Report : Administration lied about Bergdahl swap

Yet another lie.
So when are you going to admit the guns used in San Bernardino were illegal?

As soon as a credible source says they were illegal. Someone actually involved in the investigation.
Straw purchases are illegal.

Anybody is perfectly legal to sell or give a gun to whomever they want with no requirement for any sort of background check or any other record keeping. Exactly what makes this time a straw purchase?
The shooter wanted to keep it off his record, therefore he was using somebody else. Let us know when the FBI calls you for more helpful tidbits.

You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......
You're a notorious liar.

I have been known to be wrong, and I gladly change my position when presented with credible evidence that disproves my beliefs, but I never lie.

Yet another lie.
So when are you going to admit the guns used in San Bernardino were illegal?

As soon as a credible source says they were illegal. Someone actually involved in the investigation.

Here's a source i'm sure you'll like BullShit.
How The San Bernardino Killers Exploited A Loophole To Legally Obtain Assault-Style Rifles In California

Now you can show how honest you are and admit you were wrong.

Admit I'm wrong? Your link said a loophole made them legal. How does that make me wrong?

What a tard....
As soon as a credible source says they were illegal. Someone actually involved in the investigation.
Straw purchases are illegal.

Anybody is perfectly legal to sell or give a gun to whomever they want with no requirement for any sort of background check or any other record keeping. Exactly what makes this time a straw purchase?
The shooter wanted to keep it off his record, therefore he was using somebody else. Let us know when the FBI calls you for more helpful tidbits.

You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......

I've said all along that I will accept any credible link. Unfortunately, you haven;t been able to produce one. The only remarks I have found from Meredith Davis with the ATF is one that says all guns were purchased legally.
San Bernardino shooting: ATF says all 4 guns used by suspects bought legally
GOP report: Administration misled Congress on Bergdahl swap
WASHINGTON — House Republicans are claiming in a new report that the Obama administration misled Congress about the effort to release five Taliban detainees at Guantanamo Bay for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the militant group for nearly five years.
Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee released a 98-page report Wednesday on its inquiry into the case of the so-called Taliban Five after lawmakers expressed outrage that the Obama administration did not give Congress a 30-day notice about transferring the detainees to Qatar, as required by law. The report also provided behind-the-scenes details about the Defense Department's work with the Qataris, who played the middleman in negotiating the swap with the Taliban.
The five Taliban leaders, held at the military prison in Cuba, were informed that they were being released two days before the administration told Congress, the report said. They were put on a plane bound for Doha, Qatar on May 31, 2014, less than three hours after Bergdahl was released into U.S. custody.
"Some of the Taliban Five have engaged in threatening activities since being transferred to Qatar," the report said. "Regrettably, this outcome is a consequence of a poorly managed process undertaken contrary to a law specifically intended to minimize the risk posed by detainee transfers."
The Democratic members of the committee said the report does not offer evidence of how the Defense Department has failed to take sufficient precautions to make sure risks posed by releasing the Taliban Five are mitigated.
Reps. Adam Smith of Washington state and Jackie Speier of California, who wrote the Democrats' eight-page rebuttal, called the report "unbalanced" and "partisan." They said that while they agree that the Defense Department should have told Congress 30 days before the transfer as required by law, the question about the legality of the swap "remains unsettled."

I don't doubt it. Hell, I have a hard time believing anything from them. They could tell me it was 40 degrees outside and even though I KNOW it is, I would still have to go look.. just because they said it.

Dude, you are misrepresenting this issue - you are lying, which is what your party does to harm the evil left, however noble your intent. The decision to withhold information was based on the fact that they knew the Republican congress would leak the information and fuck up the negotiation solely to hurt Obama.

Your party benefits by fucking up anything and everything Obama does. Your party benefits by not allowing Obama to fill any government post that requires congressional approval. Your party won't even confirm Republicans to low-level posts inside the Obama government because it is in your best interest to make it impossible for Obama to govern. Bush had no problem getting Democratic votes for his nominees (no matter how far right). By contrast, if you have the opportunity to fuck-up Obama, than you will - no matter what the issue. Obama was right to protect the negotiations from the most obstructionist congress in history.
Straw purchases are illegal.

Anybody is perfectly legal to sell or give a gun to whomever they want with no requirement for any sort of background check or any other record keeping. Exactly what makes this time a straw purchase?
The shooter wanted to keep it off his record, therefore he was using somebody else. Let us know when the FBI calls you for more helpful tidbits.

You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......

I've said all along that I will accept any credible link. Unfortunately, you haven;t been able to produce one. The only remarks I have found from Meredith Davis with the ATF is one that says all guns were purchased legally.
San Bernardino shooting: ATF says all 4 guns used by suspects bought legally

I provided you with a link.
I also quoted her statements from the link because you're to lazy to read the article.

Here it is again...

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, (((((((((((((((ACCORDING TO DAVIS)))))))))))))))). The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."
Bergdahl is a deserter and a traitor. He abandoned his post and is directly responsible for the death of six US Soldiers. The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Maybe we should build a monument to him like we do to confederates . Put him on stone mountain maybe ?

See Pat Tillman.

Rather than be honest about a terribly mismanaged war, we were treated to lies.

You think the OP or any other Republicans made a peep when the Pat Tillman lie was uncovered? Nope.

They don't give a shit about truth. They care about two things: defending their side and harming Obama.

Which is why we all laugh when Republicans try to instruct the Left on honesty.
Anybody is perfectly legal to sell or give a gun to whomever they want with no requirement for any sort of background check or any other record keeping. Exactly what makes this time a straw purchase?
The shooter wanted to keep it off his record, therefore he was using somebody else. Let us know when the FBI calls you for more helpful tidbits.

You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......

I've said all along that I will accept any credible link. Unfortunately, you haven;t been able to produce one. The only remarks I have found from Meredith Davis with the ATF is one that says all guns were purchased legally.
San Bernardino shooting: ATF says all 4 guns used by suspects bought legally

I provided you with a link.
I also quoted her statements from the link because you're to lazy to read the article.

Here it is again...

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, (((((((((((((((ACCORDING TO DAVIS)))))))))))))))). The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

That isn't a link. That is a statement that you attributed to Davis. I can say (((("Davis said HereWeGoAgain is an idiot who doesn't know what a link is")))) and it would have just as much credibility as what you wrote. The only difference is that my remarks are evident. Yours aren't.
The shooter wanted to keep it off his record, therefore he was using somebody else. Let us know when the FBI calls you for more helpful tidbits.

You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......

I've said all along that I will accept any credible link. Unfortunately, you haven;t been able to produce one. The only remarks I have found from Meredith Davis with the ATF is one that says all guns were purchased legally.
San Bernardino shooting: ATF says all 4 guns used by suspects bought legally

I provided you with a link.
I also quoted her statements from the link because you're to lazy to read the article.

Here it is again...

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, (((((((((((((((ACCORDING TO DAVIS)))))))))))))))). The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

That isn't a link. That is a statement that you attributed to Davis. I can say (((("Davis said HereWeGoAgain is an idiot who doesn't know what a link is")))) and it would have just as much credibility as what you wrote. The only difference is that my remarks are evident. Yours aren't.

You stupid mother's from the link that I gave you that you obviously didnt read.
Off to ignore for the liar.
You got a link to the FBI or any other involved source saying the guns were illegal? I haven't seen that yet, and obviously nobody has produced one yet that I know of.

How about the ATF?
I mean they havent been good enough for you up to this point but maybe if I shorten if for you you'll be able to see it.

"Meredith Davis, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms"

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, according to Davis. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

You can admit you're wrong at anytime......

I've said all along that I will accept any credible link. Unfortunately, you haven;t been able to produce one. The only remarks I have found from Meredith Davis with the ATF is one that says all guns were purchased legally.
San Bernardino shooting: ATF says all 4 guns used by suspects bought legally

I provided you with a link.
I also quoted her statements from the link because you're to lazy to read the article.

Here it is again...

"Farook and Malik illegally tampered with the rifles to make their rampage even deadlier, (((((((((((((((ACCORDING TO DAVIS)))))))))))))))). The Smith & Wesson M&P15 had been altered in a failed attempt to make it function like an automatic weapon, she said, while the DPMS A-15 was modified to accommodate 30-round magazines."

That isn't a link. That is a statement that you attributed to Davis. I can say (((("Davis said HereWeGoAgain is an idiot who doesn't know what a link is")))) and it would have just as much credibility as what you wrote. The only difference is that my remarks are evident. Yours aren't.

You stupid mother's from the link that I gave you that you obviously didnt read.
Off to ignore for the liar.

Odd that it took you so long to find a simple little link to prove what you claimed. Why didn't you do that sooner? The title of your link does say they were purchased legally though.
Bergdahl is a deserter and a traitor. He abandoned his post and is directly responsible for the death of six US Soldiers. The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Maybe we should build a monument to him like we do to confederates . Put him on stone mountain maybe ?

See Pat Tillman.

Rather than be honest about a terribly mismanaged war, we were treated to lies.

You think the OP or any other Republicans made a peep when the Pat Tillman lie was uncovered? Nope.

They don't give a shit about truth. They care about two things: defending their side and harming Obama.

Which is why we all laugh when Republicans try to instruct the Left on honesty.


Tillman didn't desert his squad and get 6 soldiers killed.

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