Zone1 The "Baby Mama" phenomenon in Black culture. The flip side of 75 percent Fatherless homes.

Demonstrating why Tenure sucks. They also didn't fire that Nazi Holocaust Denier at Northwestern.
Holocaust Denial is easy to refute. If the Holocaust did not happen it must be the case that every survivor of a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a Nazi concentration camp conspired to lie about what was happening in the camps.

Race realism cannot be refuted because it makes assertions that are obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with the three major races.

That is why those who fear the political implications of race realism try to suppress it.
Well, first and foremost, this wasn't a regular guy, it was a somewhat famous rapper who had a lot of groupies, just like a lot of white rock stars do. (Or did back in the day.)

Of course, he had the affluence to pay these women for child support.

This, however, is not "typical". Most unmarried black men who father children are involved in the children's lives.

They are contributing to the child's life.

The real problem is that they are often forced to game the system because it's not like the good old days when if you got a girl knocked up, you got a good union job and married her. So not surprisingly, women write unknown on the birth certificate, but they know damned well who got them pregnant.

On the other hand, the good old days of marrying a man you didn't really love because of a child are gone in days because women have more independence.

So it's not just black people who have seen an increase in out of wedlock births, it's also white folks.

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The TV Show was about a semi-famous Rapper but that does not mean Black men who are essentially 'baby makers' are rare. There are enough of them that they make a significant impact on the number of Fatherless homes in inner cities. Certainly there are plenty of single White teenage girls who get pregnant, but there is no evidence that this impacts White communities in any significant way. There is plenty of evidence that the 'Baby Maker/Baby Mama' Black culture greatly contributes to the problems in the inner cities. Feel free to join me in supporting Project H.O.O.D and Pastor Brooks or some similar grass roots organization that is directly addressing these and other problems in those communities.
Holocaust Denial is easy to refute.

Is it?

If the Holocaust did not happen it must be the case that every survivor of a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a Nazi concentration camp conspired to lie about what was happening in the camps.
My dad was one of the soldiers who liberated Nordhausen... but I had a rather putrid holocaust denier on here who claimed that Nordhausen wasn't that bad, it was only a prison camp.

Race realism cannot be refuted because it makes assertions that are obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with the three major races.

Sure it can.. in that unlike the Holcaust, which has had thousands of historian documenting it, no reputable academic will touch the stuff.

But, hey, Race realists, Holocaust Deniers, Flat Earthers, Bigfoot Hunters, can all confirm their beliefs with "Stuff I found on the internet".
The TV Show was about a semi-famous Rapper but that does not mean Black men who are essentially 'baby makers' are rare. There are enough of them that they make a significant impact on the number of Fatherless homes in inner cities. Certainly there are plenty of single White teenage girls who get pregnant, but there is no evidence that this impacts White communities in any significant way. There is plenty of evidence that the 'Baby Maker/Baby Mama' Black culture greatly contributes to the problems in the inner cities. Feel free to join me in supporting Project H.O.O.D and Pastor Brooks or some similar grass roots organization that is directly addressing these and other problems in those communities.
Pastor Brooks is an Uncle Tom.

No one cares about him.
Well, to start with, back then you still had people paid to be street cleaners.

You also didn't have disposable packaging for everything.
So why are people in certain areas discarding the disposable packaging in the street instead of in the trash receptacles provided by their government? You don’t see litter where I live because it’s not acceptable.
Sure it can.. in that unlike the Holcaust, which has had thousands of historian documenting it, no reputable academic will touch the stuff.

But, hey, Race realists, Holocaust Deniers, Flat Earthers, Bigfoot Hunters, can all confirm their beliefs with "Stuff I found on the internet".

yet you still had Meier Lansky, Bugsy Seigal, The Purple Gang, etc.

Crime is what happens when there aren't other opportunities.

Jews always had the option of assimilating, as did the Italians and the Irish, which is why you saw declines in organized crime in those groups after a few generations.

German-Americans never had organized crime. I think it's a German thing, we are just too orderly to tolerate that kind of thing.
Every demographic has a few criminals. The Negro demographic has a high percentage of criminals.
'Baby Mama' first entered the vernacular of Black culture through Hip Hop music as artists of the 90s began speaking about the tendency for Black men to have multiple children with multiple mothers out of wedlock. This almost never spoken about as it immediately evokes screams of RACIST! But I could care less what anyone thinks of me so I'll bring it up.

Black men like Nick Cannon may be able to support a dozen kids with as many mothers but 99 percent of them cannot. That leaves Black communities with single mothers struggling to feed multiple kids with insufficient income and emotional support. I don't know what the solution is, but not talking about it at all will make the problem worse.

The only "solution" is education and efforts to raise the standard of living.

There you are. You condemn anyone trying to fix problems by name calling.
Name calling, insults, obscene words, and oblique threats of violence are all JoeB131 has.

Because he cannot defend his opinions in a candid debate he wants challenges of his opinions to be suppressed.
Pastor Brooks is an Uncle Tom.

No one cares about him.
That is disgraceful. He is dedicating his LIFE to helping turn around the hopelessness in South Chicago. You and IM2 should be ashamed of yourselves for denigrating this great man.
Or... the Jews are actually oppressors.

We wouldn't tolerate any other country doing what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians. We'd be cutting off aid and slapping sanctions on them.
What about what the Palestinians have been doing to Israelis? The terror attacks, the rockets? If Palestine bordered the United States we would have annihilated them long ago.
The only "solution" is education and efforts to raise the standard of living.
That is certainly part of the solution. First, the problem needs to be acknowledged at a high enough levels to bring the resources. Otherwise the cycle will continue to the 3rd, 4th, 5th.....generations and continue to get worse.

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