Removal of "White" Jesus Statues?


Active Member
May 7, 2020

No... Let's examine the ethnicity of Jesus.

Some say he had dark blond hair and gray eyes. He probably had Ethiopian in his bloodline, as Nubia was a part of Egypt and Moses married a Nubian woman. He was definitely Greek/Macedonian. Keltic (Circe). Philistine (Aeneas). Jesus was a Latin Hebrew, more Latin than Hebrew. If he had dark blond hair and gray eyes, then he would probably be considered "white" or European looking.
Jesus, if he existed, was an Arab.
Grow up, dipshit
Um... who's his father? What's that? Caesarion Tiberius? Who's his mother? Who? Cleopatra Selene (Mary) the Vestal Virgin daughter of Marc Antony? How would he be King of Kings? As Caesar and Shah from Alexander and the Soters? Think, that's what your brain is used for.

No... Let's examine the ethnicity of Jesus.
View attachment 355615

Some say he had dark blond hair and gray eyes. He probably had Ethiopian in his bloodline, as Nubia was a part of Egypt and Moses married a Nubian woman. He was definitely Greek/Macedonian. Keltic (Circe). Philistine (Aeneas). Jesus was a Latin Hebrew, more Latin than Hebrew. If he had dark blond hair and gray eyes, then he would probably be considered "white" or European looking.

I remember Madonna had a Black Jesus in her video "Like a Prayer". If it will save a few souls, put up a few such statues and let's get Faith back in peoples lives. No skin off of my back, I read the Good Book and try to be as sane and loving as I can, whatever image Jesus takes, is of no consequence to me. The people attacking these statues are probably the most likely to embrace a Communist anyways, they represent little value to humanities progression forward.

Hunting down Jesus statues is for clowns and busy bodies, go climb Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty if you want to prove you're a tough guy. Low performers always aim low!

No... Let's examine the ethnicity of Jesus.
View attachment 355615

Some say he had dark blond hair and gray eyes. He probably had Ethiopian in his bloodline, as Nubia was a part of Egypt and Moses married a Nubian woman. He was definitely Greek/Macedonian. Keltic (Circe). Philistine (Aeneas). Jesus was a Latin Hebrew, more Latin than Hebrew. If he had dark blond hair and gray eyes, then he would probably be considered "white" or European looking.

I remember Madonna had a Black Jesus in her video "Like a Prayer". If it will save a few souls, put up a few such statues and let's get Faith back in peoples lives. The people attacking these statues are probably the most likely to embrace a Communist anyways, they represent little value to humanities progression forward.

Hunting down Jesus statues is for clowns and busy bodies, go climb Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty if you want to prove you're a tough guy. Low performers always aim low!
Ethiopians don't think Jesus was black, and they were faithful members of his 1st church after he rose from the grave.
This is in Ethiopian history. They guard what they think is the Ark of the Covenant to this day.
I don't recommend BLM go around there, they will kill you. Half of Ehtiopia will be on them.
I suppose the Black Jesus will have a big buldge popping out of the loin cloth around his waist when crucified.
Yo check this... this is what they might actually be saying that Jesus, that assumption is incorrect by the way, considering Jesus made wine part of Christian ritual, but that he was (translate this word) مظلم
I suppose the Black Jesus will have a big buldge popping out of the loin cloth around his waist when crucified.
Yo check this... this is what they might actually be saying that Jesus, that assumption is incorrect by the way, considering Jesus made wine part of Christian ritual, but that he was (translate this word) مظلم
You know that was humor right? I don't read Arabic or whatever that is. I know. I'm racist because I cannot read Arabic right?
I suppose the Black Jesus will have a big buldge popping out of the loin cloth around his waist when crucified.
Yo check this... this is what they might actually be saying that Jesus, that assumption is incorrect by the way, considering Jesus made wine part of Christian ritual, but that he was (translate this word) مظلم
You know that was humor right? I don't read Arabic or whatever that is. I know. I'm racist because I cannot read Arabic right?
Nope. But translating that word will let you know something very important. Yes, I get humor.
I suppose the Black Jesus will have a big buldge popping out of the loin cloth around his waist when crucified.
Yo check this... this is what they might actually be saying that Jesus, that assumption is incorrect by the way, considering Jesus made wine part of Christian ritual, but that he was (translate this word) مظلم
I don't speak camel jockey. Next!
Destroy the white Jesus churches. Take all police shows off the air.

They will take your history, your religion and your entertainment. Why is the majority letting this happen?
Destroy the white Jesus churches. Take all police shows off the air.

They will take your history, your religion and your entertainment. Why is the majority letting this happen?
We're not, but what about all those taxes we've paid? What about those oaths of office?
Destroy the white Jesus churches. Take all police shows off the air.

They will take your history, your religion and your entertainment. Why is the majority letting this happen?
We're not, but what about all those taxes we've paid? What about those oaths of office?
No democrat should retain their office. This is all the doing of these democrats who are really just communists.
Destroy the white Jesus churches. Take all police shows off the air.

They will take your history, your religion and your entertainment. Why is the majority letting this happen?
We're not, but what about all those taxes we've paid? What about those oaths of office?
No democrat should retain their office. This is all the doing of these democrats who are really just communists.
I'd be more inclined to vote against Democrats if Republicans were more like Canadian Conservatives aka Log Cabin Republicans. But since, I don't like either party right now, Democrats being too soft on illegal immigration and their gun control stance, electing Biden as their party president; and Republicans being anti Gay; I am probably just going to vote for Myself as president again. I'm registered as a Federalist in terms of party.

Here, I'll translate what مظلم means. The pronunciation is muslim, and muslim means dark, black, gloomy, obscurity. Quite the opposite of Christianity. John 8:12 - Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father (Osiris), but by me.
Will I have to take the white plastic Jesus off of the dashboard of my car? Say it ain’t so.
Jews had periods of proselytizing throughout their history, until the Babylonian Exiles returned and set up a 'racial purity' cult that gradually self-isolated itself from other Jews and peoples and finally ended up stagnating and self-absorbed, with the Jewish Christians moving on and creating the greatest social revolution in world history. Abram likely came from Turkey, not Mesopotamia, and could have been any number of ethnic mixes, including Indo-European, Aryan, or Celtic or all of the above.

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