Remember When Republicans Were Running Around Screaming That The FBI "Hated" Hillary?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
They were doing this via their far rightwing lapdog from the north, Ghoulie Yani.

Now all of a sudden they're trying to peddle this claptrap that somehow the same FBI WANTED Hillary to win. When we know the opposite is true.

Here's the receipts
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
GIULIANI: 'There's a revolution going on inside the FBI, and it's now at a boiling point'

A quote from the 2nd article above...

"You'll see," he said. "And I think it'll be enormously effective. And I do think that all of these revelations about Hillary Clinton finally are beginning to have an impact."

And have you noticed that Sweet Rudy is nowhere to be found since 45 first won? He disappeared off the scene about 2 or 3 weeks after 45 won.

I think he's being smart, he knows that if he was still running up and down on the TeeVee like before, they'd probably eventually arrest his ass. He's employing the old 'Outta sight, Outta mind' trick. I think they need to re-open their investigations on him.

FBI director says he's looking into possible leaks to Giuliani

What say you?
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They were doing this via their far rightwing lapdog from the north, Ghoulie Yani.

Now all of a sudden they're trying to peddle this claptrap that somehow the same FBI WANTED Hillary to win. When we know the opposite is true.

Here's the receipts
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
GIULIANI: 'There's a revolution going on inside the FBI, and it's now at a boiling point'

A quote from the 2nd article above...

"You'll see," he said. "And I think it'll be enormously effective. And I do think that all of these revelations about Hillary Clinton finally are beginning to have an impact."

And have you noticed that Sweet Rudy is nowhere to be found since 45 first won? He disappeared off the scene about 2 or 3 weeks after 45 won.

I think he's being smart, he knows if he was running up and down on the TeeVee like before, they'd probably arrest his ass. I think they need to re-open their investigations on him.

FBI director says he's looking into possible leaks to Giuliani

What say you?

The righties want it both ways. I wonder if there is a pill they can take for inconvenient amnesia.
The President has insulted the FBI

Morale is at an all time low
They were doing this via their far rightwing lapdog from the north, Ghoulie Yani.

Now all of a sudden they're trying to peddle this claptrap that somehow the same FBI WANTED Hillary to win. When we know the opposite is true.

Here's the receipts
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
GIULIANI: 'There's a revolution going on inside the FBI, and it's now at a boiling point'

A quote from the 2nd article above...

"You'll see," he said. "And I think it'll be enormously effective. And I do think that all of these revelations about Hillary Clinton finally are beginning to have an impact."

And have you noticed that Sweet Rudy is nowhere to be found since 45 first won? He disappeared off the scene about 2 or 3 weeks after 45 won.

I think he's being smart, he knows if he was running up and down on the TeeVee like before, they'd probably arrest his ass. I think they need to re-open their investigations on him.

FBI director says he's looking into possible leaks to Giuliani

What say you?

But you folks were argung [sic] that the investigation should be shut down because the FBI was in the tank for Hillary.

There's a discrepancy somewhere.

Mr. Giuliani has nothing to do with mainstream Republicans. He doesn't even speak for most RINOs.

It's quite dishonest or ignorant or both to represent anything that he says or does as being in any way representative of Republicans in general.
Mr. Giuliani has nothing to do with mainstream Republicans. He doesn't even speak for most RINOs.

It's quite dishonest or ignorant or both to represent anything that he says or does as being in any way representative of Republicans in general.

Here's what I posted in another thread......

Trump (and his cult) should be THANKING the FBI not BASHING it.

Trump's firing of Comey shows just how damn stupid he is; even an ultra conservative partisan should admit that were it not for Comey's "revelation" that the FBI was reopening its investigation of Clinton, the election may have gone against the orange buffoon.

BUT, also add the fact that the FBI was CLEARLY aware that it was involved in a very serious investigation of the candidate Trump's ties to Russian oligarchs' money loans......The Fusion GPS testimony points out that Steele's approach to warn the FBI constituted a SECOND source of the allegations against Trump (the first being someone else within the Trump camp who was had way before warned the FBI of such ties.)

YET, the FBI did not utter a peep about THAT investigation, while publicly undermining Clinton's campaign.........................Regardless of party leanings, we should all wonder WHY???
No. But I DO remember the FBI losing all credibility when the head admitted finding criminal activity and then refused to prosecute..
Here's what I posted in another thread......

Trump (and his cult) should be THANKING the FBI not BASHING it.

Trump's firing of Comey shows just how damn stupid he is; even an ultra conservative partisan should admit that were it not for Comey's "revelation" that the FBI was reopening its investigation of Clinton, the election may have gone against the orange buffoon.

BUT, also add the fact that the FBI was CLEARLY aware that it was involved in a very serious investigation of the candidate Trump's ties to Russian oligarchs' money loans......The Fusion GPS testimony points out that Steele's approach to warn the FBI constituted a SECOND source of the allegations against Trump (the first being someone else within the Trump camp who was had way before warned the FBI of such ties.)

YET, the FBI did not utter a peep about THAT investigation, while publicly undermining Clinton's campaign.........................Regardless of party leanings, we should all wonder WHY???
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to deduce that one buddy...the FBI were in the tank for Trump.
No. But I DO remember the FBI losing all credibility when the head admitted finding criminal activity and then refused to prosecute..
I knew partisan hacks like you wouldn't "remember", that's why I posted the receipts stooge.

A better question for the OP is

'Remember when snowflakes loved Comey
...then HATED Comey...
...then LOVED Comey...
...then HATED Comey...
...then LOVED Comey...?


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