Rep. Jim Jordan Now in Running for Speaker - 2nd Round Ballot

I love it. Make it completely impossible for the GOP to hide the crazy from Americans

By crazy you mean getting control of an out of control institution.....

What do the Republicans holding their votes want?

Just look at the items requested by the Freedom Caucus who oppose McCarthy: the right to remove a speaker who is not responsive to the will of the people, the right to have adequate time to read/analyze proposed legislation prior to a floor vote, using stand-alone bills which must pass or fail on their own merits, etc. The fact that “leadership,” including McCarthy, resists such common sense (and constitutionally intended) positions is exactly why those few brave House members are balking at “just going along in order to get along.” And it’s high time they did so!

I love it. Make it completely impossible for the GOP to hide the crazy from Americans
The Progs in the House are a walking talking freak show. The crazy has always been there and has emerged in a huge growing way the last few decades. The media and entertainers though provide camouflage for them. Progs have made incredible gains and it is never enough as the nation is now dying in real terms. Living off of printing fiat currency.
The real Conservatives are telling the RINOs to shove it.

Jim Jordan could be Speaker if he really wanted it but he would much rather be Chairman of the Judicial Committee so he can go after the Biden corruption.
Imagine thinking Jim Jordan is in it for anything other than power :laugh:
The Progs in the House are a walking talking freak show. The crazy has always been there and has emerged in a huge growing way the last few decades. The media and entertainers though provide camouflage for them. Progs have made incredible gains and it is never enough as the nation is now dying in real terms. Living off of printing fiat currency.
The MAGA terrorist movement is the culmination of decades of the GOP losing its mind. Jim Jordan as Speaker would just be too perfect.
McCarthy is struggling to win because he's saddled with Trump's endorsement.

The POS is just desperate for attention. He's only got a couple years left before GOP voters finish turning against him the same as they did with Dubya. In a few years they'll be pretending they never supported him, exactly like Dubya.

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