Repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period

What I'm denying is that this is somehow unique to this coverage. Insurance companies rarely cover EVERYTHING and while they don't require such consent form they can still refuse payment for certain procedures and scenarios that hospital may bill you for.
When did I say other insurance providers don't deny payments?

Are you playing stupid?
No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?

Medicare, not unlike other private insurance plans covers only about 80% of certain expenses and has co-pays.
When did I say other insurance providers don't deny payments?

Are you playing stupid?
No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?
Are you playing stupid?
No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Dental surgery based on a fall.
No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.

No. but obviously you are.

You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens
You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
And? I already stated bone density tests were only allowed every 23 months by Medicare.

And that items only deemed medically necessary by Medicare were covered.
You clearly insinuate that public coverage is subpar because they somehow uniquely deny certain coverage. They don't, so your point is bust.
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.


Medicare doesn't cover dental, Medicaid does.
Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
And? I already stated bone density tests were only allowed every 23 months by Medicare.

And that items only deemed medically necessary by Medicare were covered.

And your list is bullshit. You get get as many bone density test as you MEDICALLY NEED, just as under other plans.
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
And? I already stated bone density tests were only allowed every 23 months by Medicare.

And that items only deemed medically necessary by Medicare were covered.

And your list is bullshit. You get get as many bone density test as you MEDICALLY NEED, just as under other plans.
How do you know what tests a Medicare patient does or doesn't need that a doctor that knows the patient personally orders?
Then explain why Medicare patients need to pay for a secondary insurance provider to make up the difference or else pay out of pocket?

Again very same special pleading. Do you have a learning disability?
Well? According to your logic if Medicare denies a procedure so should BCBS.

Except...they don't.

Who pays for these denied Medicare items if the patient can't afford to pay a premium for secondary insurance?

Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.


Medicare doesn't cover dental, Medicaid does.
Only for patients under 21 and only items deemed medically necessary.
Ok give me example of procedure Medicare denies that basic BCBS insurance covers.
Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
And? I already stated bone density tests were only allowed every 23 months by Medicare.

And that items only deemed medically necessary by Medicare were covered.

And your list is bullshit. You get get as many bone density test as you MEDICALLY NEED, just as under other plans.
How do you know what tests a Medicare patient does or doesn't need that a doctor that knows the patient personally orders?

Gawd you jsut don't fucking get it, do you?

Bone density tests
Blood screens

Bone mass measurement (bone density)
How often is it covered?
...once every 24 months (more often if Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.

Laboratory services (clinical)

How often is it covered?
Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine...medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory services that are ordered by your doctor or practitioner. Laboratory tests include certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens, and some screening tests. They must be provided by a laboratory that meets Medicare requirements.

Laboratory services (clinical) |
And? I already stated bone density tests were only allowed every 23 months by Medicare.

And that items only deemed medically necessary by Medicare were covered.

And your list is bullshit. You get get as many bone density test as you MEDICALLY NEED, just as under other plans.
How do you know what tests a Medicare patient does or doesn't need that a doctor that knows the patient personally orders?

Gawd you jsut don't fucking get it, do you?

Point being other insurance providers pay for things Medicare/Medicaid denies...hence why most people on Medicare/Medicaid pay for secondary insurance. Especially retired folks.

If Government run healthcare is so great...why do people need supplemental insurance from Aetna,BCBS,United etc?

And then there is this liberal myth that da poor need it so they don't pay out of pocket for medical care....
Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for. America is a great country and deserves world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering mess we have had.

And fucking me over, you forget that part.

Why should I pay full price when others get government assistance? Plus why should I pay full price for something less than what I got before?

NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.

No they don't, unless you maybe go bed-tanning or flip secondary houses at over $500,000 profit. There are no significant middle class taxes that fund subsidies.



As far as covering higher risk people, yes that does add cost, but neither Trump nor most Republicans are looking to get rid of provisions for pre-existing conditions.

everything goes into and out of the general fund. Taxes from certain places only get specifically assigned in very specific cases. The rest is accounting jiggery pokery.
There is nothing in Obamcare for me than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for. America is a great country and deserves world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering mess we have had.

And fucking me over, you forget that part.

Why should I pay full price when others get government assistance? Plus why should I pay full price for something less than what I got before?

NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.

No they don't, unless you maybe go bed-tanning or flip secondary houses at over $500,000 profit. There are no significant middle class taxes that fund subsidies.



As far as covering higher risk people, yes that does add cost, but neither Trump nor most Republicans are looking to get rid of provisions for pre-existing conditions.

everything goes into and out of the general fund. Taxes from certain places only get specifically assigned in very specific cases. The rest is accounting jiggery pokery.

...? It still COMES from different sources.
And fucking me over, you forget that part.

Why should I pay full price when others get government assistance? Plus why should I pay full price for something less than what I got before?

NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.

No they don't, unless you maybe go bed-tanning or flip secondary houses at over $500,000 profit. There are no significant middle class taxes that fund subsidies.



As far as covering higher risk people, yes that does add cost, but neither Trump nor most Republicans are looking to get rid of provisions for pre-existing conditions.

everything goes into and out of the general fund. Taxes from certain places only get specifically assigned in very specific cases. The rest is accounting jiggery pokery.

...? It still COMES from different sources.

and they all increase costs, and thus increase my costs, and they still don't really cover the costs of Obamacare, thus my taxes go towards it.

and the Cadillac tax is probably the most egregious thing out there, forcing companies to offer crappier insurance.
NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.

No they don't, unless you maybe go bed-tanning or flip secondary houses at over $500,000 profit. There are no significant middle class taxes that fund subsidies.



As far as covering higher risk people, yes that does add cost, but neither Trump nor most Republicans are looking to get rid of provisions for pre-existing conditions.

everything goes into and out of the general fund. Taxes from certain places only get specifically assigned in very specific cases. The rest is accounting jiggery pokery.

...? It still COMES from different sources.

and they all increase costs, and thus increase my costs, and they still don't really cover the costs of Obamacare, thus my taxes go towards it.

and the Cadillac tax is probably the most egregious thing out there, forcing companies to offer crappier insurance.

What is "they"?? Sources of taxes?

I'll repeat it one more time - You didn't pay a single extra penny that you would have without Obamacare. Seems like you are just looking for excuse to whine about it.

Cadilac tax is meant to discourage no-deductable plans. Your employer can still pay what they paid before for your premium but for a cheaper premium plan, thus passing on to you lower premium that would make up for higher deductible
My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.

No they don't, unless you maybe go bed-tanning or flip secondary houses at over $500,000 profit. There are no significant middle class taxes that fund subsidies.



As far as covering higher risk people, yes that does add cost, but neither Trump nor most Republicans are looking to get rid of provisions for pre-existing conditions.

everything goes into and out of the general fund. Taxes from certain places only get specifically assigned in very specific cases. The rest is accounting jiggery pokery.

...? It still COMES from different sources.

and they all increase costs, and thus increase my costs, and they still don't really cover the costs of Obamacare, thus my taxes go towards it.

and the Cadillac tax is probably the most egregious thing out there, forcing companies to offer crappier insurance.

What is "they"?? Sources of taxes?

I'll repeat it one more time - You didn't pay a single extra penny that you would have without Obamacare. Seems like you are just looking for excuse to whine about it.

Cadilac tax is meant to discourage no-deductable plans. Your employer can still pay what they paid before for your premium but for a cheaper premium plan, thus passing on to you lower premium that would make up for higher deductible

Yes, i do. I pay more because the companies pass the costs down to me. Hell one of them is to increase corporate taxes "just because".

And why discourage no-deductible plans?

and I guess that kind of eliminates the whole "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" bullshit Obama laid down, right?

It is in the public's best interests to provide basic healthcare to all of its citizens, and it's cheaper than the mess you've gotten yourselves into vis a vis spiraling costs.

It is much more in the public interest for the filthy ass government not to take our money by force and give it away to a bunch of welfare queens in exchange for votes for Democrat shitheads.

I'll be responsible to pay my own bills and you be responsible to pay your own bills. We don't need to have the filthy ass government, managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups, to take our money by force to pay for the health care bills of the assholes that are too sorry to pay for their own health care. .

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