Repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period

You are the greedy one here, wanting me to subsidize your crap so you can continue your lazy lifestyle.

Get a fucking job, or a better one and take care of your own shit.

WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for. America is a great country and deserves world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering mess we have had.

And fucking me over, you forget that part.

Why should I pay full price when others get government assistance? Plus why should I pay full price for something less than what I got before?

NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

My taxes pay for them. Someone has to pay for the subsidies. and my rates go up because insurance companies are capped at how much they can charge higher risk people, thus I have to subsidize them on that front.
You are the greedy one here, wanting me to subsidize your crap so you can continue your lazy lifestyle.

Get a fucking job, or a better one and take care of your own shit.

WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for. America is a great country and deserves world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering mess we have had.

And fucking me over, you forget that part.

Why should I pay full price when others get government assistance? Plus why should I pay full price for something less than what I got before?

NOBODY is charging you ANYTHING for Obamacare subsidies.

You ramblings about ME somehow fucking YOU over is your psychosis kicking into overdrive.

Oh really? Then you tell us where the government is getting the cash to pay for the subsidies? From a money tree?
You are the greedy one here, wanting me to subsidize your crap so you can continue your lazy lifestyle.

Get a fucking job, or a better one and take care of your own shit.

WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

I pay extra on my healthcare so you can pay less. Thank me, you ungrateful little twat.

Prove it.

Where do you get your healthcare from?

My employer.

so why haven't you been forced to pay increased premiums for less coverage, or take a high deductible plan?
Fuck you and your little mememememe world.

Grandfathered Plans

You are the greedy one here, wanting me to subsidize your crap so you can continue your lazy lifestyle.

Get a fucking job, or a better one and take care of your own shit.

WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudes
WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

I pay extra on my healthcare so you can pay less. Thank me, you ungrateful little twat.

Prove it.

Where do you get your healthcare from?

My employer.

so why haven't you been forced to pay increased premiums for less coverage, or take a high deductible plan?

Is it not amazing that if Ocare is not affecting Antontoo, that he sit there smugly and tell everyone it has affected negatively they are all wrong, and he is correct! He does not get affected, so the rest of you unwashed masses that are, tough luck cause he is brilliant. Typical lefty approach!
You are the greedy one here, wanting me to subsidize your crap so you can continue your lazy lifestyle.

Get a fucking job, or a better one and take care of your own shit.

WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!
WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.
Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......
There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......

I use my voice and vote in our great civilized, democratic governing system.

So can you.
I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......

I use my voice and vote in our great civilized, democratic governing system.

So can you.

We did, that is how we got Trump elected, and why no matter how much you whine, Ocare is done for in its current form. See, we learned a trick or two is called VOTE FOR REPUBS if you want to get taxes under control. You should try it sometime-)
It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......

I use my voice and vote in our great civilized, democratic governing system.

So can you.

We did, that is how we got Trump elected, and why no matter how much you whine, Ocare is done for in its current form. See, we learned a trick or two is called VOTE FOR REPUBS if you want to get taxes under control. You should try it sometime-)

Done for "in it's current form"? :rolleyes:

And what is this "other form" do you think it will be in?

Trump talks about covering people with pre-existing conditions, talks about how getting everybody insured would be wonderful, talks about how 26 year olds staying on their parents policies is great and how Obamacare disaster will be replaced with something wonderful that does all the good things it does but with free magic beans infused so there are no downsides. Good luck with those fantasies. Nothing I would love more than for them to come true...I just know better.

Trump and Republicans fuck with healthcare market and cause millions of people to lose access to insurance the rest of their political aspirations will be very short lived. It's one thing to chant Repeal! at political rallies, governing is a whole different matter.
Look Antontoo------> If you people want Ocare, then you can keep your plan! I don't care if you keep Ocare, as long as there is an option NOT to!

Understand the basic reality of the debate--------> We are NOT demanding you do what we say, but YOU are demanding we do what YOU say! Keep Ocare if you like, whatever you want to do is fine, as long as WE have a choice.

Now, even a leftist can understand that what I have stated is FAIR; and what is wrong with being FAIR? Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have, the more free you are! So there you have it!

CONSERVATIVES ON THIS BOARD-----------> Are any of you demanding that any leftist on this board can NOT keep their high deductibles, or help others buy health insurance if they so choose to?

See Antontoo, all of us agree YOU can help others all you want, and KEEP your high deductibles to boot if makes YOU personally happy:dance:

There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

/--- do you tell your accountant to not take any deductions on your return, that you insist on paying the maximum tax each year? Will do you punk?
WTF? What of my crap do you subsidize? Fuck off, I pay for everything and then some.

You are a pathetic little man to even go there.

I pay extra on my healthcare so you can pay less. Thank me, you ungrateful little twat.

Prove it.

Where do you get your healthcare from?

My employer.

so why haven't you been forced to pay increased premiums for less coverage, or take a high deductible plan?

Umm because that doesn't happen to everyone - DUH?

You keep thinking that you are the macrocosm of America, you aren't and to have serious discussion we need to take a look at national statistics - I really urge you to.
There is nothing in Obamcare for me other than general well being of this country.

I am well insured, well employed, healthy and otherwise blessed in this world and it is exactly because my concern does not end at my picket fence that I support Obamacare and further reforms it lays foundation for.

America is a great country of the willing and able - there is no reason why we can't have world's best healthcare, not the over-priced, under-delivering, people-screwing mess we have had going on for the last 3 decades.

I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

/--- do you tell your accountant to not take any deductions on your return, that you insist on paying the maximum tax each year? Will do you punk?

I pay what the people, through representative political system in this country has determined is the appropriate tax rate, not more, not less. I do not ask of any of you that which I don't do.
So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......

I use my voice and vote in our great civilized, democratic governing system.

So can you.

We did, that is how we got Trump elected, and why no matter how much you whine, Ocare is done for in its current form. See, we learned a trick or two is called VOTE FOR REPUBS if you want to get taxes under control. You should try it sometime-)

Done for "in it's current form"? :rolleyes:

And what is this "other form" do you think it will be in?

Trump talks about covering people with pre-existing conditions, talks about how getting everybody insured would be wonderful, talks about how 26 year olds staying on their parents policies is great and how Obamacare disaster will be replaced with something wonderful that does all the good things it does but with free magic beans infused so there are no downsides. Good luck with those fantasies. Nothing I would love more than for them to come true...I just know better.

Trump and Republicans fuck with healthcare market and cause millions of people to lose access to insurance the rest of their political aspirations will be very short lived. It's one thing to chant Repeal! at political rallies, governing is a whole different matter.

That is where you are wrong! The people who had Ocare already knew he was going to repeal, so they voted against him. And soooooooo, with a change if any of them come out better, he will actually pick up votes.

Remember, people who are going to lose free stuff always those who were going to lose the free ride, they voted early and often AGAINST Trump. Didn't help, so no mythical threat of them returning en mas is going to work, lol!
I agree with you, as long as your side does NOT insist we subsidize others that we can't claim on our taxes; especially illegal aliens.

Again, I am being fair-------->we will NOT force you to do anything and punish you monetarily if you do not do as we say, and we expect the same out of your side. If you feel charitable, then by all means.....give to whatever cause you like, just do not mandate that WE have to!

It's just more of memememe fantasizing.

Americans have long rejected your attitudedes

So then, you do not care about what Americans want Gruber Jr, you are brilliant and will force it down our throats. OK, explains everything. There you have it USMB, how a lefty really thinks!

I have no problem making those that are doing well in this country like myself contributing more to society to ensure that our citizens, Americans, have safety nets to fall back on in tough times and old age and yes have access to affordable healthcare.

Standard fair "but I really don't give a shit about anything beyond my four walls!!" pleads from ridiculous conservatives do not impress. These attitudes are straight barbaric.

And you use the gun of the government to get the rest of us to go along with it.

How Brave of you......

I use my voice and vote in our great civilized, democratic governing system.

So can you.

When 1/2 the country figures out it can rob the other 1/2 via a majority vote, that is the end of the Republic.
I pay extra on my healthcare so you can pay less. Thank me, you ungrateful little twat.

Prove it.

Where do you get your healthcare from?

My employer.

so why haven't you been forced to pay increased premiums for less coverage, or take a high deductible plan?

Umm because that doesn't happen to everyone - DUH?

You keep thinking that you are the macrocosm of America, you aren't and to have serious discussion we need to take a look at national statistics - I really urge you to.

I primarily care about my own bottom line. Why do I have to pay more for others to pay less?
Does anyone believe this? I mean seriously!

Did you click the link?

Obamacare contains:

1. New Spending.
2. New Spending Cuts.
3. New Revenues.

The [3.revenues] and [2.spending cuts] are larger over 10 year period compared to [1.spending].

What is it that you don't believe?
You forgot the part where the new revenues and new spending are in place for the full ten years and the spending cuts never occur.

I work in healthcare - they most definitely occur.

Obamacare reworks reimbursement structure and meaningful use incentives.

Where are the spending cuts? It certainly didn't cut my spending.

Obamacare moved Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement towards paying for outcomes, not procedures.

So if you had a surgery and they left an extra metal piece in you, guess what, government is no longer paying provider to fix it. If person had to stay longer in the hospital because the discharge was delayed by whatever reason, guess what, government isn't paying for that, it now pays for expected length of stay.

Government pays less, hospitals have more pressure to perform only truly needed procedures and do them in more efficient, timely manner and lower overall costs.

Lowered per-person-cost forecasts are no accident.


It is tough to have a conversation on this with people who know little-to-nothing about healthcare except that they don't like Obama or paying for insurance.

There is much in the law to fix, much more reform ideas to address costs, but this Repeal! shtick conservatives have made into a rally chant will do little more than seriously disrupt healthcare yet again and set us back and sideways ten squares.
Medicare care doesn't pay for things they deem "not medically necessary" doesn't mean they are correct in their judgement. Infact the amount of appeals sent back to them is ridiculous. They don't even understand their own rules. And guess what? Even if Medicare doesn't pay? The patient does.
Last edited:
Tell them----->there is a difference between healthcare insurance, and healthcare coverage. It is all lefty semantics designed to muddy the waters. Do people who have a 6 to 10,000 deductible insured? Technically yes, realistically, hell no! So for leftists to pretend that Ocare is magical is a false premise, because there is a difference between health INSURANCE, and HEALTHCARE.

Realistically yes - it is YOUR CHOICE to get cheaper premium insurance with higher deductible OR go for more more expensive premiums with lower deductible.

You think $10,000 is unaffordable? How about $20,000 for pregnancy with some complications, $60,000 for a heart attack or $100,000 cancer treatment?

When you have insurance you can afford healthcare and you pay into the system, when you don't have insurance you can't, provider gets screwed, you go bankrupt and ruin your finances for a long time.

A system where 40 million of Americans went without insurance was a fundamentally dysfunctional one.

The question remain--------->are these prices BECAUSE of the government, or in SPITE of government?

You say you work in healthcare? OK, then tell everyone why if you pay out of your pocket for a procedure, it is way cheaper? I know this to be true! The fact is that the government and insurance companies have pushed the price of healthcare into the stratosphere. How? Because the end user does not care what the cost is when a 3rd party pays the bill for them.......and.........the government does not care what the end bill is, when they are using other peoples money to pay the bill.

Doubt me? Then why is it that many doctors are going to once a year charge, and you get access? Easy..........because they actually make MORE money than if they join these government regulated clinics. And know what, better healthcare, and cheaper for the consumer. Ocare is a joke laid upon the American people by government. It did NOTHING to lower price, did nothing good for anyone except people who did not have healthcare. On the other hand, it did a lot of bad for people who HAD the type of healthcare they wanted. Instead, the government mandates what you have to have, regardless if you like it or not, and if you don't do what they say, they fine you!

That is SOCIALISM, like it or not. Nowhere in out constitution does it say that healthcare is a right, or that government must supply it for you. In fact, government has screwed it up like it does virtually everything it takes over.

Medicaid and Medicare consistently pay less for healthcare than private insurances, their spending growth is way slower and they operate at much smaller overhead.

What does that tell you about who drives the price up in our healthcare system?

Medicare may pay less back in reimbursements. That doesn't mean what they don't pay is free. Either a secondary insurance picks up the balance or the patient is billed.

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