Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'

Ellison highlights the fear in the ultra-left faction of the democrats.

If Obama represents a thousand year Reich, as all of the left keeps claiming, if the Republicans are defeated forever, then why the fear?

Could it be that the hold on power by the radical left is more tenuous than the propaganda corps and the open demagogues of MSNBC let on?
Ellison is a little whiney sissy. I'm from Minneapolis, and for the first time in my life I'm ashamed of my home town.
Ellison highlights the fear in the ultra-left faction of the democrats.

If Obama represents a thousand year Reich, as all of the left keeps claiming, if the Republicans are defeated forever, then why the fear?

Could it be that the hold on power by the radical left is more tenuous than the propaganda corps and the open demagogues of MSNBC let on?

if you count the huge number of gun sales i believe you are right....:cool:
People have seen what happens when the left doesn't get their way. It's a natural reaction to defend yourself as you awaken to the gathering storm.
his behavior was "deplorable"? :eusa_hand:


Yes it was, but what would one expect from a NOI pile of shit like him?

it isn't as if respectable citizens watch that show anyway. It's a step below the Jerry Springer show. If people are foolish enough to tune in, they can expect a circus. Who cares?

Says the moron who watches Rachel Maddow....
Why don't we just ask Hannity himself?

...and the answer is:

"Mr. Gibbs, I'm a journalist who interviews people who I disagree with all the time, that give their opinion. Fox has all points of view."

Now you 'nuts can call Hannity an idiot for calling Hannity a journalist.


Obama Campaign Defends William Ayers Relationship | Fox News

Or us non-nuts can simply reject the Hannity self-description that is clearly inaccurate.

Unless you want to define "journalist" to include the entertainment shows which feature his commentary.

What is your opinion of those that met behind closed doors on inauguration of President Obama's firs election?
Their soul job was to make President Obama a one term president?

Hannity is a paid employee of Fox. He has a respoinsibility to his audience...his ratings....nothing more.
Ellison is an elected lawmaker. He has a responsibility to his constituants and our country overall.

Hannity acted in a way that his audience likely applauded. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant. You have the right to turn him off if you prefer.

We are all subject to Ellison. He has a responsibility to act maturely and professionally. He has a repsonsibility to represent his elected position with integrity.

He did not.

And anyone on the left who supports his actions are not concerned about their country. They simply want to "win".
i saw the segment too....and Ellison came off as the snarling rabid muslim dog that he really is when cornered...

Ellison would not even let Hannity finish his question because he did not like the question and so he broke in and filibustered.....

Hannity however is the primo "Filibuster Buster"......he let Ellison have it with both barrels and the dog went snarling off the air....

Muslim Brothers like Ellison are basically the same as Lefties.....both want to have control of you....

The fact that you had to include the word "muslim" speaks volumes.

Muslim is not a problem. Being linked to terrorist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, is.

As long ago as 2006, Ellison’s closeness to Nihad Awad, co-founder of Hamas-linked CAIR, was a matter of public record. Awad, who notoriously said in 1994 that he was “in support of the Hamas movement,” spoke at fundraisers for Ellison, raising considerable sums for his first Congressional race. According to investigative journalist Patrick Poole, Ellison has appeared frequently at CAIR events since then, despite the fact that CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.

What is your opinion of those that met behind closed doors on inauguration of President Obama's firs election?
Their soul job was to make President Obama a one term president?

Hannity is a paid employee of Fox. He has a respoinsibility to his audience...his ratings....nothing more.
Ellison is an elected lawmaker. He has a responsibility to his constituants and our country overall.

Hannity acted in a way that his audience likely applauded. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant. You have the right to turn him off if you prefer.

We are all subject to Ellison. He has a responsibility to act maturely and professionally. He has a repsonsibility to represent his elected position with integrity.

He did not.

And anyone on the left who supports his actions are not concerned about their country. They simply want to "win".
That's called politics. I'm sure there were secret meetings who's purpose was to make George W Bush, bill clinton George H W Bush and Ronald W Reagan 1 term Presidents as well
News Flash! Ignorance isn't bliss, after all

Look, I know you have an IQ in the low teens, but just what the fuck are you spewing shit about.

{1997–Ellison appears under alias “Keith Ellison-Muhammad” at Minnesota Initiative Against Racism hearing in support of Joanne Jackson. Ellison defends “the truth” of Jackson’s statement that “Jews are the most racist white people.”}

{2000–Ellison gives speech supporting Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson at National Lawyers Guild fundraiser. Demands Soliah/Olson’s release. Asks audience to recall time when “Qubilah Shabazz was prosecuted in retribution against Minister Farrakhan.” Speaks favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur.}

Keith Ellison for dummies | Power Line

Keith Ellison is the lowest form of shit to ever infect the U.S. Congress, just as you are the lowest form of shit to infect this board.
News Flash! Ignorance isn't bliss, after all

Look, I know you have an IQ in the low teens, but just what the fuck are you spewing shit about.

{1997–Ellison appears under alias “Keith Ellison-Muhammad” at Minnesota Initiative Against Racism hearing in support of Joanne Jackson. Ellison defends “the truth” of Jackson’s statement that “Jews are the most racist white people.”}

{2000–Ellison gives speech supporting Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson at National Lawyers Guild fundraiser. Demands Soliah/Olson’s release. Asks audience to recall time when “Qubilah Shabazz was prosecuted in retribution against Minister Farrakhan.” Speaks favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur.}

Keith Ellison for dummies | Power Line

Keith Ellison is the lowest form of shit to ever infect the U.S. Congress, just as you are the lowest form of shit to infect this board.

More Projection Humor. :clap2: :D
News Flash! Ignorance isn't bliss, after all

Look, I know you have an IQ in the low teens, but just what the fuck are you spewing shit about.

{1997–Ellison appears under alias “Keith Ellison-Muhammad” at Minnesota Initiative Against Racism hearing in support of Joanne Jackson. Ellison defends “the truth” of Jackson’s statement that “Jews are the most racist white people.”}

{2000–Ellison gives speech supporting Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson at National Lawyers Guild fundraiser. Demands Soliah/Olson’s release. Asks audience to recall time when “Qubilah Shabazz was prosecuted in retribution against Minister Farrakhan.” Speaks favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur.}

Keith Ellison for dummies | Power Line

Keith Ellison is the lowest form of shit to ever infect the U.S. Congress, just as you are the lowest form of shit to infect this board.

More Projection Humor. :clap2: :D

^ failed effort at flame is a fail of ironic proportions.
For the 100th time. Hannity is not a journalist. He is an entertainer. There haven't been any real 'journalists' for about 20 years.

Let's clear something up if at all possible. It's true that Hannity is not a journalist. Having no education past HS would make it unlikely that Hannity could even GET a job in journalism if he even had such a desire, which I seriously doubt he's ever entertained.

That brings up the notion of Hannity being an entertainer. Alas, Hannity is NOT an entertainer either since entertainers operate in a wholly different venue. Now, IF Hannity's show ever moved from FOX News to Comedy Central, then you might have a valid argument.

No, Hannity is what's known as a propagandist, pure and simple.
For the 100th time. Hannity is not a journalist. He is an entertainer. There haven't been any real 'journalists' for about 20 years.

Let's clear something up if at all possible. It's true that Hannity is not a journalist. Having no education past HS would make it unlikely that Hannity could even GET a job in journalism if he even had such a desire, which I seriously doubt he's ever entertained.

That brings up the notion of Hannity being an entertainer. Alas, Hannity is NOT an entertainer either since entertainers operate in a wholly different venue. Now, IF Hannity's show ever moved from FOX News to Comedy Central, then you might have a valid argument.

No, Hannity is what's known as a propagandist, pure and simple.

I will now clear up the deliberate mis-perception which could be created by the above quoted blather.

Hannity is a political commentator and he is an entertainer.

It does not even slightly matter what his venue is. If he provides political commentary and entertainment, he is a political commentator and an entertainer.

It is also apparently untrue to claim that he had no education past high school. I hear he did. He may not have finished college, but that's not the same proposition.

You liberals are really an inaccurate lot.
For the 100th time. Hannity is not a journalist. He is an entertainer. There haven't been any real 'journalists' for about 20 years.

Let's clear something up if at all possible. It's true that Hannity is not a journalist. Having no education past HS would make it unlikely that Hannity could even GET a job in journalism if he even had such a desire, which I seriously doubt he's ever entertained.

That brings up the notion of Hannity being an entertainer. Alas, Hannity is NOT an entertainer either since entertainers operate in a wholly different venue. Now, IF Hannity's show ever moved from FOX News to Comedy Central, then you might have a valid argument.

No, Hannity is what's known as a propagandist, pure and simple.

let me ask you about mainstream "journalism" today.....what are its professional standards and ethics and expectations....?
For the 100th time. Hannity is not a journalist. He is an entertainer. There haven't been any real 'journalists' for about 20 years.

Let's clear something up if at all possible. It's true that Hannity is not a journalist. Having no education past HS would make it unlikely that Hannity could even GET a job in journalism if he even had such a desire, which I seriously doubt he's ever entertained.

That brings up the notion of Hannity being an entertainer. Alas, Hannity is NOT an entertainer either since entertainers operate in a wholly different venue. Now, IF Hannity's show ever moved from FOX News to Comedy Central, then you might have a valid argument.

No, Hannity is what's known as a propagandist, pure and simple.

I will now clear up the deliberate mis-perception which could be created by the above quoted blather.

Hannity is a political commentator and he is an entertainer.

It does not even slightly matter what his venue is. If he provides political commentary and entertainment, he is a political commentator and an entertainer.

It is also apparently untrue to claim that he had no education past high school. I hear he did. He may not have finished college, but that's not the same proposition.

You liberals are really an inaccurate lot.

Hannity is not a political commentator. Individuals with their own show (a platform) who consistently take a position (a strident one, I would argue) in defense of one side while constantly attacking the opposition is NOT a commentator because a commentator can and will offer information without any obvious favoritism or even a noticeable slant either for or against one side or another. Political commentators don't take sides.

Now, if you don't like the term propagandist, would you prefer the term political operative? That's what James Carville and Mary Matalin are, albeit on opposing sides. But THEY don't pretend to be otherwise. The fact that Hannity makes a claim to be something other than what he is only bolsters the case that he's a propagandist.
Let's clear something up if at all possible. It's true that Hannity is not a journalist. Having no education past HS would make it unlikely that Hannity could even GET a job in journalism if he even had such a desire, which I seriously doubt he's ever entertained.

That brings up the notion of Hannity being an entertainer. Alas, Hannity is NOT an entertainer either since entertainers operate in a wholly different venue. Now, IF Hannity's show ever moved from FOX News to Comedy Central, then you might have a valid argument.

No, Hannity is what's known as a propagandist, pure and simple.

I will now clear up the deliberate mis-perception which could be created by the above quoted blather.

Hannity is a political commentator and he is an entertainer.

It does not even slightly matter what his venue is. If he provides political commentary and entertainment, he is a political commentator and an entertainer.

It is also apparently untrue to claim that he had no education past high school. I hear he did. He may not have finished college, but that's not the same proposition.

You liberals are really an inaccurate lot.

Hannity is not a political commentator. Individuals with their own show (a platform) who consistently take a position (a strident one, I would argue) in defense of one side while constantly attacking the opposition is NOT a commentator because a commentator can and will offer information without any obvious favoritism or even a noticeable slant either for or against one side or another. Political commentators don't take sides.

Now, if you don't like the term propagandist, would you prefer the term political operative? That's what James Carville and Mary Matalin are, albeit on opposing sides. But THEY don't pretend to be otherwise. The fact that Hannity makes a claim to be something other than what he is only bolsters the case that he's a propagandist.

Silly effort to parse your way out of your box.

Consider yourself a fail.

He COMMENTS on and about politics. He is a political commentator.

Furthermore, if your definition of "propaganda" were of any use, then ALL of MSNBC would be painted with that brush and they are (allegedly) the "journalists."

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