Rep. Gwen Moore on Low Minority Unemployment: 'Blah, Blah, Blah'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yea, the left isn't interesting in talking about all the good things that have happened under the Trump administration. They want socialism and all this good news about the economy, the GDP, the tax cuts for average Americans, the stock market, and jobs just depresses them. I mean, the better people are doing, the less likely they are to want government to take care of them. Dems hate that. They thrive on victimhood and people suffering. And their policies are designed to hurt people. Things are looking better than ever. Lowest unemployment in ages, especially for minorities. Why are the Dems so damn pissed off about that?

We’ve never seen this before. And, you look at the statistics, and Mr. Rice went over it. GDP is growing at over three percent. Lowest Unemployment in over fifty years, in all sectors: African-American community, Hispanic community, with women, with people with disabilities. Private sector wages continue to go up.

“Look, the stock market’s up 27%, and remember, that affects 529 plans for middle-class Americans, 401K plans, all retirements – created 5.3 million new jobs in the last two years, six hundred thousand in manufacturing. Nobody ever thought we’d bring back manufacturing in this country, and we’ve done it.

“It doesn’t mean we don’t have challenges. Clearly, we do, and a number of you have hit on those challenges, and we ought to be working on those right now. But, when you look at economy, I look at this as let’s do no harm with the economy and keep it going, and let’s focus on these other things.”

Rep. Gwen Moore on Low Minority Unemployment: 'Blah, Blah, Blah'

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