Rep. Steve King compares workers to commodities like beans and corn

Of course they do.... That's the REAL basis of Capitalism. Those with the CAPITAL win, those without, lose.

Why do you think it's called CAPITALIZING on someone else's misfortune?

That's why the country was DESIGNED to have elements of Capitalism AND Socialism built into it. Too much power either way is guaranteed misery.
It's amazing how blinded parts of our population is. Why can't they see that what they are calling for is going to hurt them and hurt them badly?

They've been sold a bill of goods that are financed by the same people that want to rule the world with an Iron Fist(of money) and CAN'T be voted out!

And they call our duly elected government a "Tyranny"? Wait till the sharks come cruising(if they get their way).
now that you marxists have had your Oblast comm. meeting, let me share this with you,King is right, labor IS a commodity...

das kapital and the clayton act, bon voyage!!!!!
King is simply stating out loud what all too many of the people running the GOP at present believe. To them, anyone working for a living, whether with their hands or their minds, are not truly human. To be human, they, like their hero, Ayn Rand, believe that you have to be totally amoral and take from others without giving anything in return.

King, and those like him are the enemies of all that work for a living in this nation. From the school janitor to the scientist in our great institutions of learning, King despised them all.
now that you marxists have had your Oblast comm. meeting, let me share this with you,King is right, labor IS a commodity...

das kapital and the clayton act, bon voyage!!!!!

Unless you form a union and seize your fair share of the wealth created by the sweat of your brow. For it will never freely be given to you.
Unless you form a union and seize your fair share of the wealth created by the sweat of your brow. For it will never freely be given to you.

but then you'll be worse than a commodity... you'll be a <gasp> LIBERALcommunistsocialistdeadbeatwelfarebumdrainonsocietyMARXIST! :eek:
now that you marxists have had your Oblast comm. meeting, let me share this with you,King is right, labor IS a commodity...

das kapital and the clayton act, bon voyage!!!!!

Unless you form a union and seize your fair share of the wealth created by the sweat of your brow. For it will never freely be given to you.

You're right, it will never be given to you. But that's the beauty of capitalism, you can rise up and take it whenever feel you want to put in the work and sacrifice. And the best part is, you don't have to pay union dues to do it.
Of course they do.... That's the REAL basis of Capitalism. Those with the CAPITAL win, those without, lose.

Why do you think it's called CAPITALIZING on someone else's misfortune?

That's why the country was DESIGNED to have elements of Capitalism AND Socialism built into it. Too much power either way is guaranteed misery.

Oh, so that's what capitalism is about. Winners and losers. Cuz I thought it was about "supply and demand" and "investment".
I completely agree with everything he said.

The government has no right to force a private business to pay any form a base pay.

It's tyranny and of course, the left supports tyranny over hard work, and earning a bigger check.

This outrage at being called a commodity is fake, and you are all lying when you claim what he said was offensive.
Being the racist jew he is I am surprised he didn't call them sheep and cattle....his holy book says that's what we are.

[ame=]YouTube - &#x202a;Stick Figure Logic: The Truth About Capitalism.flv&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
Those complaining about Capitalism are either too stupid to capitalize on it or too stupid to know when they already have.
The government has no right to force a private business to pay any form a base pay.

You and King would be wrong, then – Congress indeed has the authority:
West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish (1937):

Facts of the Case:

Elsie Parrish, an employee of the West Coast Hotel Company, received sub- minimum wage compensation for her work. Parrish brought a suit to recover the difference between the wages paid to her and the minimum wage fixed by state law.

Did the minimum wage law violate the liberty of contract as construed under the Fifth Amendment as applied by the Fourteenth Amendment?

In a 5-to-4 decision, the Court held that the establishment of minimum wages for women was constitutionally legitimate. The Court noted that the Constitution did not speak of the freedom of contract and that liberty was subject to the restraints of due process. The Court also noted that employers and employees were not equally "free" in negotiating contracts, since employees often were constrained by practical and economic realities. This was found to be especially true in the case of women. This case explicitly overruled the Court's decision in Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923).

West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
now that you marxists have had your Oblast comm. meeting, let me share this with you,King is right, labor IS a commodity...

das kapital and the clayton act, bon voyage!!!!!
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
President Abraham Lincoln, annual message to Congress, December 3, 1861

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