REPORT: Judicial Watch Gears Up to Blow the Lid Off a 2009 Groping Case That Biden and Secret Service Are Desperate to Hide


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Watch the Dims disavow this despite their recently haranguing us all that we should just accept all their recent smears against Trump:

REPORT: Judicial Watch Gears Up to Blow the Lid Off a 2009 Groping Case That Biden and Secret Service Are Desperate to Hide
According to reports, Judicial Watch is gearing up to blow the case wide open on an incident in 2009 that Biden and the Secret Service seem eager to keep buried.
Judicial Watch has filed a FOIA request for records on a physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 where Biden reportedly groped the breasts of the agent’s girlfriend.
Mod Edit -- Lead to "other story" removed..
The records on this incident were apparently “destroyed” by the Secret Service due to “retention standards.”
From Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, made on May 12, 2020, sought:
All records related to a reported incident in 2009 in which a United States Secret Service Agent reportedly was involved in an altercation with, or attempted to strike, then Vice President Joe Biden during a photo opportunity.
The records sought shall include, but not be limited to, witness statements, the Agent’s statement, victim’s statement, alleged perpetrator’s statement, incident reports, investigative reports, communications among USSS personnel regarding the incident, and disciplinary records related to the incident for the Agent in question.
“We had not been able to confirm whether the report about the alleged altercation might be true until the Secret Service itself suggested it destroyed records about the incident,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Mod Edit -- Commercial removed..,.
Mod Note: You copied too much. Ads and Links to other stories included.. You KNOW the rules on copyright are enforced here.. bripat9643
It’s again ironic that the left will attack Trump for the baseless claims of “sexual assault” that have been lobbed against him but seem to ignore the blatant evidence of Biden’s predatory behavior.​
They really are the biggest hypocrites on earth.​
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So what happened to the previous thousand conspiracy theories that were all going to spell doom for the Democrats?

This one will work out the same way.
So what happened to the previous thousand conspiracy theories that were all going to spell doom for the Democrats?

This one will work out the same way.
ROFL! The biggest conspiracy theory of all time was the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" collusion hoax. Then there was the Ukraine impeachment hoax, The Comey dismissal hoax. The revealing classified info hoax, the the first helicopter hoax and on and on and on.

You TDS morons are the biggest suckers imaginable.
ROFL! The biggest conspiracy theory of all time was the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" collusion hoax.

Given how well the collusion was documented, you look extra-stupid for pushing the idiot conspiracy that it was a hoax. Remember, you're talking to intelligent people, not your fellow cult rumpswabs. Your dumb lies just get laughed at.

Every conspiracy theory that you parrot faceplants, without exception. You'd think you'd learn by now. Your masters play you for a fool over and over, and then laugh at you all the way to the bank. They consider you to be one of their most reliable Useful Idiots.

Then there was the Ukraine impeachment hoax,

Since the Trump admin addmitted Trump was guilty of all charges, you sound especially stupid there.

The Comey dismissal hoax. The revealing classified info hoax, the the first helicopter hoax and on and on and on.

Making a list of all your whackaloon conspiracy theories doesn't make them less stupid.

I think I understand. It's finally dawning on you, how the whole world is laughing at you, and that the world is right to do so. And that your Stalinist utopia isn't going to happen, and that your welfare will be cut off. No wonder you're so cranky now.
ROFL! The biggest conspiracy theory of all time was the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" collusion hoax.

Given how well the collusion was documented, you look extra-stupid for pushing the idiot conspiracy that it was a hoax. Remember, you're talking to intelligent people, not your fellow cult rumpswabs. Your dumb lies just get laughed at.

Every conspiracy theory that you parrot faceplants, without exception. You'd think you'd learn by now. Your masters play you for a fool over and over, and then laugh at you all the way to the bank. They consider you to be one of their most reliable Useful Idiots.

Then there was the Ukraine impeachment hoax,

Since the Trump admin addmitted Trump was guilty of all charges, you sound especially stupid there.

The Comey dismissal hoax. The revealing classified info hoax, the the first helicopter hoax and on and on and on.

Making a list of all your whackaloon conspiracy theories doesn't make them less stupid.

I think I understand. It's finally dawning on you, how the whole world is laughing at you, and that the world is right to do so. And that your Stalinist utopia isn't going to happen, and that your welfare will be cut off. No wonder you're so cranky now.
Are you smoking weed, dude? When did the Trump Administration admit that Donald Trump was guilty of collusion? When was that ever proven? Mueller's group never did. Adam Schiff never did. Comey never did. CNN never did.
When did the Trump Administration admit that Donald Trump was guilty of collusion?

I didn't say Trump admitted to collusion. I said the Trump admin admitted to the charges of the impeachment.

Did you somehow miss that? Their defense was that Trump's crimes didn't matter, because he's a Republican, and Republican presidents can do whatever they want. They didn't even attempt to refute any of the charges.

Come on. Step outside of that cult bubble. The real world is scary, but you can adjust.
When did the Trump Administration admit that Donald Trump was guilty of collusion?

I didn't say Trump admitted to collusion. I said the Trump admin admitted to the charges of the impeachment.

Did you somehow miss that? Their defense was that Trump's crimes didn't matter, because he's a Republican, and Republican presidents can do whatever they want. They didn't even attempt to refute any of the charges.

Come on. Step outside of that cult bubble. The real world is scary, but you can adjust.
100% wrong.
Why even wait for confirmation "reportedly" is as good as real now.
Biden eclosed their identity as he and Obama spiked the football... "For ordinary people, that was seen as praise for what they did, but for professionals, it meant that his revelations put a giant target on the backs of every Navy SEAL Team 6 member. A top secret unit for cover operations, whose mission is to operate in the murky shadows, was exposed as the group that eliminated al Qaeda’s chief mastermind. Mr. Biden’s reckless actions — followed by President Obama’s own words acknowledging the secret unit’s operation — jeopardized their safety. All kind of scum bags bent on revenge and began an intense manhunt. It’s the situation when situation changes and the hunters became hunted."
"Taliban were waiting for the Chinook helicopter as it approached its landing site. That means that there was possibility that someone tipped off that the SEALs were coming; the helicopter was attacked from three sides in a coordinated ambush. The U.S. military claimed that the helicopter was blown to pieces by a shoulder-fired missile, in which everyone on board was burned beyond recognition. Hence, senior military officials ordered the American bodies cremated without the prior approval of their family members."

All that aside, Biden violated OPSEC by identifying the SEAL Team that carried out the mission, jeopardizing their lives and the lives of their family.
Watch the Dims disavow this despite their recently haranguing us all that we should just accept all their recent smears against Trump:

REPORT: Judicial Watch Gears Up to Blow the Lid Off a 2009 Groping Case That Biden and Secret Service Are Desperate to Hide
According to reports, Judicial Watch is gearing up to blow the case wide open on an incident in 2009 that Biden and the Secret Service seem eager to keep buried.
Judicial Watch has filed a FOIA request for records on a physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 where Biden reportedly groped the breasts of the agent’s girlfriend.
MORE FROM WAYNE DUPREE MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Tucker Carlson Has a “Shocking Recording” of CNN’s Chris Cuomo that He’s Releasing Next Week
The records on this incident were apparently “destroyed” by the Secret Service due to “retention standards.”
From Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, made on May 12, 2020, sought:
All records related to a reported incident in 2009 in which a United States Secret Service Agent reportedly was involved in an altercation with, or attempted to strike, then Vice President Joe Biden during a photo opportunity.
The records sought shall include, but not be limited to, witness statements, the Agent’s statement, victim’s statement, alleged perpetrator’s statement, incident reports, investigative reports, communications among USSS personnel regarding the incident, and disciplinary records related to the incident for the Agent in question.
In a July 13, 2020 response to Judicial Watch’s request, the Secret Service appeared to confirm that a file on the alleged incident existed at some point, asserting, “[T]here are no responsive records or documents pertaining to your request in our files,” because “the above mentioned file(s) has been destroyed” due to “retention standards.” The Secret Service added that, “[n]o additional information is available.” It did not deny the incident had occurred. In its lawsuit, Judicial Watch intends to test the Secret Service’s assertion that it destroyed all records about the incident.
“We had not been able to confirm whether the report about the alleged altercation might be true until the Secret Service itself suggested it destroyed records about the incident,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
What type of cognitive issues do you think Joe Biden Has?
Dementia Alzheimers Senility He's Faking It No Comment EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED) By completing the poll, you agree to receive emails from and that you've read and agree to our privacy policy and legal statement. RESULTS VOTE The fact that the Secret Service seems so desperate to hide records relating to this case just reaffirms the notion that there must be some truth behind these claims.
It’s again ironic that the left will attack Trump for the baseless claims of “sexual assault” that have been lobbed against him but seem to ignore the blatant evidence of Biden’s predatory behavior.
They really are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
Why should we take them seriously when they did Nothing when the supreme Court ignored the rules of construction and sacrifice the End to the Means, in DC v Heller?
Funny Judicial Watch does not seek to give a damn about Trump’s rape cases. I wonder why?
When did the Trump Administration admit that Donald Trump was guilty of collusion?

I didn't say Trump admitted to collusion. I said the Trump admin admitted to the charges of the impeachment.

Did you somehow miss that? Their defense was that Trump's crimes didn't matter, because he's a Republican, and Republican presidents can do whatever they want. They didn't even attempt to refute any of the charges.

Come on. Step outside of that cult bubble. The real world is scary, but you can adjust.

Do you know the difference between an opinion piece and and actual evidence?
ROFL! The biggest conspiracy theory of all time was the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" collusion hoax.

Given how well the collusion was documented, you look extra-stupid for pushing the idiot conspiracy that it was a hoax. Remember, you're talking to intelligent people, not your fellow cult rumpswabs. Your dumb lies just get laughed at.

Every conspiracy theory that you parrot faceplants, without exception. You'd think you'd learn by now. Your masters play you for a fool over and over, and then laugh at you all the way to the bank. They consider you to be one of their most reliable Useful Idiots.

Then there was the Ukraine impeachment hoax,

Since the Trump admin addmitted Trump was guilty of all charges, you sound especially stupid there.

The Comey dismissal hoax. The revealing classified info hoax, the the first helicopter hoax and on and on and on.

Making a list of all your whackaloon conspiracy theories doesn't make them less stupid.

I think I understand. It's finally dawning on you, how the whole world is laughing at you, and that the world is right to do so. And that your Stalinist utopia isn't going to happen, and that your welfare will be cut off. No wonder you're so cranky now.

Can you provide a link where the Trump administration admits Trump was guilty of all charges in his impeachment.

It would be helpful.
Funny Judicial Watch does not seek to give a damn about Trump’s rape cases. I wonder why?


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