Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'

I think Ellison should be impeached! How dare he even suggest that Hannity is a journalist. :lol:

No. He did nothing wrong in regard to him criticizing Hannity as a journalist.

However, his approach was childish and by no means worthy of a lawmaker.

Sadly, we have come to expect no better of our elected officials.

You are absolutely right. We should be expecting our elected officials to yell "you lie" to the President during his SOFU...

Another one who thinks it is OK to rationalize the actions of one they support by comparing it to the actions of one they do not support.

Ironically, you, I am sure, talked trash when the "you lie" comment was made. did I.

At least I am consitant.
What is really funny is the fact that so many people take what the TV advertising salesmen say as some sort of truth. Funny shit.

These people sell advertising folks. That is how they make their millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings. Selling advertising. Left and right.

Who would have ever thought that an ad salesman on the radio selling things like Lifeline and Hair loss replacement services would become the rethugs party spokesman.

I don't know what ad salesmen for Dems sell on the radio, because I can't find a Dem on the radio.
He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment. And if Ellison thought so little of Hannity's journalism why did he bother going on the show? If his purpose was to make a point then Hannity was right. He was a waste of time.

Hannity is an opinion guy. He's not a journalist. One would think a fucking Congressman would know the difference.

Of course I'm sure he was glad for the facetime on Hannity's show regardless of what he thought of Hannity's journalistic prowess.

The Congressmans an idiot.

You're an idiot.

Advocacy journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment.

^^^^^ Nails it.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ellison planned on going off on Hannity.

Partisan media blabbers = Division Pimps, part of the problem


Agreed. Hannity and his ilk serve as nothing more that cheerleaders for partisan hacks to get excited about. They twist every news story to make their side look good and make the other side look like enemies of the state.

He basically serves as political porn for low information drones to mentally masturbate to.
Its Hannity. On fox. Ellison got it wrong or he was being way too nice. Hannity is not and has never been a "journalist". He's a whore.

Speaking of whoring, the website linked in the OP is a real garbage pit.
What is really funny is the fact that so many people take what the TV advertising salesmen say as some sort of truth. Funny shit.

These people sell advertising folks. That is how they make their millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings. Selling advertising. Left and right.

Who would have ever thought that an ad salesman on the radio selling things like Lifeline and Hair loss replacement services would become the rethugs party spokesman.

I don't know what ad salesmen for Dems sell on the radio, because I can't find a Dem on the radio.

Left wing talk show hosts do not make the easy money off of fooling people like the Hannitys and Limbaughs can do. They don't have the easily fooled audience for it.
Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison gave us a GRAPHIC illustration of what democrats really are. It was to Hannity's credit that he didn't simply cut the muslim blowhard's mike and leave him soundlessly frothing at the mouth. Ellison behaved like the typical democrat, scream and engage in personal attacks, never address an issue or make a point. That's why Hannity was laughing at him.

This was one of Hannity's best shows ever! Especially after the crew cleaned Ellison's offal out of the eqiupment. Hannity, McGurk and some liberal woman whose name is unremarkable, engaged in performance criticism of Bloomberg. McGurk lit a cigarette, the woman guzzled a 2 liter soda and Hannity ate a giant doughnut.
Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison gave us a GRAPHIC illustration of what democrats really are. It was to Hannity's credit that he didn't simply cut the muslim blowhard's mike and leave him soundlessly frothing at the mouth. Ellison behaved like the typical democrat, scream and engage in personal attacks, never address an issue or make a point. That's why Hannity was laughing at him.This was one of Hannity's best shows ever! Especially after the crew cleaned Ellison's offal out of the eqiupment. Hannity, McGurk and some liberal woman whose name is unremarkable, engaged in performance criticism of Bloomberg. McGurk lit a cigarette, the woman guzzled a 2 liter soda and Hannity ate a giant doughnut.

Daaaamn. Did he really do all that? Hell, he (Ellison) should have kicked his (Hannity's) ass on air. I would have paid to see that.
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

I've never heard of a journalist storming out of his own interview. Hillarious! :clap2:
Well it didn't happen here either, so wtf are you talking about?

The voices in his head told him it happened.
He is as much a journalist as Chris Matthews, or anybody on the left. Fox and MSNBC are good for nothing more than entertainment. And if Ellison thought so little of Hannity's journalism why did he bother going on the show? If his purpose was to make a point then Hannity was right. He was a waste of time.

Hannity is an opinion guy. He's not a journalist. One would think a fucking Congressman would know the difference.

Of course I'm sure he was glad for the facetime on Hannity's show regardless of what he thought of Hannity's journalistic prowess.

The Congressmans an idiot.

You're an idiot.

Advocacy journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia are the idiot...or make the choice...

Paragraph 2 of your "definition"...

"advocacy journalists have an opinion about the story they are writing"

Hannity does not "write stories"

He comments on stories already written and reported on.

He is a commentator...not a journalist....not even an "advocacy journalist"
What is really funny is the fact that so many people take what the TV advertising salesmen say as some sort of truth. Funny shit.

These people sell advertising folks. That is how they make their millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings. Selling advertising. Left and right.

Who would have ever thought that an ad salesman on the radio selling things like Lifeline and Hair loss replacement services would become the rethugs party spokesman.

I don't know what ad salesmen for Dems sell on the radio, because I can't find a Dem on the radio.

Left wing talk show hosts do not make the easy money off of fooling people like the Hannitys and Limbaughs can do. They don't have the easily fooled audience for it.

I have no issue sayiung that Hannity and Rush spin...thus why I have no interest in what they have to say.

You, however, can not see it on your "own side".

That is quite concerning. I always thought you were more intelligent than that.

Case in point....'Romney truly meant that he had women in "binders"...not their resumes.
Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison gave us a GRAPHIC illustration of what democrats really are. It was to Hannity's credit that he didn't simply cut the muslim blowhard's mike and leave him soundlessly frothing at the mouth. Ellison behaved like the typical democrat, scream and engage in personal attacks, never address an issue or make a point. That's why Hannity was laughing at him.This was one of Hannity's best shows ever! Especially after the crew cleaned Ellison's offal out of the eqiupment. Hannity, McGurk and some liberal woman whose name is unremarkable, engaged in performance criticism of Bloomberg. McGurk lit a cigarette, the woman guzzled a 2 liter soda and Hannity ate a giant doughnut.

Daaaamn. Did he really do all that? Hell, he (Ellison) should have kicked his (Hannity's) ass on air. I would have paid to see that.

I have no doubt you would pay to see a US elected representaive/lawmaker kick the ass of someone you dont agree with.

That makes you a sick individual who only cares about those that think like you being on the winning side...with no care, concern, OR TOLERANCE for those that think differently.

So now you are not only a liar (referring to your claiming to be in the mortagage industry and then not knowing that Fannie Mae doesnt write loans)...but you are a sick, violent, individual with no tolerance for those that think differently than you. have less credibility than that Anthony woman that murdered her kid.
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

The congressmen knocked that silly grin right off of his face real quick. Then listening to Hannity whine that he's not a Republican with the Mitt Romney line of making a 10k bet. It was classic

I’m not a Republican. I am a registered Conservative.

Sean Hannity, registered Conservative, can't vote Republican. | All Things Democrat

Hannity is a privately paid entertainer.

The congressman is an elected lawmaker.

Seems to me you dont mind our elected lawmakers acting like children.

I find that quite telling about you.
Hannity was laughing at Ellison, and goading him into even more hysteria. And Ellison was quick to comply. I would have loved for Hannity to come out and call Ellsion a democrat.

It was one of the most entertaining Hannity shows of all time.
I guess they are even then because Ellison is among the worst excuses for a politician.

Really? Please post the parts of his record you disagree with.

Or, just tell the truth: you hate him because there's a D next to his name and/or because he's Muslim.

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

The congressmen knocked that silly grin right off of his face real quick. Then listening to Hannity whine that he's not a Republican with the Mitt Romney line of making a 10k bet. It was classic

I’m not a Republican. I am a registered Conservative.

Sean Hannity, registered Conservative, can't vote Republican. | All Things Democrat

You cited "All things Democrat" to confirm a fact?

Please...tell me you arent serious.

It would be like me citing Hannity to confirm a fact.

Something I would never be foolish enough to do.
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) had an amazingly heated discussion with Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday evening.

At the beginning of the six-minute slugfest, Ellison called his host "the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen" leading to a truly ugly encounter that culminated in Hannity ending the interview by saying to his guest, "You are a total waste of time" (video follows with rough transcript and commentary):

Read more: Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'; Hannity Calls Him 'Waste of Time' | NewsBusters

Ellison is absolutely right. Journalists are supposed to be impartial and knowledgeable. Hannity is neither, and in a big way.

Hannity has never claimed to be impartial. He has never claimed to be a journalist. He has ALWAYS claimed to be a "conservative Commentator"......and that is exactly opposite to an impartial journalist.

So Ellison is wrong...and he acted like a child. You approve of his actions?

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