Rep. DougCollins releases UNREDACTED transcript of Bruce Ohr testimony to his website:

Q Would you characterize this information Mr. Steele was sharing with you as something similar to a tip or was it a fully formed report?

A These were leads.

Q Leads?

A Yeah.

Q Okay. And did the information, as far as you could understand it from what he described to you, was it more counterintelligence related or more criminal?

A That's part of the problem, is it's both.

Q Okay. And, again, to reiterate, you are not a counterintelligence official?

A Correct.

Q So counterintelligence information, even if it's mixed up in a criminal matter, would be outside the scope of your official duties?

A Correct.

Q So given that you're not a counterintelligence official and you don't act in that capacity in an official sense, it made -- do you believe it made sense to report that information through your normal chain of command or the FBI?

A I believed it was proper to report it to the FBI.

Q Is it -- and I think you've said this now a couple of times -- but is it fair to say that any communication you had with Mr. Steele that involved substantive counterintelligence matters you immediately shared with the FBI?

A I shared -- when I received information from Chris Steele in the end of July, I reported it to the FBI, I don't know exactly how often, how quickly, but within a couple weeks, I think. When I received more information in September, again, I think I reported it to the FBI, I don't remember if it was immediately but within a couple weeks. Once I had a regular contact at the FBI, I think I reported those either the same or the next day after that.
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
Actually, dipshit, Ohr does the opposite. You really are a dumbass fucking hack.

Q So just to make sure, you're not aware of any policy or protocol at the Department that you were violating when having these -- at the time when you had these conversations with the FBI?

A That's correct.

Q All right. So it was brought up in the previous hour, and you testified to this, to some extent to this fact, how you provided information to the FBI but not necessarily to certain Department of Justice officials. And I want to clarify the difference between your supervisors who were in the political track versus the career track. Are you aware of -- so to be clear, when you said you did not report it to your supervisors, did you mean the politicals, as in Deputy Attorney General Yates, or did you mean within the career track?

A Deputy Attorney General Yates.

Q So that would be on the political track?

A Yes. I believe, just to be clear, I think at that point as a component head my superiors were all on the political side, so yes.

Q Gotcha. Are you aware of any Department of Justice rule that requires its employees to inform DOJ political leadership when you provide information to law enforcement that's outside the scope of your duties, official duties?

A I'm not aware of any such policy.

Q So arguably this would include any leads or tips that apply to counterintelligence or criminal matters?

A I'm not aware of any policy along those lines.

Q Are you aware of any Department of Justice policy that would have required you to inform anyone at the Department, political or career, about your interviews with the FBI?

A No, not that I'm aware of, no.

Q Are you aware -- actually, I may have asked this already -- but are you aware of any Department of Justice rules that require you to inform anyone at the Department, political or career, of your communications with Mr. Steele?

A No.

Q So, again, so it's fair to say that you were not aware that were you violating any Department of Justice policy --

A Correct.

Q -- at the time? You stated that Deputy Attorney General Yates was not aware of your communications with Mr. Steele or your interviews. Was any other Obama DOJ political appointee aware of your communications with Mr. Steele?

A I am not aware of any political official knowing of my communications.

Q Or your interviews with the FBI?

A Right.
Q Can you explain why you made the decision to inform certain career Department employees but not any political Department employees?

A I wanted the information to be given to the career employees who would be able to evaluate the information and do any necessary followup, because it was still source leads information.

Q But aren't there certain Department political employees who also have substantive portfolios in that area? In the same vein, wouldn't you think they would be interested to know that information, too?

A They might have been interested. I really can't speculate.

Q But you -- I mean, it appears to me, I don't know if it's a coincidence, but you drew a line at career employees versus political, or is that a mischaracterization?

A Right. But I think more -- what I was trying to do was get it to the officials who were working on this kind of information.

Q Uh-huh.

A So I didn't just call any career person, I called people who understood and dealt with these kinds of Russian matters, Russian organized crime matters.

Q But, again, like the most senior career employee that was informed, at some level above them was a political appointee. Did you have any specific thoughts as to why it was important to inform the career level but not that one political level above it?

A Beyond saying I wanted to keep it in career channels and not make it political or not have it treated in a political way, that's all I can say.
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
John Dean jr....Put him in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee on live teevee.
I'm about 2/3 the way through this and Ohr is saving his own ass from life in prison.. Dems keep trying to give him outs to not say anything but he keeps right on telling it. He even implicates Schiff but stops short of others on the committee. I want to see the other transcripts... The road map he built starts at Obama and hits every agency of the federal government... This is unreal... Orwell could not have imagined this..
You are flat out lying, fuckwit.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
A Chris Steele provided information that did help specific cases, yes.

Q And did you sometimes also consult with him on your official matters, or was it more just receiving information?

A I think it was more receiving information.

Q And this information that you received from Mr. Steele proved credible and actionable in some of your cases?

A At least in some of the cases, I think it was actionable, yes.

Q Okay.


A I think -- my impression is that Chris Steele believed his sources. What I should say in addition, though, is that whenever you are dealing with information from Russia, you have to be careful, because it is a very complicated place. And so even information from a good source has to be looked at carefully.

Q Okay.

Mr. Meadows. So why would you have informed Bruce Swartz and

not Sally Yates?

Mr. Ohr. My -- at the time my lead was this is source

information, lead information. It's nothing that they can do

anything with. It should be passed to the FBI for them to use it

or not as they feel appropriate.
Mr. Gowdy. And what precisely, as best you can recall, was the nature of this collaboration/conspiracy/coordination?

Mr. Ohr. That there were communications back and forth between the Russian Government and the Trump campaign.

Mr. Gowdy. Is there anything inherently criminal about that?

Mr. Ohr. If the Russian Government was attempting to influence the Trump campaign in some way, I would think that would be a national security threat.

Mr. Gowdy. What would that some way be?

Mr. Ohr. Espousing certain positions, or if they had some kind of control or influence over members of the campaign that could affect U.S. policy in a way that would be favorable to Russia or Russian interests.

This page of the playbook is really getting old. It's so stupid, it's depressing to continually hear it over and over again.

Is there anything illegal about owning a gun?


Is there anything illegal about holding a gun?


Is there anything illegal about touching the trigger of a gun?


Is there anything illegal about squeezing the trigger of a gun?


Is there anything illegal about an object traveling through the air?


Then there was nothing illegal about shooting that man in the head and killing him, and there is no basis for an investigation!
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
Obama planned it and he did so along with Clinton and his entire staff and her staff and did all the planning and communications through Clinton’s Illegal and secret server.
Essentially they tried to completely hide the fact that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were driving all of this stuff. That’s why the money from Obama and Clinton for the Dossier was laundered through The Posesta Group to COIE Lawfi to Fusion GPS to Skirpal & Steele the. To Russian Agents.

That is why that’s why they used Nellie Ohr to Bruce Ohr at the DOJ to his contacts in The FBI. It’s why Steel did an information dump to Yahoo and Buzzfeed.

No one from Fusion GPS directly talked to The FBI or DOJ. They used intermediaries, and every intermediary is tied directly to Obama and Clinton. It’s also why the illegal leaks and unmasking was done and why Obama arranged a phone call front Russia with General Flynn. Why Obama arranged a meeting with Sessions, and why Fusion GPS at the direction of probably Obama who made a special Consideration for Natalia V to come in to this country had sent her to Trump Tower

Also the same reason a false beacon ping was planted between Russia Alpha Bank and Trump Tower.

One series of set ups after another to take the people around President Trumpniut one by one.

Even Papadoupolis was set up by a Hillary Clinton Cronie who offered dirt on Clinton in her another set up.
I think Obama and Clinton should be co-indicted for this.
on what grounds?

No big deal...just some boring testimony that the FBI paid Christopher Steele for information at the same time Steele was being paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and at the same time he was being paid to work for Putin-connected Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Oh, also while his wife was working for the firm being paid by the DNC.
268 Pages of Evasion and how Clinton and Obama laundered Russian Propaganda through The FBI and DOJ

Here are just 6 early in the interview.

Mr. Gowdy. Well, you also strike me as being smart enough
not to make yourself a fact witness if you didn't have to. So why
take the information? Chris Steele already had a relationship
with the Bureau. Why not just connect Glenn Simpson with the
Bureau? Why put yourself in the middle of that?
Mr. Ohr. My recollection is that I tried to get Glenn
Simpson to speak with the Bureau, but I don't recall the exact
conversation. So he was willing to meet with me and give me some
information. So I took the information and passed it to the FBI.
Mr. Gowdy. Who at the FBI did you pass it on to?
Mr. Ohr. Well, at that point I had -- I believe I met with
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and some people from the
Department's -- Justice Department's Criminal Division, and I gave
them the information that I had received.
Mr. Gowdy. Was either Peter Strzok or Lisa Page, were they
working on a Russian oligarch fraud investigation in addition to
the Trump campaign, or was it just the Trump campaign
investigation that you remember them working on at the time?
Mr. Ohr. I think my recollection is that they were looking
at different parts, not just one part. I don't remember the exact
details, but --
Mr. Gowdy. Can you see how it might be troubling? You just
called the names of two people, neither of whom I think are with
the Bureau, one who was mentioned unfavorably in an IG report,
both of whom had, at least from my standpoint, an unprecedented
amount of animus or bias towards one of the candidates, and you
are getting information from someone hired by the DNC and
funneling it to the lead agent on the Russia investigation. Can
you possibly see how that might be troubling to people?
Mr. Ohr. Yes.
Mr. Gowdy. All right. And what would your response to that
troublement be?
Mr. Ohr. At the time, they were the people who could use,
you know, or look at the information. They were the ones that I
was told to pass it to. They also told me that they would arrange
for me to be in contact with a line agent, a regular agent, and
that in the future, my contacts would be with that agent rather
than with higher officials at the FBI.
Mr. Gowdy. Who was handling Chris Steele, who at the Bureau?
Mr. Ohr. I don't know who was officially his handler. I
know one of the people he was talking with who may have been his
handler was Special Agent Mike Gaeta.
Mr. Gowdy. So why not tell Steele and Simpson to go talk to
the Bureau directly?
Mr. Ohr. I believe Steele was talking to the Bureau
directly. My recollection is that at least initially -- well, no.
Let me cancel that.
I -- I don't think -- I think Glenn Simpson was willing to
talk with me. I'm not sure that -- my recollection is I'm not

sure he was willing to talk with the FBI, although that was
where obviously it would be better to --
Mr. Gowdy. Why not? Why talk to a prosecutor who does not
investigate crime? Were you assigned to the Russia investigation?
Mr. Ohr. I was not.
Mr. Gowdy. Did you have any connection with the Russia
investigation at all?
Mr. Ohr. Aside from passing this information, no.
Mr. Gowdy. So why would Glenn Simpson go through you and not
go directly to the Bureau?
Mr. Ohr. I don't know what was in his head. I know he was
willing to talk --
Mr. Gowdy. I'm sure you asked him.
Mr. Ohr. I think I tried to get him to talk with the FBI,
but I don't recall the exact conversation.
Mr. Gowdy. Well, Mr. Ohr, a couple of people around the
table have worked for the Department at various points. You
really try hard, as an attorney, not to involve yourself in chains
or facts that could warrant you being pretty much exactly where
you are today, which is a fact witness. Surely this is not the
first time you thought about that?
Mr. Ohr. That's right.
Mr. Gowdy. So why allow yourself to be a conduit?
Mr. Ohr. I thought the -- I wanted to get the information,
whatever information they had. I wanted to get it to the FBI, and

I wanted to try to create the situation for people like Glenn
Simpson to talk to the FBI.
Mr. Gowdy. Do you believe, as I do, that the FBI is the
world's premier law enforcement agency?
Mr. Ohr. If I say yes, I might make people at the DEA very
unhappy, but yes, I am very -- I have a great admiration for the
Mr. Gowdy. I don't think it's going to make them unhappy.
They don't have as much jurisdiction as the Bureau has. The
Bureau has broad jurisdiction. I mean, DEA can't look at Title 18
cases, can they?
Mr. Ohr. That's right, except for money laundering, I
believe, yes.
Mr. Gowdy. All right. So you've got what, with your caveat
noted, you don't want to offend anyone else, you got the world's
premier law enforcement agency investigating a fact pattern.
Chris Steele already has a handler, already is in contact with the
FBI; and you allow the person hired by the DNC to dig up dirt on a
Presidential candidate to talk to you directly and use you as a
conduit. We're just trying to figure out why you let that happen?
Mr. Ohr. I took the information. I thought the information
might be important, and I wanted to get it to the FBI. It seemed
the only way to do it.
Mr. Gowdy. What information would Glenn Simpson have that
the Bureau couldn't get or already have?

Mr. Ohr. I don't know exactly what the FBI had access to,
and I know Glenn Simpson was also gathering information. So more
information is better. The FBI is in a position to decide whether
the information is useful or credible. My job, as I saw it, was
just to get the information over there and let them figure it out.
Mr. Gowdy. So when Glenn Simpson gave you information, what
information did he give you?
Mr. Ohr. I don't recall the exact facts he gave me in
August. I believe I made some notes at the time, and I believe it
had to do with possible intermediaries between the Russian
Government and the Trump campaign.
Mr. Gowdy. Such as?
Mr. Ohr. I don't recall the exact names.
Mr. Gowdy. That's a serious allegation, Mr. Ohr.
Mr. Ohr. Yes.
Mr. Gowdy. To allege that a hostile foreign government is in
cahoots with members of a campaign is a pretty serious allegation.
Mr. Ohr. Yes.
Mr. Gowdy. And you don't remember who it was?
Mr. Ohr. There were many names mentioned over a period of
Mr. Gowdy. Tell me the ones you remember.
Mr. Ohr. I don't know if it came up in the conversation with
Glenn Simpson, but certainly one of them was Sergei Millian.
Mr. Gowdy. How about on the Trump campaign side?

Mr. Ohr. Again, I don't recall if this was a name that Glenn
Simpson mentioned, but I remember the name Michael Cohen coming
Mr. Gowdy. Cohen? Okay. Who else?
Mr. Ohr. I remember -- and, again, I don't think -- I don't
remember if -- I think this name came from Chris Steele
originally, was Carter Page. And the name Paul Manafort was also
mentioned, and I think that came from Chris Steele originally.
Mr. Gowdy. And what precisely, as best you can recall, was
the nature of this collaboration/conspiracy/coordination?
Mr. Ohr. That there were communications back and forth
between the Russian Government and the Trump campaign.
Mr. Gowdy. Is there anything inherently criminal about that?
Mr. Ohr. If the Russian Government was attempting to
influence the Trump campaign in some way, I would think that would
be a national security threat.
Mr. Gowdy. What would that some way be?
Mr. Ohr. Espousing certain positions, or if they had some
kind of control or influence over members of the campaign that
could affect U.S. policy in a way that would be favorable to
Russia or Russian interests.
Mr. Gowdy. And what did Mr. Simpson relay to you about that?
What control or dominion or --
Mr. Ohr. I think Mr. Simpson was -- what Glenn Simpson was
giving me was more the means by which this communication was

being -- what he thought how the communication was happening. I
don't think he was talking as much about what exactly they
were -- you know, what policies or whatever they were talking
Mr. Gowdy. You've been a prosecutor for how long?
Mr. Ohr. I began as a prosecutor in 1991.
Mr. Gowdy. So from 2018 to 1991, you have essentially asked
questions for a living?
Mr. Ohr. Uh-huh. Yes.
Mr. Gowdy. What questions did you ask Glenn Simpson about
the origin of his information? And I'm still -- maybe it's just
me. I'm still struggling to figure out -- now, if it was a
conspiracy to access the DNC server, I'm interested. If it's a
conspiracy to access John Podesta's email, I'm interested. I'm
actually interested if it's a conspiracy to disseminate what was
taken even if they didn't take it.
But I doubt he met with a high-ranking DOJ official to say,
someone in the Russian Government knows someone in the Trump
Around page 200 or just before(not scrolling back) it shows Nellie Ohr was also working for the DOJ. So, yes, she was with fusion gps and the DOJ.
The whole thing is so messed up, so devious, wicked and convoluted. Evil!

People should be tried for treason, but in my opinion, these pieces of crap are going to get away with it.

Even with mountains of evidence that keeps coming out, they are going to get away with it.

They should face a firing squad, but they’ll be going on book tours and interviews.

Around page 200 or just before(not scrolling back) it shows Nellie Ohr was also working for the DOJ. So, yes, she was with fusion gps and the DOJ.
Around page 200 or just before(not scrolling back) it shows Nellie Ohr was also working for the DOJ. So, yes, she was with fusion gps and the DOJ.
Steele was triple dipping, getting paid by The FBI, Clinton & Fusion GPS for laundering the same information through and for all three.
Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Testimony
Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson

Department of Justice senior official Bruce Ohr’s testimony contradicts testimony given by other senior government officials and key witnesses who testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign and alleged collusion with the Russian government, according to the full transcripts released Friday.

Ohr’s 268-page testimony, released by Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, reveals inconsistency and contradiction in testimony given by Glenn Simpson, founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is set to leave his post sometime this month.

Read more..
Bruce Ohr's Testimony Contradicts Testimony Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson - Sara A. Carter
You know, what I find interesting is the research we can see Nellie did in the Ohr transcript was all from media sources, or sites we have been to,d are all conspiracy sites, such as the intercept, etc. So, they rely on media reports for their ‘fact finding’? In texts and emails from fbi, doj, etc., they also seem to rely on these type articles as ‘facts’. Seems truly, truly bizarre. And it was obvious many reporters were helping in a circular fashion in their endeavors. Truly scary, to think these are their sources to apply for fisa’s on Americans.

It is also bizarre they were working to get visa’s for certain Russians to be able to get into the US at times, and suddenly meetings were set up with people on the Trump campaign, as well as being seen with Dems when they got here. Fortunately, none of those meetings produced anything, but they sure allowed the media to speculate, accuse for things that were not there without ever mentioning the Dems involvement. If anything, you put these all together, and we still haven’t seen everything, far from it, it appears this was all a setup which I personally stated, in my opinion, was happening from the beginning.

And, man! Wish I were making $44 grand for a few months of internet research, as Nellie was, just from fusion gps. No telling what the doj paid her.
Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Testimony
Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson

Department of Justice senior official Bruce Ohr’s testimony contradicts testimony given by other senior government officials and key witnesses who testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign and alleged collusion with the Russian government, according to the full transcripts released Friday.

Ohr’s 268-page testimony, released by Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, reveals inconsistency and contradiction in testimony given by Glenn Simpson, founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is set to leave his post sometime this month.

Read more..
Bruce Ohr's Testimony Contradicts Testimony Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson - Sara A. Carter
Last edited:
You know, what I find interesting is the research we can see Nellie did in the Ohr transcript was all from media sources, or sites we have been to,d are all conspiracy sites, such as the intercept, etc. So, they rely on media reports for their ‘fact finding’? In texts and emails from fbi, doj, etc., they also seem to rely on these type articles as ‘facts’. Seems truly, truly bizarre. And it was obvious many reporters were helping in a circular fashion in their endeavors. Truly scary, to think these are their sources to apply for fisa’s on Americans.

It is also bizarre they were working to get visa’s for certain Russians to be able to get into the US at times, and suddenly meetings were set up with people on the Trump campaign, as well as being seen with Dems when they got here. Fortunately, none of those meetings produced anything, but they sure allowed the media to speculate, accuse for things that were not there without ever mentioning the Dems involvement. If anything, you put these all together, and we still haven’t seen everything, far from it, it appears this was all a setup which I personally stated, in my opinion, was happening from the beginning.

And, man! Wish I were making $44 grand for a few months of internet research, as Nellie was, just from fusion gps. No telling what the doj paid her.
Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Testimony
Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson

Department of Justice senior official Bruce Ohr’s testimony contradicts testimony given by other senior government officials and key witnesses who testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign and alleged collusion with the Russian government, according to the full transcripts released Friday.

Ohr’s 268-page testimony, released by Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, reveals inconsistency and contradiction in testimony given by Glenn Simpson, founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is set to leave his post sometime this month.

Read more..
Bruce Ohr's Testimony Contradicts Testimony Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson - Sara A. Carter

So Nellie Ohr's Propaganda from Conspiracy Sites & Russian Spies is Legit, but Twitter, and Facebook shuts down Infowars from trying to tell some truths, no one on The Left wants to hear?

That's some kinda special right there. The fact they tried to hide this garbage, where it came from, how it was completely unreliable, how it was never collaborated, and somehow turned that in to an Unlawful and Unconstitutional Secret Court to get a Secret Warrant to spy on a Rival Political Presidential Campaign, His Family and Volunteers and other staff members is MINDBLOWING.

The Fact we haven't seen people facing Firing Squads on Live TV over this IS EQUALLY MIND BLOWING.

Not that we should televise it, but they should get the gas chamber or something for this assault on our Democracy, and for their Collusion with Russia when they did it.

I believe, but I may be wrong that this was the last time we actually executed such people.

Why is it, the last time we have executed a Russian spy, someone like Christopher Steele was clear back in 1953, when we have people like Obama and The Clinton Campaign, and People like Adam Schiff, colluding with Russia, and committing the same offenses we used to execute people for back in the 1950s?

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Wikipedia

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