Report: Concern nuclear fuel is still eating through structures under Fukushima reactors.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Report: Concern nuclear fuel is still eating through structures under Fukushima reactors — Expert: Melted cores likely burned into earth… Will pour highly radioactive waste into ocean “for rest of time” — NYTimes: Melted fuel may never be removed, plant to be entombed like Chernobyl (VIDEO)

Report: Concern nuclear fuel is still eating through structures under Fukushima reactors — Expert: Melted cores likely burned into earth… Will pour highly radioactive waste into ocean “for rest of time” — NYTimes: Melted fuel may never be removed, plant to be entombed like Chernobyl (VIDEO) « – Energy News



EnviroNews World News, Feb 6, 2017 (emphasis added): The astronomical readings bring major concerns to a cleanup operation already spiraling out of control — flying blindly into territory previously uncharted in the history of nuclear power…. To top it off, 530 sieverts per hour might not be the worst cleanup workers have to worry about. TEPCO also stated that surface-level radiation readings from parts inside the plant’s pressure vessels can reach “several thousand sieverts per hour,” compounding what are already seemingly unsurmountable tasks in the decommissioning process. Esteemed nuclear expert, engineer, and former reactor operator Arnie Gundersen told EnviroNews World News in an email that the position of Fairewinds, his educational non-profit, is that radiation levels are presently way to high to remove the melted fuel, and that the reactors should be entombed, like was done with Chernobyl’s sarcophagus, for at least a century before attempting dismantlement. “[These readings do] make dismantling the facility almost impossible for 100 or more years, as the exposure to workers would be too significant,” Gundersen said.





You will never be able to eat Fish that is not contaminated, almost all sealitfe will die or be deformed and it has already been happening.
MSM won't report on it because they're told not to.

Imagine what the public would do if they realized the cover up ...............................

Common Alerting Protocol information
Category Env Pollution and other environmental
Certainty Observed Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Scope Public For general dissemination to unrestricted audiences
Severity Extreme Extraordinary threat to life or property
Urgency Past Responsive action is no longer required
Base data
EDIS Number ED-20170203-57005-JPN
Event type Environment Pollution
Date/Time February 03 2017 12:00 PM (UTC)
Last update February 16 2017 08:12 PM (UTC)
Cause of event
Damage level

Affected area County-level : Event affected one county.
Geographic information
Continent Asia
Country Japan
County / State Prefecture of Fukushima
Area Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
37° 25.383,141° 1.983

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)
Fish leaking pus, covered in lesions, deformed along US West Coast — Fisherman: Nearly all fish caught affected; “I’ve never seen this… Some had pus all over body” — Official: So many are showing illness, environmental conditions could be a factor (PHOTOS)

Fish leaking pus, covered in lesions, deformed along US West Coast — Fisherman: Nearly all fish caught affected; “I’ve never seen this… Some had pus all over body” — Official: So many are showing illness, environmental conditions could be a factor (PHOTOS) « – Energy News
It is hard to believe that a lot of people still support nuclear energy.
it's hard to believe that people think these old obsolete reactors are the pinnacle of nuclear energy
"Its hard to believe that people" are led by the nose to be so dependent on these types of public utilities and municipal plants that don't actually deal with things like they should be doing in this so called "modern era".
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

Yeah , the fracking idiots said that was safe too which of course it's not.
There is no nuclear anything that is safe esp. when liberal scientist think they're God .
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

Yeah , the fracking idiots said that was safe too which of course it's not.
There is no nuclear anything that is safe esp. when liberal scientist think they're God .

If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you

It is all about Corporations making big money...

It's called billionaires who invest in stocks having to do with nuclear plants. It starts with everything having to do with it. From building it, the materials used to build it etc. These all involve stocks.

Think of it as lets say Solar Panels, if companies and Gov keep pushing SOLAR as they have think about all those involved in making money once they succeed into brainwashing ppl this is what we need to do.

The panel makers make money the creations of the panels make money etc etc.
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you

Here's a good example :

Examiner Editorial: Insiders get rich on Obama's green energy stimulus

The Obama administration gave more than $700 million in grants and guaranteed an additional $500 million in loans to publicly traded green energy companies through its 2009 stimulus package. If Obama had invested all that money in a Standard & Poors index fund of the top 500 publicly traded companies, his investment would have seen a 73 percent return since he took office. In contrast, the Obama "green energy" stimulus portfolio has fallen by 78 percent -- performing about five points worse than green energy companies that didn't get subsidies.
Examiner Editorial: Insiders get rich on Obama's green energy stimulus
If nuclear plants were so safe they wouldn't be so deadly. The trendy's were duped again thinking these are such great clean energy . They are anything but that. They lied to gain money and stocks off some idiots bs idea to slow kill us all.
old tech like these light water reactors are not safe. They run at high pressures and need massive amounts of water for cooling

in this country we have had 2 different types of reactors up and running that were proven to be self limiting and would shut themselves down of they got too hot. One of them even ran at atmospheric pressure so it was even more safe but our idiot pols scrapped our nuclear program because a bad Jane Fonda movie made them all pee their pants

What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you
Actually if the money people would put up more viable independent energy programs everyone would be better off. We have mounds of trash for people's convenient life styles, shit overloads everywhere even in small towns across the US and water too polluted to consume in most places. Hell even the rain water isn't safe to drink these days as it has radioactive isotopes in it. I won't call that progress for one minute when in fact with all the money spent to create these little long term disasters everywhere could have been applied to efficient means that would create more self reliance and responsibility. Eight or nine years ago you were claiming 'wrench monkeys' didn't deserve or need to make more than minimum wage because anyone could be one. Well anyone can learn how to feed their own system with their own shit too and anyone can learn how to collect up and deal with their own trash and incinerate it too, etc...and so on and so forth. That would be putting technology to good use!
What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you

Just one accident can literally destroy much of our country. That's why.


you need to research newer reactor designs

Nuclear power is our best option for reliable abundant and emission free power

France has had as much as 80% of their electricity produced by nuclear power. and guess what the country is still all there
What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you

Just one accident can literally destroy much of our country. That's why.


you need to research newer reactor designs

Nuclear power is our best option for reliable abundant and emission free power

France has had as much as 80% of their electricity produced by nuclear power. and guess what the country is still all there

Why risk such incredible catastrophe when we have plenty of other resources?
What can go wrong will go wrong eventually.

so then why do anything at all?

we would still be in the stone age if we all thought like you

Just one accident can literally destroy much of our country. That's why.


you need to research newer reactor designs

Nuclear power is our best option for reliable abundant and emission free power

France has had as much as 80% of their electricity produced by nuclear power. and guess what the country is still all there

Why risk such incredible catastrophe when we have plenty of other resources?
Maybe ya could pledge not to keep those resources in the ground...........

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