Report finds child lead exposure rate in Oakland higher than Flint's


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Report finds child lead exposure rate in Oakland higher than Flint's
An alarming new report from Reuters has found that lead contamination around the nation isn't restricted to Flint, Michigan — it is widespread and often far worse than Flint's headline-making levels.

Oh now how long have they covered this up for, decades. Oh yes trust your Government they never lie to you. They want what is best for you. The sooner you boot lickers realize these Government skanks don't give a damn about you the sooner you might stop defending all of them as if you are related.
If it was not for a Nurse in flint blowing the whistle on what she found, pushing on it and pushing on it those skanks would have never listened to those people. Many were poor people.
Should you give a damn, are you saying Eeeeh who gives a damn it's over there.
NO it's not just over there these readings are being found all over the Country. YOUR KID DRINKS THIS BS!!
Now this is from Jan 2016 look how long it took to make it's rounds. Some still don't know this and to this very day.
The point Matthew, was that while you left-wingers were screaming it was the end of civilization as we know it in Flint Michigan (not because of any real facts, but because you thought you could score some political points), the reality is Oakland has more lead exposure. Of course you are not screaming about Oakland, because that's a left-wing paradise. Can't score any points there.

Little more lead in Flint = that's bad because they have a Republican in power, and thus political points to score.

Lots of lead in Oakland = that's not important. They have a Democrat in power, so there are no points to score.

We're pointing out your hypocrisy. One of now thousands of examples.

I don't care what Party is in power as not fixing this problem should be fixed no matter who is in power; Democrat or Republican...Anyone that allows this to go on should be fired from their job for such failure to govern. It is incompetence.
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