Repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period


It is in the public's best interests to provide basic healthcare to all of its citizens, and it's cheaper than the mess you've gotten yourselves into vis a vis spiraling costs.

It is much more in the public interest for the filthy ass government not to take our money by force and give it away to a bunch of welfare queens in exchange for votes for Democrat shitheads.

I'll be responsible to pay my own bills and you be responsible to pay your own bills. We don't need to have the filthy ass government, managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups, to take our money by force to pay for the health care bills of the assholes that are too sorry to pay for their own health care. .

Then why do you allow the welfare queen corporations to pay their workers so little that the workers need welfare to put a roof over their heads and food on their tables? Why do you continue to favour labour practices which dump a significant portion of worker wages on the middle class, while these same corporations are awash in cash?

Wages to low income workers haven't gone up in 30 years and corporations cry "foul" while they don't complain about increases costs for rent/building purchases, utilities, materials, and every other costs which has increased. Wages are lower now, as a % of GDP, than they've been since the Guilded Age, and still conservatives complain that they're not low enough.

Then why do you allow the welfare queen corporations to pay their workers so little that the workers need welfare to put a roof over their heads and food on their tables? Why do you continue to favour labour practices which dump a significant portion of worker wages on the middle class, while these same corporations are awash in cash?

Wages to low income workers haven't gone up in 30 years and corporations cry "foul" while they don't complain about increases costs for rent/building purchases, utilities, materials, and every other costs which has increased. Wages are lower now, as a % of GDP, than they've been since the Guilded Age, and still conservatives complain that they're not low enough.

If a worker doesn't think they are getting paid enough by a corporation then they can go elsewhere to look for a job. I believe in the free market of labor without any government influence whatsoever.

If we did away with all government transfer payments like welfare and then lowered taxes correspondingly then the cost to our economy would be significantly less and wages would be higher.

It is despicable that the filthy ass government is in the business of taking the money that we earn and then give it away to somebody else. Just like it is despicable we are taxed so much to support the filthy ass welfare state.

No welfare, no subsidies, no entitlements and not bailouts. Stop all domestic and foreign welfare and and return the money to the people that earned it. The economy would boom and wages would increase with the increased national wealth that would be generated.

Dumbass Moon Bats always have a difficult time understanding basic economics like that. The idiots think that the filthy ass government somehow magically creates wealth though taxation.
Trump Resistance-The ACA Edition

As the GOP sets out to take healthcare away from the poor, middle class and seniors, we need to show that we are the majority and will not consent to the rule of extremists and oligarchs. As they push forward with the attempted repeal of Obamacare under the “bait and switch” hypocrisy of “we’ll replace it later,” the Trump resistance needs to be peaceful, but visible.
Paul Ryan surrenders on healthcare repeal: goal now is to repeal/replace 'concurrently'

It is our goal to bring it all together concurrently,” Ryan told reporters after meeting with House Republicans behind closed doors.

“We’re going to use every tool at our disposal through legislation, through regulation, to bring replace concurrent along with repeal, so that we can save people from this mess.”

In the GOP conference meeting, Ryan told his colleagues he expects the House will press forward and vote Friday on a Senate-passed budget that will start the process to repeal the Affordable Care Act. That’s despite calls from Freedom Caucus members for more details about how the repeal and replacement process would unfold.
Because of the cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, Obamacare actually reduced budget deficits. You can be sure that part of O-care will stay in place.

...READ... Because of the reduced benefits in Medicare making people forego care or pay themselves...
Because of the cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, Obamacare actually reduced budget deficits. You can be sure that part of O-care will stay in place.

...READ... Because of the reduced benefits in Medicare making people forego care or pay themselves...

That's funny....if you do not know that Medicare has been reducing benefits since ACA - then you have no business talking about Medicare.
Because of the cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, Obamacare actually reduced budget deficits. You can be sure that part of O-care will stay in place.

...READ... Because of the reduced benefits in Medicare making people forego care or pay themselves...
That's funny....if you do not know that Medicare has been reducing benefits since ACA - then you have no business talking about Medicare.

Excuse me!! I was responding to your claim that people are forgoing care!! Payments were reduced to providers. That does not necessarily mean less access for patients. DO YOU HAVE DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM? I have been on Medicare since before the ACA and have seen to difference in the quality or care or my access to care.
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Because of the cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, Obamacare actually reduced budget deficits. You can be sure that part of O-care will stay in place.

...READ... Because of the reduced benefits in Medicare making people forego care or pay themselves...

Doctors who still accept Medicare patients could see an average reduction of 21.2 percent in Medicare reimbursement rates, according the Department of Health and Human Services. And a new Urban Institute study claims primary care physicians who still take Medicaid patients could see an average reduction of 42.8 percent. (source)

The health care law’s cost-saving provisions include reductions in Medicare Advantage overpayments and in certain payments to doctors, hospitals, and drug manufacturers.

The reconciliation process normally can’t be used to pass legislation that increases the deficit 10 or more years into the future; that’s why the Bush tax cuts in 2001 expired after 10 years. Since Obamacare reduced the deficit, it would stand to reason that repealing it increases the deficit in the long run, and runs afoul of this rule. To get around this, the reconciliation bill preserves Obamacare’s cuts to Medicare doctor payments, and so is scored as reducing the deficit, because those cuts plus the cost of the insurance subsidies and Medicaid expansion swamp the revenue loss from repealing all of Obamacare’s taxes.

That's not a key phrase; it's a recognition that not every payment made to those individuals and entities contribute to deficit reduction. The whole sentence, however, is nothing more than a statement taken from a larger article. Click on the sentence and read the article The same is so of the statement that follows it. Click on that one too. As for my actual message, well, that is found here. You will need to read the content at both links to see the why that message is accurate.
If the ACA wasn't the most massive Tax Increase in US history, then how could it possibly "increase the deficit" if it is repealed?
The ACA only works for INS company's and deadbeats that refuse to insure their own smelly bodies.

How does someone that works a low paying job afford insurance?

Don't even bother - Republicans do not know answers to such questions.

How does someone with a low paying job afford the Affordable Healthcare Fines for not having it?

People with low paying job have affordable options to get insured due to subsidies in the law, why WOULDN'T they get covered.

Even so, penalty can be appealed on affordability grounds and cannot exceed a small % of income
And once again it is pertinent to point out that any policy that has $6000-$8000 deductible is not insurance, it is a donation.
The ACA only works for INS company's and deadbeats that refuse to insure their own smelly bodies.

How does someone that works a low paying job afford insurance?

Don't even bother - Republicans do not know answers to such questions.

How does someone with a low paying job afford the Affordable Healthcare Fines for not having it?

People with low paying job have affordable options to get insured due to subsidies in the law, why WOULDN'T they get covered.

Even so, penalty can be appealed on affordability grounds and cannot exceed a small % of income
Oh so it's a war on productivity and upward mobility? I got you.
So why do so many people still refuse to sign up for Obamacare?
And why did Obama pad his statistics by claiming the millions of people who got kicked off of their health care plans and forced to sign up for Obamacare and called that a success. I thought he promised them they could keep their plans and their doctors?
And once again it is pertinent to point out that any policy that has $6000-$8000 deductible is not insurance, it is a donation.
It's called being Self Insured which is what High Deductable plans actually are. A way to force you to pay for Insurance that you cannot use, but some lazy underachieving scum gets to use.
The ACA only works for INS company's and deadbeats that refuse to insure their own smelly bodies.

How does someone that works a low paying job afford insurance?

Don't even bother - Republicans do not know answers to such questions.

How does someone with a low paying job afford the Affordable Healthcare Fines for not having it?

People with low paying job have affordable options to get insured due to subsidies in the law, why WOULDN'T they get covered.

Even so, penalty can be appealed on affordability grounds and cannot exceed a small % of income
Oh so it's a war on productivity and upward mobility? I got you.
So why do so many people still refuse to sign up for Obamacare?
And why did Obama pad his statistics by claiming the millions of people who got kicked off of their health care plans and forced to sign up for Obamacare and called that a success. I thought he promised them they could keep their plans and their doctors?

WTF??? That is a totally insane comment.

How does having insurance decrease productivity and upward mobility and what in the world makes you think that is what I'm saying?


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