Remembering 9/11...

I watched a documentary on it again last night. I do this every year to remind myself of the terrible tragedy that could have been deterred if we had stricter border control. The lives that were lost. The men and women who were innocents and first responders that lost their lives.

After the tragedy this country was so united. There was no talk of black or white, we all had a common enemy and common grief. The shock was almost too hard to bear. How the families did it is truly amazing.

I saw those jump from the highest floors and prayed that they were unconscious shortly after leaping.

We will never know if we have stopped another terror attack of this level with our Immigration laws, Homeland Security and CIA. Let's pray we never have to fear that kind evil again.

Neither stricter border security nor a wall would have stopped the 9/11 hijackers. Why? Because they came here LEGALLY on a visa, and it hadn't expired yet.
Well then lets just bend over and let them have at us! No borders, no laws, criminals and terrorists everywhere. Will you be happy then?

Not what I said at all. The 9/11 terrorists came here legally and on a visa that was still good when they did the attack. A wall wouldn't have stopped them.

However.................a much better solution would be better vetting of those we let in on visas. The Muslim shooters in San Bernadino had one who was born here, and the other was his wife, who came here on a marriage visa. If better vetting had been done for the people with visas, maybe we would have avoided some of this crap.
You can't vet someone with no paper trail, no records, no nothing. Nice try.
I watched a documentary on it again last night. I do this every year to remind myself of the terrible tragedy that could have been deterred if we had stricter border control. The lives that were lost. The men and women who were innocents and first responders that lost their lives.

After the tragedy this country was so united. There was no talk of black or white, we all had a common enemy and common grief. The shock was almost too hard to bear. How the families did it is truly amazing.

I saw those jump from the highest floors and prayed that they were unconscious shortly after leaping.

We will never know if we have stopped another terror attack of this level with our Immigration laws, Homeland Security and CIA. Let's pray we never have to fear that kind evil again.

Neither stricter border security nor a wall would have stopped the 9/11 hijackers. Why? Because they came here LEGALLY on a visa, and it hadn't expired yet.
Well then lets just bend over and let them have at us! No borders, no laws, criminals and terrorists everywhere. Will you be happy then?

Not what I said at all. The 9/11 terrorists came here legally and on a visa that was still good when they did the attack. A wall wouldn't have stopped them.

However.................a much better solution would be better vetting of those we let in on visas. The Muslim shooters in San Bernadino had one who was born here, and the other was his wife, who came here on a marriage visa. If better vetting had been done for the people with visas, maybe we would have avoided some of this crap.
You can't vet someone with no paper trail, no records, no nothing. Nice try.

Actually, the wife in the San Bernadino shooting, as well as the Saudi terrorists actually DID have a paper trail on them that could be verified because they weren't refugees, they were coming from a country that wasn't destroyed by war.
I watched a documentary on it again last night. I do this every year to remind myself of the terrible tragedy that could have been deterred if we had stricter border control. The lives that were lost. The men and women who were innocents and first responders that lost their lives.

After the tragedy this country was so united. There was no talk of black or white, we all had a common enemy and common grief. The shock was almost too hard to bear. How the families did it is truly amazing.

I saw those jump from the highest floors and prayed that they were unconscious shortly after leaping.

We will never know if we have stopped another terror attack of this level with our Immigration laws, Homeland Security and CIA. Let's pray we never have to fear that kind evil again.

Neither stricter border security nor a wall would have stopped the 9/11 hijackers. Why? Because they came here LEGALLY on a visa, and it hadn't expired yet.
Well then lets just bend over and let them have at us! No borders, no laws, criminals and terrorists everywhere. Will you be happy then?

Not what I said at all. The 9/11 terrorists came here legally and on a visa that was still good when they did the attack. A wall wouldn't have stopped them.

However.................a much better solution would be better vetting of those we let in on visas. The Muslim shooters in San Bernadino had one who was born here, and the other was his wife, who came here on a marriage visa. If better vetting had been done for the people with visas, maybe we would have avoided some of this crap.
You can't vet someone with no paper trail, no records, no nothing. Nice try.

Actually, the wife in the San Bernadino shooting, as well as the Saudi terrorists actually DID have a paper trail on them that could be verified because they weren't refugees, they were coming from a country that wasn't destroyed by war.
What does that have to do with what I said? Nothing.
Neither stricter border security nor a wall would have stopped the 9/11 hijackers. Why? Because they came here LEGALLY on a visa, and it hadn't expired yet.
Well then lets just bend over and let them have at us! No borders, no laws, criminals and terrorists everywhere. Will you be happy then?

Not what I said at all. The 9/11 terrorists came here legally and on a visa that was still good when they did the attack. A wall wouldn't have stopped them.

However.................a much better solution would be better vetting of those we let in on visas. The Muslim shooters in San Bernadino had one who was born here, and the other was his wife, who came here on a marriage visa. If better vetting had been done for the people with visas, maybe we would have avoided some of this crap.
You can't vet someone with no paper trail, no records, no nothing. Nice try.

Actually, the wife in the San Bernadino shooting, as well as the Saudi terrorists actually DID have a paper trail on them that could be verified because they weren't refugees, they were coming from a country that wasn't destroyed by war.
What does that have to do with what I said? Nothing.

We were talking about the 9/11 hijackers, and I said that a wall wouldn't have stopped them, nor the San Bernadino shooter because they came here legally on a visa. You then responded that you can't vet someone with no paper trail, records, or nothing. I then told you that they were vetted because they came from countries that had not been destroyed by war, which means they have records on those people and a paper trail CAN be done on them.

You then responded with what did it have to do with what you said, and then responded with the word nothing.

But, if you are having trouble following the conversation, you can click on the expand button and see the whole conversation again for yourself.
That was the point of it. To make us attack Iraq and Afghanistan and begin the War on Terror full blast.
I don't believe that. We later discovered that Saudis were involved but never brought them into a war. I was all for obliterating Afghanistan at the time. Iraq should not have been a target at all.
Iraq was targeted for many reasons. Before Obama, we LIBERATED that country.
That was the point of it. To make us attack Iraq and Afghanistan and begin the War on Terror full blast.
I don't believe that. We later discovered that Saudis were involved but never brought them into a war. I was all for obliterating Afghanistan at the time. Iraq should not have been a target at all.
Iraq was targeted for many reasons. Before Obama, we LIBERATED that country.
Among them was the geographic surrounding of Iran and Syria.
Happy 9/11 America; G. W. Bush is sitting all nice & comfy in Preston Hollow, while the REST of the planet deals with his clusterfvck. Congrats G. W., you bitch.

That is ALL on BUSH & his hand picked, useless, azzholes.

All hail G. W.

Seventeen years ago we came together as one. Today would that still be allowed?
Where Did All the Unity Go?

who was in power then? G. W. Bush & the 'neocons.'

they wanted war; G W wanted to finish 'Daddy's' war.

when people have a (ballot) choice they always fvck it up.

I knew in 1998 that if Bush were to become POTUS that we (the US) would be in a war in Iraq.
The American voter never pays attention; fvck 'em.

That is ALL on BUSH & his hand picked, useless, azzholes.

All hail G. W.

Seventeen years ago we came together as one. Today would that still be allowed?
Where Did All the Unity Go?

who was in power then? G. W. Bush & the 'neocons.'

they wanted war; G W wanted to finish 'Daddy's' war.

when people have a (ballot) choice they always fvck it up.

I knew in 1998 that if Bush were to become POTUS that we (the US) would be in a war in Iraq.
The American voter never pays attention; fvck 'em.

try addressing whats posted......
That was the point of it. To make us attack Iraq and Afghanistan and begin the War on Terror full blast.
I don't believe that. We later discovered that Saudis were involved but never brought them into a war. I was all for obliterating Afghanistan at the time. Iraq should not have been a target at all.
Iraq was targeted for many reasons. Before Obama, we LIBERATED that country.
It was George W Bush and he didn't have an exit plan. Bad move to go into Iraq when we should have concentrated on Afghanistan.
Happy 9/11 America; G. W. Bush is sitting all nice & comfy in Preston Hollow, while the REST of the planet deals with his clusterfvck. Congrats G. W., you bitch.
Thank God we are not sitting with Obama's clusterfucks. Trump is busy dismanteling his horrid legacy. Too bad we can't get the money back from Iran.

that fatty azz bloated, obese dinosaur looks like an 8 year old doing a fist pump, getting ready for a self luv session

that has nuthing to do with being 'presidential'

that stupid fvck wit is completely VOID of CLASS
I'll grant you that Trump is not "presidential", but GW was and look what happened with him. I'll take the unpresidental president for thethings he has accpomplished for the citizens of this country. And there is more coming.

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