Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'

I will now clear up the deliberate mis-perception which could be created by the above quoted blather.

Hannity is a political commentator and he is an entertainer.

It does not even slightly matter what his venue is. If he provides political commentary and entertainment, he is a political commentator and an entertainer.

It is also apparently untrue to claim that he had no education past high school. I hear he did. He may not have finished college, but that's not the same proposition.

You liberals are really an inaccurate lot.

Hannity is not a political commentator. Individuals with their own show (a platform) who consistently take a position (a strident one, I would argue) in defense of one side while constantly attacking the opposition is NOT a commentator because a commentator can and will offer information without any obvious favoritism or even a noticeable slant either for or against one side or another. Political commentators don't take sides.

Now, if you don't like the term propagandist, would you prefer the term political operative? That's what James Carville and Mary Matalin are, albeit on opposing sides. But THEY don't pretend to be otherwise. The fact that Hannity makes a claim to be something other than what he is only bolsters the case that he's a propagandist.

Silly effort to parse your way out of your box.

Consider yourself a fail.

He COMMENTS on and about politics. He is a political commentator.

Furthermore, if your definition of "propaganda" were of any use, then ALL of MSNBC would be painted with that brush and they are (allegedly) the "journalists."

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides!
Hannity is not a political commentator. Individuals with their own show (a platform) who consistently take a position (a strident one, I would argue) in defense of one side while constantly attacking the opposition is NOT a commentator because a commentator can and will offer information without any obvious favoritism or even a noticeable slant either for or against one side or another. Political commentators don't take sides.

Now, if you don't like the term propagandist, would you prefer the term political operative? That's what James Carville and Mary Matalin are, albeit on opposing sides. But THEY don't pretend to be otherwise. The fact that Hannity makes a claim to be something other than what he is only bolsters the case that he's a propagandist.

Silly effort to parse your way out of your box.

Consider yourself a fail.

He COMMENTS on and about politics. He is a political commentator.

Furthermore, if your definition of "propaganda" were of any use, then ALL of MSNBC would be painted with that brush and they are (allegedly) the "journalists."

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides!

have you ever heard of Advocacy Journalism.....?

Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a non-objective viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose. Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda. It is also distinct from instances of media bias and failures of objectivity in media outlets, which attempt to be—or which present themselves as—objective or neutral.

Advocacy journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannity is not a political commentator. Individuals with their own show (a platform) who consistently take a position (a strident one, I would argue) in defense of one side while constantly attacking the opposition is NOT a commentator because a commentator can and will offer information without any obvious favoritism or even a noticeable slant either for or against one side or another. Political commentators don't take sides.

Now, if you don't like the term propagandist, would you prefer the term political operative? That's what James Carville and Mary Matalin are, albeit on opposing sides. But THEY don't pretend to be otherwise. The fact that Hannity makes a claim to be something other than what he is only bolsters the case that he's a propagandist.

Silly effort to parse your way out of your box.

Consider yourself a fail.

He COMMENTS on and about politics. He is a political commentator.

Furthermore, if your definition of "propaganda" were of any use, then ALL of MSNBC would be painted with that brush and they are (allegedly) the "journalists."

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides!

Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.
I don't know Ellison from shinola, but take a look at this:

ELLISON: I've got an answer for you. You want to do something about the 16 trillion, let’s do something. Let's close loopholes on large corporations, and let’s say that yachts and jets should not be something you can write off. Let’s say that Exxon-Mobil and Chevron should not get a tax rebate and a subsidy. Let's start there. Let's say that people who earn, who get to pay less on carried interest should…

HANNITY: All right, Congressman, you're ranting really well.

After all the bluster, Ellison actually put a proposal on the table, and in true UnConservative fashion, Hannity blew it off.

What did Hannity put on the table? "The sequester was Obama's idea." Who gives a flying fuck? You want to avoid the sequester, then talk about the proposals Ellison just offered!

Hannity asked:

Listen, I invited you on, I gave you three minutes to rant, now let me ask you a question, we’ll have a discussion, in the spirit of bipartisanship, let's find a dialogue.

Hannity wasn't the slightest bit interested in a dialogue. As soon as Ellison offered something concrete, Hannity blew it off.
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Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides! said:
[kom-uhn-tey-ter] Show IPA
a person who discusses news, sports events, weather, or the like, as on television or radio.

Regardless of the slant to one side, he's still a commentator who's subject matter is political. It seems your own definition is that a commentator is someone who's unbiased, but it doesn't jive with the actual definition.
I don't know Ellison from shinola, but take a look at this:

ELLISON: I've got an answer for you. You want to do something about the 16 trillion, let’s do something. Let's close loopholes on large corporations, and let’s say that yachts and jets should not be something you can write off. Let’s say that Exxon-Mobil and Chevron should not get a tax rebate and a subsidy. Let's start there. Let's say that people who earn, who get to pay less on carried interest should…

HANNITY: All right, Congressman, you're ranting really well.

After all the bluster, Ellison actually put a proposal on the table, and in true UnConservative fashion, Hannity blew it off.

What did Hannity put on the table? "The sequester was Obama's idea." Who gives a flying fuck? You want to avoid the sequester, then talk about the proposals Ellison just offered!

Hannity asked:

Listen, I invited you on, I gave you three minutes to rant, now let me ask you a question, we’ll have a discussion, in the spirit of bipartisanship, let's find a dialogue.

Hannity wasn't the slightest bit interested in a dialogue. As soon as Ellison offered something concrete, Hannity blew it off.

Hannity tried to ask a question, got constantly interrupted by the hackish bullshit-artist Congressman and when the Congresscretin did offer a "suggestion" it was the platitude of the decade.

Yeah yeah. How original. Tax the corporations. Because Congressbitch Ellison STILL hadn't figured out that Corporations don't actually pay taxes. They merely pass off that additional "cost" in the form of higher prices to the consumers. WE all pay more.

Ellison, the pussy, was just having a titty-baby meltdown.
Silly effort to parse your way out of your box.

Consider yourself a fail.

He COMMENTS on and about politics. He is a political commentator.

Furthermore, if your definition of "propaganda" were of any use, then ALL of MSNBC would be painted with that brush and they are (allegedly) the "journalists."

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides!

Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.

Commentators, comment; they don't advocate. Once a person crosses the line from commenting to taking sides, they are no longer merely commentators, whether you like it or not.

Hannity doesn't just cross the line. He didn't even just jump over it. Hannity pole vaulted over that line years ago for a big paycheck. If he HAD been a journalist at that time, he would have effectively sold out his journalistic objectivity and professional ethos for money. But since he never had any journalistic credibility to begin with, Hannity is merely a hired gun doing the bidding of his masters who pay him to shill for one side against the other.
Hannity doesn't just cross the line. He didn't even just jump over it. Hannity pole vaulted over that line years ago for a big paycheck. If he HAD been a journalist at that time, he would have effectively sold out his journalistic objectivity and professional ethos for money. But since he never had any journalistic credibility to begin with, Hannity is merely a hired gun doing the bidding of his masters who pay him to shill for one side against the other.

Yep, which makes him a political commentator.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides!

Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.

Commentators, comment; they don't advocate. Once a person crosses the line from commenting to taking sides, they are no longer merely commentators, whether you like it or not.

Hannity doesn't just cross the line. He didn't even just jump over it. Hannity pole vaulted over that line years ago for a big paycheck. If he HAD been a journalist at that time, he would have effectively sold out his journalistic objectivity and professional ethos for money. But since he never had any journalistic credibility to begin with, Hannity is merely a hired gun doing the bidding of his masters who pay him to shill for one side against the other.

Wrong. Commentators comment and that MAY certainly include advocacy.

You have the notion of "journalist" conflated with "political commentator."
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides! said:
[kom-uhn-tey-ter] Show IPA
a person who discusses news, sports events, weather, or the like, as on television or radio.

Regardless of the slant to one side, he's still a commentator who's subject matter is political. It seems your own definition is that a commentator is someone who's unbiased, but it doesn't jive with the actual definition.

CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS

How would you feel if you knew the president regularly sought the advice of a magazine editor/columnist ad TV host?
It’s true. According to CNN, Obama has made a habit of seeking “wisdom and advice” from host Fareed Zakaria.

In an interview with fellow CNN host Elliot Spitzer, Zakaria admitted Obama and he talk regularly about the Middle East and international policy, a point that Spitzer said makes his heart “warm:”
So given Fareed touts himself as a "journalist" YET his opinion is sought by Obama.
I thought professional journalists would never participate in such opinion making!

Revealed: Obama Calls CNN?s Fareed Zakaria for ?Wisdom & Advice? | Video |
In 2002, 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney said on CNN's Larry King Live:
"There is just no question that I, among others, have a liberal bias. I mean, I'm consistently liberal in my opinions. And I think some of the, I think Dan [Rather] is transparently liberal. Now, he may not like to hear me say that. I always agree with him, too, but I think he should be more careful."

Earlier, Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas stated on Inside Washington,
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias."
Media - Discover the Networks
I don't know Ellison from shinola, but take a look at this:

ELLISON: I've got an answer for you. You want to do something about the 16 trillion, let’s do something. Let's close loopholes on large corporations, and let’s say that yachts and jets should not be something you can write off. Let’s say that Exxon-Mobil and Chevron should not get a tax rebate and a subsidy. Let's start there. Let's say that people who earn, who get to pay less on carried interest should…

HANNITY: All right, Congressman, you're ranting really well.

After all the bluster, Ellison actually put a proposal on the table, and in true UnConservative fashion, Hannity blew it off.

What did Hannity put on the table? "The sequester was Obama's idea." Who gives a flying fuck? You want to avoid the sequester, then talk about the proposals Ellison just offered!

Hannity asked:

Listen, I invited you on, I gave you three minutes to rant, now let me ask you a question, we’ll have a discussion, in the spirit of bipartisanship, let's find a dialogue.

Hannity wasn't the slightest bit interested in a dialogue. As soon as Ellison offered something concrete, Hannity blew it off.

Hannity tried to ask a question, got constantly interrupted by the hackish bullshit-artist Congressman and when the Congresscretin did offer a "suggestion" it was the platitude of the decade.

Yeah yeah. How original. Tax the corporations. Because Congressbitch Ellison STILL hadn't figured out that Corporations don't actually pay taxes. They merely pass off that additional "cost" in the form of higher prices to the consumers. WE all pay more.

Ellison, the pussy, was just having a titty-baby meltdown.

Tax expenditures are gaining traction in the budget debate. Don't be as stupid as Hannity and blow them off. They are costing us over a trillion dollars a year. If we wanted to balance the budget, we could ban tax expenditures and call it a day. Without changing a single other thing!

Tax expenditures should be banned, though it would probably take a Constitutional amendment to do so since they are what grease the campaign finance machine which produces the 98 percent re-election rate of the House and the 80 percent re-election rate of the Senate.

Republicans are seriously fucking up on this issue. They need to take the lead on tax expenditures and get them coupled with tax rate decreases in the public mind. You sure as hell don't want a guy like Ellison being the guy making all the noise about them. You can be sure no Democrat will propose a commensurate tax rate decrease with a tax expenditure decrease!

Hannity blew it. He had a golden opportunity, and he blew it.
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Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'
Hannity is a garden-variety HU$TLER!!!!

[ame=]Sean Hannity Freedom Concert Scam? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sean Hannity Freedom Concerts: A Capitalistic Scam? - YouTube[/ame]​
Why don't we just ask Hannity himself?

...and the answer is:

"Mr. Gibbs, I'm a journalist who interviews people who I disagree with all the time, that give their opinion. Fox has all points of view."

Now you 'nuts can call Hannity an idiot for calling Hannity a journalist.


Obama Campaign Defends William Ayers Relationship | Fox News

Or us non-nuts can simply reject the Hannity self-description that is clearly inaccurate.

Unless you want to define "journalist" to include the entertainment shows which feature his commentary.


I've already proven that Hannity fits the description of an advocacy journalist. Do I need to do that over again?
Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.

And you can tell Journalists by the fact that they ride in on Unicorns....
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Political commentators comment on politics WITHOUT taking sides! said:
[kom-uhn-tey-ter] Show IPA
a person who discusses news, sports events, weather, or the like, as on television or radio.

Regardless of the slant to one side, he's still a commentator who's subject matter is political. It seems your own definition is that a commentator is someone who's unbiased, but it doesn't jive with the actual definition.

CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS

How would you feel if you knew the president regularly sought the advice of a magazine editor/columnist ad TV host?
It’s true. According to CNN, Obama has made a habit of seeking “wisdom and advice” from host Fareed Zakaria.

In an interview with fellow CNN host Elliot Spitzer, Zakaria admitted Obama and he talk regularly about the Middle East and international policy, a point that Spitzer said makes his heart “warm:”
So given Fareed touts himself as a "journalist" YET his opinion is sought by Obama.
I thought professional journalists would never participate in such opinion making!

Revealed: Obama Calls CNN?s Fareed Zakaria for ?Wisdom & Advice? | Video |
In 2002, 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney said on CNN's Larry King Live:
"There is just no question that I, among others, have a liberal bias. I mean, I'm consistently liberal in my opinions. And I think some of the, I think Dan [Rather] is transparently liberal. Now, he may not like to hear me say that. I always agree with him, too, but I think he should be more careful."

Earlier, Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas stated on Inside Washington,
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias."
Media - Discover the Networks

Journalists can have points of view, opinions, etc. You are an idiot.
Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.

And you can tell Journalists by the fact that they ride in on Unicorns....

For regular readers of the Daily Caller and The Blaze and the Washington Times and CNS News and World News Daily and, I realize that objective reporting is something alien and unfathomable to them.

You will never find what you are not looking for. That does not make it as elusive as unicorns.
First, Hannity isn't a journalist - he's a playbook reader. Second, he's a useless excuse of a human being.

I guess you've been under a rock for sometime, because Republican Congressmen have been acting this way ever since this President came into office, with this very childish demeanor of "My Way or The Highway".

Exactly, also, remember this little gem played out in all its glory from in RNC?

"Chip Saltsman, formerly Mike Huckabee’s campaign manager during the Republican presidential primaries and a well known party operative distributed a CD containing “Barack the Magic Negro” as part of his campaign to be elected chairman of the Republican National Committee. The song first gained prominence in 2007 when it was played on the Rush Limbaugh show.Read more at GOP Distances itself from Barack the Magic Negro Scandal (music + lyrics) "

GOP Distances itself from Barack the Magic Negro Scandal (music + lyrics)
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Bullshit. I read fine. I just reject your false provisos.

A political commentator comments and very often does take sides in the process.

"Journalists" are the ones who are supposed to abstain from being partisans.

And you can tell Journalists by the fact that they ride in on Unicorns....

For regular readers of the Daily Caller and The Blaze and the Washington Times and CNS News and World News Daily and, I realize that objective reporting is something alien and unfathomable to them.

You will never find what you are not looking for. That does not make it as elusive as unicorns.

Hannity is "objective journalism?" Wahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaahahaahaahaha............... That's like saying Billy Martin was a laid back baseball manager.
Tax expenditures are gaining traction in the budget debate. Don't be as stupid as Hannity and blow them off. They are costing us over a trillion dollars a year.

How much does not robbing your neighbors house cost you a year?

If we wanted to balance the budget, we could ban tax expenditures and call it a day. Without changing a single other thing!

If you just started stealing cars in the neighborhood, you could balance your credit cards without changing a single thing.

All you need to do is look at the property of others as a community resource that you have perfect right to, and all is just like magic....

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