Repeated, Technical Knock Outs, to Win???

shogun, are you the poster stirfry alias tinfoil, over on another board? you remind me of this poster that was very visual, loved posting pictures or drawings or smileys to give that extra punch, when expressing himself?

ahhhhhhhhhhh i see you are in to the twisting and turning and lying crap too......nice, real nice....typical, whiney, over dramatic obamaite response to what she said...

but parrrr for the course, i suppose!:rolleyes:


Yeah, that's one of the things I was talking about.
ahhhhhhhhhhh i see you are in to the twisting and turning and lying crap too......nice, real nice....typical, whiney, over dramatic obamaite response to what she said...

but parrrr for the course, i suppose!:rolleyes:


cry me a river, Ravi. You can't name 5 dirty tricks pulled by Obama while I have at least that many to remind you of with clinton.

Indeed, it's a mystery why you would think anyone with testicles is picking on a poor defenseless woman.
1 Clinton Push Polling

2 Clinton regrets RFK assassination remark

3 Did the Clinton Campaign Doctor Obama Footage to Make Him 'Blacker'?


4 Hillary Clinton's Dirty Campaign Tactics

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted January 15, 2008.

In Iowa, New Hampshire and now Nevada, the Clinton campaign has sought to suppress the vote of her rivals' supporters.


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YOUR turn...

Lets see you come up with 5 distinct, seperate attempts by Obama's campaign. I bet you can't even list 3 before you start bawling that i must hate women.
shogun, are you the poster stirfry alias tinfoil, over on another board? you remind me of this poster that was very visual, loved posting pictures or drawings or smileys to give that extra punch, when expressing himself?


Not I said the fly.
1 Clinton Push Polling

2 Clinton regrets RFK assassination remark

3 Did the Clinton Campaign Doctor Obama Footage to Make Him 'Blacker'?


4 Hillary Clinton's Dirty Campaign Tactics

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted January 15, 2008.

In Iowa, New Hampshire and now Nevada, the Clinton campaign has sought to suppress the vote of her rivals' supporters.


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

YOUR turn...

Lets see you come up with 5 distinct, seperate attempts by Obama's campaign. I bet you can't even list 3 before you start bawling that i must hate women.

This is what I'm talking about. You people are so friggin dishonest it makes me want to hurl.

Push-polling - No evidence. It could easily be someone trying to make it look like one camp was doing it, it isn't like that hasn't happened before.

Darkening Obama - we already debunked this the other day. It didn't happen.

RFK - it was an historical reference point. IMO, the Obama camp built it into something it wasn't, therefore they are guilty on this one.

Your other link I skimmed through and saw something about a fairy tale. I think her husband equated Obama's experience as a fairy tale. Boo hoo, you can have that one.

The last link I couldn't read.
You, Ravi, are a fucking WACKO that wouldn't believe clinton was guilty of murder even if you walked in on her bloodied frenzies, heaving visage still plunging the knife into her victim.

But, hey, at least by crying like a bitch you absolve yourself from having to dig up even HALF of these examples from Obama, eh?

sour grapes don't win elections, Ravi. dont hate me because im smarter than you.
You've only given me one. The deal was five.

I'll help you out.

The only other possible dirty politics Clinton, actually Bill, pulled on Obama was a comparison to Jesse Jackson.

You've got three more to go.
It's not just issues, it's also trust and character. If Obama doesn't get the nomination there's no way I'll vote for Hillary. If you would vote for someone you describe as someone you loathe and who is incredibly low and conniving, then you're representative of a big part of what is wrong with politics in this country.

yeah, it was that brilliant line of thinking that lead to nader and hence G.W. in 2000.

of course it stinks welcome to american politics steerpike....lesser of two evils is where we're at, have been and will continue to be.
You've only given me one. The deal was five.

I'll help you out.

The only other possible dirty politics Clinton, actually Bill, pulled on Obama was a comparison to Jesse Jackson.

You've got three more to go.

I tell you what..

you feel free to only post ONE (1)

just one.

Like I said, if you wanna compare dirty tactics between clinton and obama you might as well deflect and call me a woman hating misogynist right now cause you are gonna lose.

you know... kinda like your vaginal role model running for president.
I tell you what..

you feel free to only post ONE (1)

just one.

Like I said, if you wanna compare dirty tactics between clinton and obama you might as well deflect and call me a woman hating misogynist right now cause you are gonna lose.

you know... kinda like your vaginal role model running for president.

Jebus, that's it? You only came up with one? Yep, you are FOS, and I mean that by Mani's definition.
shogun is that a double barreled shot gun in your hands or are you just glad to...
Jebus, that's it? You only came up with one? Yep, you are FOS, and I mean that by Mani's definition.

no, it's not.. BUT, Im betting that YOU can't even come up with one single example from Obama's camp. Don't deflect and avoid, Ravi. Skin your smokestack and show me ONE example of Obama playing dirty with Clinton.

Just one.

No more avoiding. Show me you have the slightest comprehension of what you are talking about.
Wow... this post went down the tubes fast.

Ok, lets look at some real facts.

The Obama campaign CAN NOT WIN unless the Democrats do not count certain votes. If the Democrats think that they are going to get a true, pure nominee, they are sadly mistaken. Democrats complained about how President Bush "stole" the election because Florida "didn't count certain votes." Even though it was a crock, they still whined and moaned for the first 4 years. Now all of a sudden, their nomination process has hit a similar snag.... and the party wants to nominate him anyway? They want Clinton to quit? What a heaping pile of hypocrites! Democrats WILL NEVER be united behind either of these two candidates. The nasty and long primary has seen to that, as well as both dishonorable campaigns. These two candidates tore each other apart. Now you think that after the nomination, they will just make up, and REAL PEOPLE will actually believe it if it does happen????

Obama is NOT winning in the popular vote, he is NOT or BARELY winning the delegate count! Except, he looks STRONG when votes are not counted. If we count all the votes cast, it is Hillary Clinton who is the Democratic Front Runner.

Will Hillary get Florida and Michigan counted? Who knows. Even if the Rules Committee at the DNC votes against counting them, Hillary will probably file a lawsuit. If the Democrats do NOT count Florida or Michigan, they can kiss those Electoral Votes goodbye. They are already going to have a hard enough time in Florida anyway.... but this will nail the coffin.

Culture of Corruption? The Democrats can't be pointing any fingers....
Wow... this post went down the tubes fast.

Ok, lets look at some real facts.

The Obama campaign CAN NOT WIN unless the Democrats do not count certain votes. If the Democrats think that they are going to get a true, pure nominee, they are sadly mistaken. Democrats complained about how President Bush "stole" the election because Florida "didn't count certain votes." Even though it was a crock, they still whined and moaned for the first 4 years. Now all of a sudden, their nomination process has hit a similar snag.... and the party wants to nominate him anyway? They want Clinton to quit? What a heaping pile of hypocrites! Democrats WILL NEVER be united behind either of these two candidates. The nasty and long primary has scene to that, as well as both dishonorable campaigns. These two candidates tore each other apart. Now you think that after the nomination, they will just make up, and REAL PEOPLE will actually believe it if it does happen????

Obama is NOT winning in the popular vote, he is NOT or BARELY winning the delegate count! Except, he looks STRONG when votes are not counted. If we count all the votes cast, it is Hillary Clinton who is the Democratic Front Runner.

Will Hillary get Florida and Michigan counted? Who knows. Even if the Rules Committee at the DNC votes against counting them, Hillary will probably file a lawsuit. If the Democrats do NOT count Florida or Michigan, they can kiss those Electoral Votes goodbye. They are already going to have a hard enough time in Florida anyway.... but this will nail the coffin.

Culture of Corruption? The Democrats can't be pointing any fingers....

I think you have a good point there. If we don't count the caucuses and we give Florida and Michigan 100% and we count states where Obama was on the ballot and we don't count Iowa and we ignore the votes of voters under 25 who are notorious no shows Clinton has a commanding lead.
I think you have a good point there. If we don't count the caucuses and we give Florida and Michigan 100% and we count states where Obama was on the ballot and we don't count Iowa and we ignore the votes of voters under 25 who are notorious no shows Clinton has a commanding lead.

Actually, we can count Iowa, we can exclude Michigan since Obama wasn't on the ballot, we can count all voters under 25, and Clinton will still have a lead in the popular vote after the remaining three primaries.
no, it's not.. BUT, Im betting that YOU can't even come up with one single example from Obama's camp. Don't deflect and avoid, Ravi. Skin your smokestack and show me ONE example of Obama playing dirty with Clinton.

Just one.

No more avoiding. Show me you have the slightest comprehension of what you are talking about.

Okay, sweetie, here you go. The fairy tale thing? The Obama camp pretended it was a racial slur and slammed Clinton over it.

Now you are down to only one, and it's the one I gave you.

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