Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'

He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment.

^^^^^ Nails it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ellison planned on going off on Hannity.

Partisan media blabbers = Division Pimps, part of the problem


Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.
Hannity isn't a journalist.

He's an editorialist.

He doesn't gather news..he comments on the news.

Come on kids, this is basic stuff.

To the left, no one on the right is a "Commentator", they are all supposed to be held to the standard of Journalists. Meanwhile, any Lefty is not held to any standards.
He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment.

^^^^^ Nails it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ellison planned on going off on Hannity.

Partisan media blabbers = Division Pimps, part of the problem


Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.

The point is Mattews is just as biased a commentator as Hannity is.

Anyone appearing on the FOX or MSDNC shows should know going in what they're getting in to.
He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment.

^^^^^ Nails it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ellison planned on going off on Hannity.

Partisan media blabbers = Division Pimps, part of the problem


Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.

Matthews knows ten times more, a hundred times more, than Hannity on politics, political history, political process, etc. Well, okay, maybe a thousand times more. And he doesn't indulge in simplistic platitudes and tedious jingoism anywhere near the amount that Hannity does. And he can be pretty funny.

But he's still a hardcore partisan blabber, and part of the problem. I noticed that he moved hard left about the time MSNBC made its commitment to be the anti-Fox. My guess is that that's where he was the whole time, given his political background.

^^^^^ Nails it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ellison planned on going off on Hannity.

Partisan media blabbers = Division Pimps, part of the problem


Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.

Matthews knows ten times more, a hundred times more, than Hannity on politics, political history, political process, etc. Well, okay, maybe a thousand times more. And he doesn't indulge in simplistic platitudes and tedious jingoism anywhere near the amount that Hannity does. And he can be pretty funny.

But he's still a hardcore partisan blabber, and part of the problem. I noticed that he moved hard left about the time MSNBC made its commitment to be the anti-Fox. My guess is that that's where he was the whole time, given his political background.


I used to think Mattews was pretty moderate, and reasonable most of the time. Today he's just another shrill partisan mouthpiece with a thrill running up his leg everytime Obama speaks.
Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.

Matthews knows ten times more, a hundred times more, than Hannity on politics, political history, political process, etc. Well, okay, maybe a thousand times more. And he doesn't indulge in simplistic platitudes and tedious jingoism anywhere near the amount that Hannity does. And he can be pretty funny.

But he's still a hardcore partisan blabber, and part of the problem. I noticed that he moved hard left about the time MSNBC made its commitment to be the anti-Fox. My guess is that that's where he was the whole time, given his political background.


I used to think Mattews was pretty moderate, and reasonable most of the time. Today he's just another shrill partisan mouthpiece with a thrill running up his leg everytime Obama speaks.

You liked Matthews when he liked Bush's package, but hate him now that he gets a thrill up his leg? Yeah, you like them "moderate". :lol:
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

Hasn't Hannity admitted before that he is NOT a journalist, he's a commentator?
Screw that muslim poc, who under the name "Keith E. Hakim", wrote many newspaper columns supporting Farrakhan's and the Nation of Islam's anti-semitic agenda. Has taken money from the anti-American, anti-Christian CAIR, lied about and was caught and reprimanded for campaign contribution violations. His opinion on anyone's integrity is tainted by the fact that he has none himself.

Yeah...we need a real Cardinal Mahoney.
Hannity is a paid employee of Fox. He has a respoinsibility to his audience...his ratings....nothing more.
Ellison is an elected lawmaker. He has a responsibility to his constituants and our country overall.

Hannity acted in a way that his audience likely applauded. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant. You have the right to turn him off if you prefer.

We are all subject to Ellison. He has a responsibility to act maturely and professionally. He has a repsonsibility to represent his elected position with integrity.

He did not.

And anyone on the left who supports his actions are not concerned about their country. They simply want to "win".
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

Hasn't Hannity admitted before that he is NOT a journalist, he's a commentator?


I dont get it.

He IS a commentator. He takes news items and offers his opinion. He is not one seeking the news. He is one interpreting the news the way he believes will be entertaining for his audience.

I choose not to watch him.
I think Ellison should be impeached! How dare he even suggest that Hannity is a journalist. :lol:

The division pimps all do essentially the same thing, albeit in very different ways: They take any given news story, interpret it from their hardcore winger political perspective, then provide their opinion. They minimize/avoid/ignore all information within that story that is contrary to their opinion, and maximize all information that supports their opinion. Then they present what remains as "the truth".

In doing so, they're being intellectually dishonest.

Their agenda is ratings. You keep your ratings up by keeping people MAD. The division pimps are nothing more than the political equivalent of professional wrestling stars, and somehow their fans don't see it, just as in professional wrestling. They really do think that they're getting "the truth" from these people. Wake the fuck up.

Part of the problem, and we have enough problems.


The division pimps all do essentially the same thing, albeit in very different ways: They take any given news story, interpret it from their hardcore winger political perspective, then provide their opinion. They minimize/avoid/ignore all information within that story that is contrary to their opinion, and maximize all information that supports their opinion. Then they present what remains as "the truth".

In doing so, they're being intellectually dishonest.

Their agenda is ratings. You keep your ratings up by keeping people MAD. The division pimps are nothing more than the political equivalent of professional wrestling stars, and somehow their fans don't see it, just as in professional wrestling. They really do think that they're getting "the truth" from these people. Wake the fuck up.

Part of the problem, and we have enough problems.


I agree.

Sadly, however, our elected officials are engaging in the same type of childish spin.

Our elected officials know dam well what the intentions are of the opposing party....but any chance they can spin it to create anger, they do so.

And yet...we continue to vote them into office.
I think Ellison should be impeached! How dare he even suggest that Hannity is a journalist. :lol:

No. He did nothing wrong in regard to him criticizing Hannity as a journalist.

However, his approach was childish and by no means worthy of a lawmaker.

Sadly, we have come to expect no better of our elected officials.
Hannity is a paid employee of Fox. He has a respoinsibility to his audience...his ratings....nothing more.
Ellison is an elected lawmaker. He has a responsibility to his constituants and our country overall.

Hannity acted in a way that his audience likely applauded. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant. You have the right to turn him off if you prefer.

We are all subject to Ellison. He has a responsibility to act maturely and professionally. He has a repsonsibility to represent his elected position with integrity.

He did not.

And anyone on the left who supports his actions are not concerned about their country. They simply want to "win".

You never saw Bob Dornan in action, did you?
I think Ellison should be impeached! How dare he even suggest that Hannity is a journalist. :lol:

No. He did nothing wrong in regard to him criticizing Hannity as a journalist.

However, his approach was childish and by no means worthy of a lawmaker.

Sadly, we have come to expect no better of our elected officials.

You are absolutely right. We should be expecting our elected officials to yell "you lie" to the President during his SOFU...
I've never heard of a journalist storming out of his own interview. Hillarious!

You didn't 'hear' it ^^^ either.​
Fess up, you didn't read or watch the video.

his behavior was "deplorable"? :eusa_hand:

it isn't as if respectable citizens watch that show anyway. It's a step below the Jerry Springer show. If people are foolish enough to tune in, they can expect a circus. Who cares?

If you didn't care, why comment and it isn't anyone's fault, that you didn't watch the video or read the script. Thanks for adding nothing.
Hannity is a paid employee of Fox. He has a respoinsibility to his audience...his ratings....nothing more.
Ellison is an elected lawmaker. He has a responsibility to his constituants and our country overall.

Hannity acted in a way that his audience likely applauded. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant. You have the right to turn him off if you prefer.

We are all subject to Ellison. He has a responsibility to act maturely and professionally. He has a repsonsibility to represent his elected position with integrity.

He did not.

And anyone on the left who supports his actions are not concerned about their country. They simply want to "win".

You never saw Bob Dornan in action, did you?

Why is it that you feel it best to rationalize the actions of one by comparing it to the actions of another?

Furthermore, what makes you feel I support Dorners actions?

An elected official has the reposnibiity to represent his or her position with integrity. I dont give a flying fuck what party he or she represents.

Right now, I see Boehner as not appropriate for his "spin" of the truth. Nor do I see Reid, Pelosi or Obama as acting appropriate.

The truth see them all as looking "down" on the American people.....showing they have no respect for the intelligence of the American people.

And whereas there were many examples over the last 10 years....the most prominant was the "women in binders" thing.

Every dam elected official knew what Romney meant....but they believed the American people were ignorant enough to believe the spin.

And sadly...they were correct.

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