Reply to RCC hidden behavior behind closed doors

Are you seriously denying the harm that happened under the auspices of the RCC?

Take a look at the final paragraphs of my post. I said there are things the Church does get wrong. Instead of using sensational tabloid trash that has since been retracted or shown to have significant errors, why not discuss truth. If someone can take the time to dig up sensational trash, they certainly can take the time to dig-up follow up reports by more scholarly sources.
sensational tabloid trash

these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.
Meriweather is working hard to cover up the truth about the Roman Catholic Occult she's a part of. They feel obligated to cover the tracks of these killers, Guno. I saw my own family members do it for years. In the 50's and 60's the nuns taught their Catholic students that the murder of a non Catholic was a righteous act - doing God's will - that heretics deserved to be put to death. That is what my mother was raised in. It's no wonder she's depressed. They fear to leave Catholicism because they are told they will go to hell if they do.
Are you seriously denying the harm that happened under the auspices of the RCC?

Take a look at the final paragraphs of my post. I said there are things the Church does get wrong. Instead of using sensational tabloid trash that has since been retracted or shown to have significant errors, why not discuss truth. If someone can take the time to dig up sensational trash, they certainly can take the time to dig-up follow up reports by more scholarly sources.
sensational tabloid trash

these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.
What they don't want any news media to report is how the priests and nuns used the children in orphanages for sex favors to high level politicians. It is still big business with the Vatican and after they use the kids up they murder them and bury their bodies in mass graves - they were running so short on children for their sex trafficking business they began stealing them from hospitals in Australia and elsewhere, also unwed mothers - that was a big one for the nuns to prey upon. The children of parents who disappeared in Argentina were taken and used by Vatican for their global sex trafficking business - Pope Francis was in the thick of that business -victims have identified him and pointed him out as the man who raped them when they were children - he covers for his paedophile Nuncio's too - they are all one big happy fam - it's probably how he got his promotion as 1st Jesuit Pope.....
Are you seriously denying the harm that happened under the auspices of the RCC?

Take a look at the final paragraphs of my post. I said there are things the Church does get wrong. Instead of using sensational tabloid trash that has since been retracted or shown to have significant errors, why not discuss truth. If someone can take the time to dig up sensational trash, they certainly can take the time to dig-up follow up reports by more scholarly sources.
sensational tabloid trash

these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.
What they don't want any news media to report is how the priests and nuns used the children in orphanages for sex favors to high level politicians. It is still big business with the Vatican and after they use the kids up they murder them and bury their bodies in mass graves - they were running so short on children for their sex trafficking business they began stealing them from hospitals in Australia and elsewhere, also unwed mothers - that was a big one for the nuns to prey upon. The children of parents who disappeared in Argentina were taken and used by Vatican for their global sex trafficking business - Pope Francis was in the thick of that business -victims have identified him and pointed him out as the man who raped them when they were children - he covers for his paedophile Nuncio's too - they are all one big happy fam - it's probably how he got his promotion as 1st Jesuit Pope.....
The children of parents who disappeared in Argentina

yes a big problem not likely to be swept under the rug
Proverbs 22:10 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

10 Throw the scoffer out, and quarreling goes too;
strife and insults cease.
The best way to throw you, meriweather and the rest of your ilk out is to simply write the truth about your cult! It's amazing how fast you guys beat feet once people start seeing the truth about Catholicism and its filthy secrets.
I see all the moronic anti-Catholics are having a little circle jerk. Too funny.
When my family found out I was no longer Catholic and became Protestant they were told to disown me. My Catholic mother would not talk to me for almost a decade. My Catholic brothers were not permitted to talk to me. I saw my brother in a grocery store after I got married. He pretended not to know me. He never said a word to me. I had a huge Catholic family up north - they were told to act as if I am dead - do not talk to me - they thought this would break me - it did not break me. During that (almost) ten year exile I met these Jewish people who I became friends with over many years of discussing Israel. It was later I told them what happened to me and they adopted me like I was their own kid. What kind of love is that? I have never even found that kind of love in my own church. I will always love the Jewish people for being there for me in the most loneliest time of my life. I will never forget them and I will always love them for being there for me like that. When something good happens to me? I tell my Jewish family first. That's my family.
When my family found out I was no longer Catholic and became Protestant they were told to disown me. My Catholic mother would not talk to me for almost a decade. My Catholic brothers were not permitted to talk to me. I saw my brother in a grocery store after I got married. He pretended not to know me. He never said a word to me. I had a huge Catholic family up north - they were told to act as if I am dead - do not talk to me - they thought this would break me - it did not break me. During that (almost) ten year exile I met these Jewish people who I became friends with over many years of discussing Israel. It was later I told them what happened to me and they adopted me like I was their own kid. What kind of love is that? I have never even found that kind of love in my own church. I will always love the Jewish people for being there for me in the most loneliest time of my life. I will never forget them and I will always love them for being there for me like that. When something good happens to me? I tell my Jewish family first. That's my family.

Oh, please. Your love of Jewish people is purely self-serving horseshit. Evangelicals like yourself are hoping to glom on to their chosen people status b/c you think it will get you into heaven.
Proverbs 22:10 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

10 Throw the scoffer out, and quarreling goes too;
strife and insults cease.
The best way to throw you, meriweather and the rest of your ilk out is to simply write the truth about your cult! It's amazing how fast you guys beat feet once people start seeing the truth about Catholicism and its filthy secrets.

Jeremiah you know I have no religion. Why the false accusation?

You and HaShev are only interested in vilifying Catholicism, while ignoring the shortcomings of your own religions. Your hatred has overtaken reason, and as such I recommend you seek professional help.
And there it is, another one of my threads made validated by proving that they call refiners fire hate while they call sadistic acts love. See I told you, they despise you outing the Biblical adversaries, and it's seen as hateful if I Michael goes after Mystery Babylon. I rest my case. It's like
Animals rights people saying I can't step on the serpents head.
If they don't want to be discussed then tell them to stop raping nuns and altar boys and covering up their revealing. Genesis lesson on Adam(man) and Eve(the church is the second bride) covering up their deceptions.

Funny the person uses the word
villifying on the victims thus they are revictimizing the victims of those who demonized Jews.

This source influenced through it's synods Nazis hate propaganda which influenced Islamic hate propaganda as creating Jihaadist learned when the head mufti fled to Berlin to learn the art of propaganda.
Jihaadist propaganda, mentality of violence and hate=RCC IS EVEN RESPONSIBLE FOR TODAY'S RADICALISM & GLOBAL DECAY.
They are responsible by both inluence and affects of their past actions. Furthermore the world is held back by this imposter temple as it prevents the rightful spiritual platform to have equal rights to outreach humanity with proper reflections and teachings of righteousness.
There ends up no proper judgement, council, mediation, teaching, proper rational influences, problem solving, etc...and thus we live in this bizzarro world of our own design never to know what could and should be because the spiritual authority has made us blind and expecting that this is the way it is and always will be...

To large of a post but examples:
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.
Islamic nations even mimic this today.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis, but also this trickled to some of Islam.
Note* List is way to long- you can find it under my name in a former forum post.
these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.

Come on, Guno. If you were researching the septic tank story, then how could you have missed the later reports? Do you believe a person finding something sensational has a moral obligation to investigate the facts before spreading lies and slander?

That Story About Irish Babies Buried in a Septic Tank Was Shocking. It Also Wasn't Entirely True.

Here are the salient points:

1. The Associated Press last week issued a lengthy correction admitting that the septic tank might not contain any human remains at all.

2. Also incorrect is that the children hadn’t been baptized because they were born out of wedlock.

3. Records clearly show that on the property (not the septic tank) 796 babies were buried between 1925-1961.

4. This was a home for unwed mothers, most living in poverty. It is true that that in the 1920s, the babies living in all institutions like these here were six times likely to die than children living at home with married parents. Poverty, not neglect, should be considered. By the 1950s, the death rate was three times higher for children living in institutions; by the 1960s, the death rate was equal.

5. The high infant mortality rate, at the Tuam home and others, speaks of poverty and a lack of economic development in Ireland in the early twentieth century. Yet, how high would the death rate risen without these institutions at least trying to do something?
these are what you call sensational tabloid trash?

Our horror at the mass baby grave in Ireland shows an instinctive religiosity | Andrew Brown

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child abuse after a researcher found records for 796 young children allegedly buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers.

Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland

The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that the former septic tank filled with bones is the final resting place for most, if not all, of the children.

Come on, Guno. If you were researching the septic tank story, then how could you have missed the later reports? Do you believe a person finding something sensational has a moral obligation to investigate the facts before spreading lies and slander?

That Story About Irish Babies Buried in a Septic Tank Was Shocking. It Also Wasn't Entirely True.

Here are the salient points:

1. The Associated Press last week issued a lengthy correction admitting that the septic tank might not contain any human remains at all.

2. Also incorrect is that the children hadn’t been baptized because they were born out of wedlock.

3. Records clearly show that on the property (not the septic tank) 796 babies were buried between 1925-1961.

4. This was a home for unwed mothers, most living in poverty. It is true that that in the 1920s, the babies living in all institutions like these here were six times likely to die than children living at home with married parents. Poverty, not neglect, should be considered. By the 1950s, the death rate was three times higher for children living in institutions; by the 1960s, the death rate was equal.

5. The high infant mortality rate, at the Tuam home and others, speaks of poverty and a lack of economic development in Ireland in the early twentieth century. Yet, how high would the death rate risen without these institutions at least trying to do something?

Busted by your own comment:
"has a moral obligation to investigate the facts before spreading lies and slander?"

You obviously didn't think so when you lied and slandered.
And there it is, another one of my threads made validated by proving that they call refiners fire hate while they call sadistic acts love. See I told you, they despise you outing the Biblical adversaries, and it's seen as hateful if I Michael goes after Mystery Babylon. I rest my case. It's like
Animals rights people saying I can't step on the serpents head.
If they don't want to be discussed then tell them to stop raping nuns and altar boys and covering up their revealing. Genesis lesson on Adam(man) and Eve(the church is the second bride) covering up their deceptions.

If you were an honest man you would do well to consider the atrocities in your own religion.

And there it is, another one of my threads made validated by proving that they call refiners fire hate while they call sadistic acts love. See I told you, they despise you outing the Biblical adversaries, and it's seen as hateful if I Michael goes after Mystery Babylon. I rest my case. It's like
Animals rights people saying I can't step on the serpents head.
If they don't want to be discussed then tell them to stop raping nuns and altar boys and covering up their revealing. Genesis lesson on Adam(man) and Eve(the church is the second bride) covering up their deceptions.

If you were an honest man you would do well to consider the atrocities in your own religion.

Oh the irony of this guy speaking about honesty when he has yet to come clean about why he is rabidly defending the Babylonian cult of Catholicism.
Proverbs 22:10 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

10 Throw the scoffer out, and quarreling goes too;
strife and insults cease.
The best way to throw you, meriweather and the rest of your ilk out is to simply write the truth about your cult! It's amazing how fast you guys beat feet once people start seeing the truth about Catholicism and its filthy secrets.

Jeremiah you know I have no religion. Why the false accusation?

You and HaShev are only interested in vilifying Catholicism, while ignoring the shortcomings of your own religions. Your hatred has overtaken reason, and as such I recommend you seek professional help.
You've got a Jew and a born again Christian telling you that Catholicism is of the devil and all you can come up with is that we are villifying the occult? You're very emotionally invested in Catholicism (and protecting it's false teachings) for someone who has no part of it (the occult). Don't you think?
You obviously didn't think so when you lied and slandered.

Don't be silly, HaShev. I carefully investigated your claims, and found them invalid. Among other things, I am also a genealogist. My grandparents told me stories of our family, too--and I investigated. Guess, what, turns out they were wrong, and public record shows this. Same with your family story. Public record shows something else. No offense was intended.

Are you aware that stories like the one you told were so rampant back then that many states insisted on investigating the convents and seminaries in their states....and never found anything? Witch hunts take various forms down through the ages, and witch hunts against the Catholic Church are a simple fact.

Remember the Salem Witch Hunts? I had ancestors involved in that, as well--thrown into jail because someone made a false accusation. If accusations prove accurate, that's one thing. But here's the deal. In my life's work (and hobbies) it is usual to investigate and discover that outlandish accusations are simply that. Outlandish.

By the way, I didn't read the post of yours that you are most likely referencing. I will read an occasional post you submit, but it's rare. Probably won't read the next one either. Posts between you and me are waste of time. I insist on facts, no spin, no hearsay.
  • Thanks
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When my family found out I was no longer Catholic and became Protestant they were told to disown me. My Catholic mother would not talk to me for almost a decade. My Catholic brothers were not permitted to talk to me. I saw my brother in a grocery store after I got married. He pretended not to know me. He never said a word to me. I had a huge Catholic family up north - they were told to act as if I am dead - do not talk to me - they thought this would break me - it did not break me. During that (almost) ten year exile I met these Jewish people who I became friends with over many years of discussing Israel. It was later I told them what happened to me and they adopted me like I was their own kid. What kind of love is that? I have never even found that kind of love in my own church. I will always love the Jewish people for being there for me in the most loneliest time of my life. I will never forget them and I will always love them for being there for me like that. When something good happens to me? I tell my Jewish family first. That's my family.

Oh, please. Your love of Jewish people is purely self-serving horseshit. Evangelicals like yourself are hoping to glom on to their chosen people status b/c you think it will get you into heaven.
It gives me great satisfaction to see how troubled you, Penelope and the other Catholics get over my relationship with Jewish people. I can see it bothers you deeply. GOOD.
You obviously didn't think so when you lied and slandered.

Don't be silly, HaShev. I carefully investigated your claims, and found them invalid. Among other things, I am also a genealogist. My grandparents told me stories of our family, too--and I investigated. Guess, what, turns out they were wrong, and public record shows this. Same with your family story. Public record shows something else. No offense was intended.

Are you aware that stories like the one you told were so rampant back then that many states insisted on investigating the convents and seminaries in their states....and never found anything? Witch hunts take various forms down through the ages, and witch hunts against the Catholic Church are a simple fact.

Remember the Salem Witch Hunts? I had ancestors involved in that, as well--thrown into jail because someone made a false accusation. If accusations prove accurate, that's one thing. But here's the deal. In my life's work (and hobbies) it is usual to investigate and discover that outlandish accusations are simply that. Outlandish.

By the way, I didn't read the post of yours that you are most likely referencing. I will read an occasional post you submit, but it's rare. Probably won't read the next one either. Posts between you and me are waste of time. I insist on facts, no spin, no hearsay.[/QUOTE
The 2013 award-winning drama film “Philomena” depicted the plight of 2,200 infants who survived Ireland’s Catholic homes. The children were forcibly adopted or placed into child labor situations, mainly in the US. Catholic officials have consistently denied they received payments for these so-called “adoptions” and insisted verifying documents were "lost in a fire".
CAR – Child Abuse Recovery » Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada
That is just the tip of the iceberg, Guno. Truth be known, no other cult on earth could come close to the mass murders Catholic cult is responsible for. They should have been put on trial and shut down centuries ago!
The bodies of 796 children, between the ages of two days and nine years old, are believed to have been buried in a disused sewage tank in Tuam, County Galway. They died between 1925 and 1961 in a mother and baby home under the care of the Bon Secours nuns.

Locals have known about the grave since 1975, when two little boys, playing, broke apart the concrete slab covering it and discovered a tomb filled with small skeletons. A parish priest said prayers at the site, and it was sealed once more, the number of bodies below unknown, their names forgotten.

The Tuam historian Catherine Corless discovered the extent of the mass gravewhen she requested records of children's deaths in the home. The registrar in Galway gave her almost 800. Shocked, she checked 100 of these against graveyard burials, and found only one little boy who had been returned to a family plot. The vast majority of the children's remains, it seemed, were in the septic tank. Corless and a committee have been working tirelessly to raise money for a memorial that includes a plaque bearing each child's name.

For those of you unfamiliar with how, until the 1990s, Ireland dealt with unmarried mothers and their children, here it is: the women were incarcerated in state-funded, church-run institutions called mother and baby homes or Magdalene asylums, where they worked to atone for their sins. Their children were taken from them.

Tell us the truth about the children in Galway's mass graves | Emer O'Toole
My grandmother's child, (my mother), was taken from her and sent to the US..
I'm sorry for you. The wicked things that the RCC is responsible for is just beyond the pale. It makes me sick!
When my family found out I was no longer Catholic and became Protestant they were told to disown me. My Catholic mother would not talk to me for almost a decade. My Catholic brothers were not permitted to talk to me. I saw my brother in a grocery store after I got married. He pretended not to know me. He never said a word to me. I had a huge Catholic family up north - they were told to act as if I am dead - do not talk to me - they thought this would break me - it did not break me. During that (almost) ten year exile I met these Jewish people who I became friends with over many years of discussing Israel. It was later I told them what happened to me and they adopted me like I was their own kid. What kind of love is that? I have never even found that kind of love in my own church. I will always love the Jewish people for being there for me in the most loneliest time of my life. I will never forget them and I will always love them for being there for me like that. When something good happens to me? I tell my Jewish family first. That's my family.

Oh, please. Your love of Jewish people is purely self-serving horseshit. Evangelicals like yourself are hoping to glom on to their chosen people status b/c you think it will get you into heaven.
It gives me great satisfaction to see how troubled you, Penelope and the other Catholics get over my relationship with Jewish people. I can see it bothers you deeply. GOOD.

Don't flatter yourself. Nothing you can say and/or do can bother me. You're just another anti-Catholic loon. I pity you. Carrying around that much hate in your heart must be quite taxing.
When my family found out I was no longer Catholic and became Protestant they were told to disown me. My Catholic mother would not talk to me for almost a decade. My Catholic brothers were not permitted to talk to me. I saw my brother in a grocery store after I got married. He pretended not to know me. He never said a word to me. I had a huge Catholic family up north - they were told to act as if I am dead - do not talk to me - they thought this would break me - it did not break me. During that (almost) ten year exile I met these Jewish people who I became friends with over many years of discussing Israel. It was later I told them what happened to me and they adopted me like I was their own kid. What kind of love is that? I have never even found that kind of love in my own church. I will always love the Jewish people for being there for me in the most loneliest time of my life. I will never forget them and I will always love them for being there for me like that. When something good happens to me? I tell my Jewish family first. That's my family.

Oh, please. Your love of Jewish people is purely self-serving horseshit. Evangelicals like yourself are hoping to glom on to their chosen people status b/c you think it will get you into heaven.
It gives me great satisfaction to see how troubled you, Penelope and the other Catholics get over my relationship with Jewish people. I can see it bothers you deeply. GOOD.

Don't flatter yourself. Nothing you can say and/or do can bother me. You're just another anti-Catholic loon. I pity you. Carrying around that much hate in your heart must be quite taxing.
Don't you have a heretic to hunt down today or something? Yeesh! Give it a rest, MDK!

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