Rep. DeLauro: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Here we go again. The power hungry control freaks can't let people make their own decisions. They have to use the government to control people's behavior. It's really astonishing people voluntarily vote for people like this, but I guess it's a small price to pay when you're promised other people's money.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams - of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener.

The measure (HB 5279), introduced Wednesday says, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars. Yet, the American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume no more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day."

Rep. DeLauro: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar | CNS News
Here we go again. The power hungry control freaks can't let people make their own decisions. They have to use the government to control people's behavior. It's really astonishing people voluntarily vote for people like this, but I guess it's a small price to pay when you're promised other people's money.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams - of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener.

The measure (HB 5279), introduced Wednesday says, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars. Yet, the American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume no more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day."

Rep. DeLauro: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar | CNS News

More money-grubbing control freaks. It's sickening. I guess we can learn how to extract sugars from fruits, honey, and other natural means. These asses just sit around dreaming up new ways to screw with taxpaying Americans.
hope no one gets mad at me but I see these sugar taxes as Justice . Course I wouldn't support sugar tax implementation if my opinion mattered but it doesn't . Hey , everyone was saying , go after tobacco with big and bigger taxes and get those tobacco users , smokers , chewers , dirty spitters . So , if sugar taxes go up for people that use sugar then i see that as big JUSTICE . Awww , what goes around comes around !! Next , they'll go after those pretend electronic cigarettes because they mimic smoking , deliver nicotine and influence children . Hey , its never ending .
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She looks like a fucking bag lady.

The worst legislation is the stuff they push to "help others". You know they'll wangle exemptions etc for themselves and their fat cats.
The communist shit bag needs to be an extra on the Walking Dead. They won't need makeup.

Another rich, liberal whore pretending to be a Jewish Mayor.
Simple enough, determine the true cost of sugar based on its detrimental effects, and adjust the wholesale price to match.

Tax per teaspoon equivalent to make it easily understood, almost tangible while educating how many teaspoons of sugar are in that large movie-house beverage. Dare ye venture a guess?
tax those sugar users , make'um pay , its fair and its justice . I'll be sending Rosa a few more bucks to get her worthy cause restarted !!
yeah DBlack , tax those skateboards , expresso , energy drinks , piercings and tattoos , std medications , birth control , starbucks , bicycles , yada , yada and yada , yada !! Go get them millenials Rosa , make'em pay !!
We tried to tell all you.... when they came for taxing the shit out of cigarettes and many of you cheered.... they would be coming for something else you use in your lives.

NOW THEY HAVE so live with it I guess. Don't think they're going to stop here.

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