Reply to RCC hidden behavior behind closed doors

The bodies of 796 children, between the ages of two days and nine years old, are believed to have been buried in a disused sewage tank in Tuam, County Galway. They died between 1925 and 1961 in a mother and baby home under the care of the Bon Secours nuns.

Locals have known about the grave since 1975, when two little boys, playing, broke apart the concrete slab covering it and discovered a tomb filled with small skeletons. A parish priest said prayers at the site, and it was sealed once more, the number of bodies below unknown, their names forgotten.

The Tuam historian Catherine Corless discovered the extent of the mass gravewhen she requested records of children's deaths in the home. The registrar in Galway gave her almost 800. Shocked, she checked 100 of these against graveyard burials, and found only one little boy who had been returned to a family plot. The vast majority of the children's remains, it seemed, were in the septic tank. Corless and a committee have been working tirelessly to raise money for a memorial that includes a plaque bearing each child's name.

For those of you unfamiliar with how, until the 1990s, Ireland dealt with unmarried mothers and their children, here it is: the women were incarcerated in state-funded, church-run institutions called mother and baby homes or Magdalene asylums, where they worked to atone for their sins. Their children were taken from them.

Tell us the truth about the children in Galway's mass graves | Emer O'Toole
My grandmother's child, (my mother), was taken from her and sent to the US..
True story I would never and could ever make something like this up, but my Zada found skeletal remains of babies burried in the basement between the seminary and nunery back in Philly when working there, I believe in the 50's this took place?
That's how he ended up working part time at the morgue after his helping them.
The investigation found these to be the disposed children of the priests who pregnated the Nuns.
What the hell is a Zada?

grandfather in Yiddish
Then why not just say grandfather? Seems pretty dumb to me.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
True story I would never and could ever make something like this up, but my Zada found skeletal remains of babies burried in the basement between the seminary and nunery back in Philly when working there, I believe in the 50's this took place?
That's how he ended up working part time at the morgue after his helping them.
The investigation found these to be the disposed children of the priests who pregnated the Nuns.
What the hell is a Zada?

grandfather in Yiddish
Then why not just say grandfather? Seems pretty dumb to me.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Then why not just say grandfather? Seems pretty dumb to me.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
grandfather in Yiddish
Then why not just say grandfather? Seems pretty dumb to me.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Then why not just say grandfather? Seems pretty dumb to me.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Oh what? You think for the sake of communication I should have used a word that people know? You should google it. Seems pretty ok to me to get educated.
We all have pet names for our grandparents. Zada is just as cool as saying grandfather.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Oh what? You think for the sake of communication I should have used a word that people know? You should google it. Seems pretty ok to me to get educated.
You act like the guy calling his grandpa Zada personally offended you. Seems an over reaction.
I called my grandmother "Yoya." If I told you my Yoya found centuries old baby and nun skeletons, wouldn't you be curious what the hell a Yoya was?
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Oh what? You think for the sake of communication I should have used a word that people know? You should google it. Seems pretty ok to me to get educated.
You act like the guy calling his grandpa Zada personally offended you. Seems an over reaction.
I asked what a Zada is and you all went nuts. Except Guno.
It wouldn't bother me to know you called your grandmother, Yoya. I called one of my grandfathers, Dada.
Oh what? You think for the sake of communication I should have used a word that people know? You should google it. Seems pretty ok to me to get educated.
You act like the guy calling his grandpa Zada personally offended you. Seems an over reaction.
I asked what a Zada is and you all went nuts. Except Guno.
You seem to have that one reversed. You had a GIANT negative reaction to the guy who called his grandpa Zada. I commented on your over reaction.
Oh what? You think for the sake of communication I should have used a word that people know? You should google it. Seems pretty ok to me to get educated.
You act like the guy calling his grandpa Zada personally offended you. Seems an over reaction.
I asked what a Zada is and you all went nuts. Except Guno.
You seem to have that one reversed. You had a GIANT negative reaction to the guy who called his grandpa Zada. I commented on your over reaction.
OP: "My Blurgyblurg found proof beyond any doubt that your entire belief system is pure evil."

Wouldn't you be curious what a Blurgyblurg is?! Why would he use a cute, endearing term for his grandfather that only he knows about to help condemn an entire religion?!
Please no-ones at fault, nobody knows the intent or manner or demeanor of a question asked in type. We always assume this through our imagination, in this case it could have been either way in spite or a legitimate question wanting to know a word.
Zada might have been spelled Zayda in search engines? Transliteration can be funny like that. Let that be a lesson to all, how important knowing words translated and transliterated properly are to secreting the depths of Torah, for it's easy to blot out a name by translating it to it's definition or reverse creating characters from defined words thinking it's a name or additional characters from terms on roles of a singular figure.
Are you seriously denying the harm that happened under the auspices of the RCC?

Take a look at the final paragraphs of my post. I said there are things the Church does get wrong. Instead of using sensational tabloid trash that has since been retracted or shown to have significant errors, why not discuss truth. If someone can take the time to dig up sensational trash, they certainly can take the time to dig-up follow up reports by more scholarly sources.
Meriweather you are the liar claiming a story fabricated from earlier stories and defaming my family's first hand experience, yet not one single source you gove us and then you ignore the fact your claim destroys your religion. You can't even answer simple questions when asked therefore it's safe to conclude you are merely a propagandist throwing smoke clouds trying to distract from the discussion. Do you even realize how many commands you broke in your attempt to deceive?
Especially being my uncle is dying of cancer and you have the nerve to make snide sadistic comments that he couldn't be that old, as if you know people's ages...there is pure evil for ya.
Proverbs 22:10 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

10 Throw the scoffer out, and quarreling goes too;
strife and insults cease.
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True story I would never and could ever make something like this up, but my Zada found skeletal remains of babies burried in the basement between the seminary and nunery back in Philly when working there, I believe in the 50's this took place?
That's how he ended up working part time at the morgue after his helping them.
The investigation found these to be the disposed children of the priests who pregnated the Nuns.
If you ever read the documented testimony of Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera - he covers this in great detail. The truth is many of those infants were used in human sacrifice for the worship of Lucifer. Rahm Emmanuel must have taken his motto from the Vatican Jesuit priesthood (never waste a good crisis).
Meriweather you are the liar claiming a story fabricated from earlier stories and defaming my family's first hand experience, yet not one single source you gove us and then you ignore the fact your claim destroys your religion. You can't even answer simple questions when asked therefore it's safe to conclude you are merely a propagandist throwing smoke clouds trying to distract from the discussion. Do you even realize how many commands you broke in your attempt to deceive?
Especially being my uncle is dying of cancer and you have the nerve to make snide sadistic comments that he couldn't be that old, as if you know people's ages...there is pure evil for ya.
You have no idea how I feel watching a descendant of Aaron (your holy lineage) expose the evils of Roman Catholicism and lay bare the truth for all to see. You just cannot know how thankful I am that your eyes are wide open, HaShev and that G-d will use you to warn the Jews in Israel to never dare trust that son of Satan seated in Rome (Pope Herod) who is trying to win their trust (in preparation of his anti-Christ reign of terror).

p.s. do not ever tell the people on this board of any personal suffering you are going through, Shev. There are some people here who just wait to drive the knife in. You have to protect yourself - because you're dealing with a wicked bunch - it's Catholicism - it's very sick stuff - and I've never met one of them that didn't use filthy language and have a heart full of hate. It's the nature of the cult they are in.
Are you seriously denying the harm that happened under the auspices of the RCC?

Take a look at the final paragraphs of my post. I said there are things the Church does get wrong. Instead of using sensational tabloid trash that has since been retracted or shown to have significant errors, why not discuss truth. If someone can take the time to dig up sensational trash, they certainly can take the time to dig-up follow up reports by more scholarly sources.
sensational tabloid trash

these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.

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