Rep. Jim Jordan Now in Running for Speaker - 2nd Round Ballot

"MAGA terrorists" lol gaslighting pos treason puppy.

All those little MAGA terrorist cells all over the country are starting to make us look like the Middle East. Religious lunatics forming militias in the hopes of murdering Americans one day. We're witnessing how the Al Qaeda's of the world are born right before our eyes.
All those little MAGA terrorist cells all over the country are starting to make us look like the Middle East. Religious lunatics forming militias in the hopes of murdering Americans one day. We're witnessing how the Al Qaeda's of the world are born right before our eyes.
Get back to me when they take over 8 Blocks of a Major City (holding 5 for Months )
Look at AOC & Bernie
Jim Jordan literally believes we are in an eternal war between armies of angels and demons, and that this life and world don't matter, only an eternal afterlife matters. I'll take Bernie and AOC all day.
Jim Jordan literally believes we are in an eternal war between armies of angels and demons, and that this life and world don't matter, only an eternal afterlife matters. I'll take Bernie and AOC all day.
Yep , we know .
Imagine thinking Jim Jordan is in it for anything other than power :laugh:
What makes you think he is in it for that? Do you have evidence to support any of your weird claims, or is this just a typical inneffective democrat response?
What makes you think he is in it for that? Do you have evidence to support any of your weird claims, or is this just a typical inneffective democrat response?
Omg you've made a corrupt politician into one of your heroes. No cure for that.
Those 19 Republicans are fighting for the American people. They are fighting for the heart and soul of our country and they are heroes.

Like I have said in other threads. There is really only one party in the US. It is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

Those 19 Republicans are the real Conservative that know that the RINOs will just continue with Democrat ass kissing business as usual if McCarthy is elected. Compomise and selling out the country to the Democrat filth.
McCarthy does not have the votes ( Again )
I think I see what's going on now. If Jordan comes out and says he doesn't want the speakers position, then it'll be a well played joke on the conservatives who didn't want McCarthy, just to flip them to McCarthy.
That's why Biggs wasn't nominated in the 2nd go round.

Slimy, good for nothing liberal republicans.
If 8 of the GOP psychos vote against McCarthy and drive the vote threshold down, then Jeffries could get the nod at 212 votes.
What makes you think he is in it for that? Do you have evidence to support any of your weird claims, or is this just a typical inneffective democrat response?

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