Rep. Lunas Moves to Restore DNA Tests to Foil Biden Child Sex Trafficking at Border


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The hillbilly Biden Jerry Springer Show family runs the world's biggest Child sex trafficking operation, according to HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas. The minute Biden got in he abolished the DNA tests for children at the border to make sure minors and adults who were together were at least distantly related, not kids brought up here to be raped by rich Americans. There is no other conceivable reason to get rid of the test.

We all know the Jerry Springer Show White House thinks kids are objects to be used, even if it is your own daughter "showers with dad" Ashley Biden. So what chance do little tykes from sh*thole Latin America have? Rep. Luna is being a hero.


Biden Political Decision to End Rapid DNA Testing at the Border Guarantees Immigrant Child Abuse

BREAKING... HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is "Middleman" in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Luna proposes DNA testing to stop child trafficking at southern border - Washington Examiner

Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is 'middleman' in multi-billion dollar migrant child trafficking op

Rep. Luna proposes DNA testing to stop child trafficking at southern border

EXCLUSIVE — A Latina House Republican plans to propose a pair of immigration bills that would crack down on fake migrant families coming across the southern border and dramatically heighten penalties on employers who hire people ineligible to work.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) on Friday will debut two bills, one of which she said is intended to protect migrant children from being trafficked into the country under the pretense of being part of a family — sometimes just a cover for the child to be put into forced labor in the United States.

“There’s an unsettling trafficking ring in our country, where children are being sold for sex and cheap labor after being brought into our country by coyotes claiming to be their family relatives,” Luna said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

“Tens of thousands of children are going missing and being exploited, and this administration is doing nothing about it,” Luna said.



HHS Hero Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Testifies Before Lawmakers On Exploitation Of Unaccompanied Children

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