Reminder: The First Legal Slave Owner In America Was A Black Man

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And Pelosi honored the first African tribe that sold slaves to Europeans by wearing their scarf....too bad our schools have failed us....
The schools failed to give us scarfs?
We have black studies....maybe they should have covered the color and patterns of different tribes in Africa.....then Pelosi and her band of fools wouldn't have looked so pathetically ignorant.....
They hardly mentioned Africa when I was in school in the 1960's-1970's.
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.

This is stupid and untrue. Although rare, there were free black men in Europe who made their way to the colonies long before the African slave trade.

And arguing over semantics about whether a black man was the first slave owner in this country or the fifth is just retarded.
That is not true. It's ridiculous.
And Pelosi honored the first African tribe that sold slaves to Europeans by wearing their scarf....too bad our schools have failed us....
The schools failed to give us scarfs?
We have black studies....maybe they should have covered the color and patterns of different tribes in Africa.....then Pelosi and her band of fools wouldn't have looked so pathetically ignorant.....
They hardly mentioned Africa when I was in school in the 1960's-1970's.
I got kicked out of world studies class for threatening the teacher after the racist POS said we were skipping the continent of Africa.
And Pelosi honored the first African tribe that sold slaves to Europeans by wearing their scarf....too bad our schools have failed us....
The schools failed to give us scarfs?
We have black studies....maybe they should have covered the color and patterns of different tribes in Africa.....then Pelosi and her band of fools wouldn't have looked so pathetically ignorant.....
They hardly mentioned Africa when I was in school in the 1960's-1970's.
I got kicked out of world studies class for threatening the teacher after the racist POS said we were skipping the continent of Africa.
Now you see what happened? may as well have stopped at "for threatening the teacher" but then you try and justify it....that is what the rioters are doing....break the laws of the land and then bring up convoluted justifications.....that doesn't work my friend....
10 comments later and slavery still isn't OK......

Added to the list of things that are still not OK just because black people did it too, are:

Theft......well, those are OK as long as you claim you are "conquering" stuff........

This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

The Lost Cause strikes again

Whites were not responsible for was really blacks

Responsible? Neither whites nor blacks are "responsible" for slavery, because slavery has always been the action of the strong over the weak. Throughout human history, when one tribe or nation conquered another, the victor would enslave the vanquished. So, if you hold that the first humans were black Africans, then you should be consistent and say that blacks were responsible, but hey, don't let history get in the way of a good rant. I know you're focused entirely on American slavery because that's the narrative that must now be carried to completion. Elect Joe Biden and all of a sudden it goes away (well, not really, but the talking heads stop talking about it) until the next Republican gets elected.
No black man owned slaves. They were just talent scouts and distributors.
These are the decendants of professional athletes. Imagine Shaqs family and Mike Tysons gr gr gr gr grandpappu. Bad mofos. Probably cost a bundle back then. Maybe $15
The first European slave owners in the Americas were the Spanish. Almost a hundred years before the English. Slavery had been part of the Human condition forever. It was the abolitionists that were the aberration at the time.
10 comments later and slavery still isn't OK......

Added to the list of things that are still not OK just because black people did it too, are:

Theft......well, those are OK as long as you claim you are "conquering" stuff........


How come God didn't write it in stone. I mean is 11 commandments too many? Did he run out of fire from his magic pen? Not enough room on the tablet. Was it on the Tablet Mosses Dropped?
The first European slave owners in the Americas were the Spanish. Almost a hundred years before the English. Slavery had been part of the Human condition forever. It was the abolitionists that were the aberration at the time.
Still are in S. America. The Owners pay a MASTER carpenter $3 an hour.
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