable, Syria was stable, Iraq was stable, and Iran contained Now under democrat "leadership," I use the word lightly, none of that is true. And, Europe is in termoil because of what Obama did in Syria and Libya. This whole ME disaster can be laid at Mrs. Tulza and Obama's feet.

Yeah but ... The gub'mint worshipers consider all that "progress" ; I suspect it's because once they get done fucking up the rest of the world they'll be able to proudly proclaim "See! just look at how well we're doing compared to the rest of the globe!", IMHO it's a rather brilliant "we've managed to create the best shit hole in the world" strategy. ;)
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.
Not really. America is much more liked now than it was during the Bush years. Trump being so close to the presidency, however, is making us look like a laughingstock again.

Really, who the hell "likes" us? I'm an American Citizens and I don't even like us anymore since President Screwball and his merry band of miscreants took the helm, we should all be ashamed of ourselves for replacing that moron GWB with the complete retard we have now .....
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years..

That's for sure, President Moron has done everything in his power to turn the Middle East from a run of the mill shithole into HELL ON EARTH, now that's change we can believe in!

Way to go Democrats ! under your watch; you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can take an idiotic Republican Foreign Policy and make it even worse. :rolleyes:
Obama hasn't lost 4K and destroyed tens of thousands of military families. He certainly doesn't appear to have a policy that is making things better, although we may get a belated "peace" in Syria and we're not going to have a war with Iran.

This is what is so infuriating about the liberal left, they forget about those who die during their term. Proving they don't care. For example, Mrs Tulza forgetting the four we lost in Libya.

Obama may not have lost 4K but he did his best (sic)


1338 to date is all Obama and his failed surge (his words).


Another 264 you and Obama forget about.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.
Not really. America is much more liked now than it was during the Bush years. Trump being so close to the presidency, however, is making us look like a laughingstock again.

That being said, neither party has anything to brag about when it comes to the Middle East.
Yeah so respected castto wouldn't greet him at the airport.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.
Not really. America is much more liked now than it was during the Bush years. Trump being so close to the presidency, however, is making us look like a laughingstock again.

That being said, neither party has anything to brag about when it comes to the Middle East.
Yeah so respected castto wouldn't greet him at the airport.
That's literally an issue to nobody but right-wingers.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

The Republicans gave us 9/11 and The Bush Great Recession in the last 15 years. And now they want the country to believe they are the ones to hold the reigns of power again.

They goatfuck the entire nation twice, the worst two goatf#$ks in the last 70 years. And then claim the other side doesn't know what they are doing and Republicans are the only ones who know defense and economics.

You have to stand in awe at their level of disconnection from reality.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

A Democrat is in charge, moron. What has he accomplished? Everything he's tried has been a colossal failure.
remember when Republicans never do anything they say they're going to do ?

like everyday ?

has lois been arrested yet ... or hillary? or repealing obamacare 55 times .. or or or ....

Scott Walker indicted yet? Have they closed Gitmo yet. Has our healthcare decreased $2500 yet? Oops, seem like the Democrats never seem to do anything they say there are going to do.
"Remember when Republicans were going to show us how it's done in the Middle East?"

Yeah, lets take a trip back in history and focus on the GOP of the we can avoid watching the complete Liberal meltdown in the Middle East, not think about how the current President has aided, abetted, supplied, armed, protected, and apologized for terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS, has given them safe havens around the world - used our own military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, allowed the 'JV Team' to spread around the world and perpetrate massive attacks in Paris, Brussels, Africa, and even kill Americans here at home. Yeah, let's not focus on how Obama's professed policies of 'Containing ISIS' - which he claimed to do right before the Paris Attacks - completely and utterly FAILED, leaving a trail of beheaded, burned, downed, murdered, and mutilate bodies in its wake as ISIS spread across the globe...instead of being 'contained'.

Yes by all means lets try to take a page out of the Saul Alynski Socialist Playbook - Rules For Radicals - and try to change the subject when you are getting your ass handed to you.

Woohoo! Yeah!
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

Remember when any of rdean's posts were actually worth reading? Neither does anyone else
It took Barry Hussein about seven years to abandon the victory in Iraq, continue a non-winnable war (under his rules) in Afghanistan, de-stabilize the Mid East to the point of total chaos which has spread to Africa and Europe and you want republicans to fix it under what time frame?
Isis has lost 1/4 of the territory it captured in the last year. You don't have to believe Isis is contained, it is contained and is shrinking. And the US and its allies have launched 8,000 + air sorties against Isis targets, destroying most of their heavy weapons and a ton of whatever other shit they have.

The only thing that is different the last few years is how much conservatives in America root against America. You root for Putin, or are happy thinking Isis isn't 'losing', or are supportive of the president of Iran. Why not rejoin the team and stop whining all the time.
remember when Republicans never do anything they say they're going to do ?

like everyday ?

has lois been arrested yet ... or hillary? or repealing obamacare 55 times .. or or or ....

Going full retard on us? How could Lois be arrested when Obama white house refused to hold her on contempt?

DOJ: No contempt charges for former IRS official Lerner

Btw their is a separate investigation on her and Hillary's FBI case is still ongoing this, what do you think this is, a Damn hour long t.v. show????
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Isis has lost 1/4 of the territory it captured in the last year. You don't have to believe Isis is contained, it is contained and is shrinking. And the US and its allies have launched 8,000 + air sorties against Isis targets, destroying most of their heavy weapons and a ton of whatever other shit they have.

The only thing that is different the last few years is how much conservatives in America root against America. You root for Putin, or are happy thinking Isis isn't 'losing', or are supportive of the president of Iran. Why not rejoin the team and stop whining all the time.

Your "team" sucks nothing but a bunch of fruit loops, surrender monkeys, commie pinkos and last But not least the fear mongering AGW cult.
as we see even today, that middle east is all peaceful , their peaceful people aren't streaming from over there invading other country claiming they are refugees. and they aren't blowing up innocent people in places like Brussels, Paris , HERE on our homefront and next, they are going to be releasing a song that says. all praise Obama our savior and Messiah along with that noble peace prize he hung off his neck.

Here's the Republican party's leading candidate explaining the reason for that mess. He figured it out yrs. ago. Don't know why the rest of you can't.


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