Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case

Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case -

{ ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her power as Alaska's governor in the firing of her public safety commissioner, but violated no laws, a report for the state Legislature concluded Friday.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is under investigation for the firing of her public safety commissioner.

Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Palin's ex-brother-in-law from the state police force was "likely a contributing factor" to Monegan's July dismissal, but Palin had the authority as governor to dismiss him, the report by former Anchorage prosecutor Stephen Branchflower states.}

Aww, Sawwah already abusing power and finding loopholes around laws. Quite the Republican Maverick she is. :badgrin:

I guess you totally missed the part about " But Palin had the authority as Governor to dismiss him" ehh?

Remind me again how one abuses a power they are legally entitled to use as noted by this supposed smoking gun commission?

Further the report says "likely a contributing factor" in other words they do not know and there was no consensus it WAS the reason.

All the moronic calls for Impeachment are hillarious based on this report.

What will be the charge? " Your honor, she actually used her power to fire HIM?"
Three words: The election is over. OK that's 4. People are sick to their stomachs over this financial crisis and the corruption surrounding it. Now you have someone who's new, who you're not too sure about, and an ethics report has found that she unlawfully abused her power as governer. People are going to make the connection to that. Then they're going to look at McCain... and they're going to see his nasty attack ads and the people who are screaming KILL HIM in McCain's crowds. Then they're going to look at how John McCain offers the American people absolutely NO plan to help our economy except that he'll cut wasteful spending.

Compare that to a guy who is connected to extremists like Wright, like Ayres and idiotic Rezko. The election will be close and Obama is going to get hit from this sooner or later, and it will come down to Ohio where people are more worried about the economy than Obama's past political connections.

John McCain is rumored to bring up Obama's connections this Wednesday at the debate. This will be a fatal error for McCain as Obama will finally have a chance to defend himself from these attacks in front of 70 million people.

It's over.

Find the words "illegal" in the report and then copy and past the sentence or paragraph for us.
This report is laughable. They came to absolutely no conclusion. They said, "Yeah, maybe she was abusing her power. I mean...she had plenty of other reasons to fire him because he wasn't doing his job, but there's a chance there may have been personal gain involved."

Some investigation.
Three words: The election is over. OK that's 4. People are sick to their stomachs over this financial crisis and the corruption surrounding it. Now you have someone who's new, who you're not too sure about, and an ethics report has found that she unlawfully abused her power as governer. People are going to make the connection to that. Then they're going to look at McCain... and they're going to see his nasty attack ads and the people who are screaming KILL HIM in McCain's crowds. Then they're going to look at how John McCain offers the American people absolutely NO plan to help our economy except that he'll cut wasteful spending.

Compare that to a guy who is connected to extremists like Wright, like Ayres and idiotic Rezko. The election will be close and Obama is going to get hit from this sooner or later, and it will come down to Ohio where people are more worried about the economy than Obama's past political connections.

John McCain is rumored to bring up Obama's connections this Wednesday at the debate. This will be a fatal error for McCain as Obama will finally have a chance to defend himself from these attacks in front of 70 million people.

It's over.
wrong, she broke NO LAW
That's what happens when a maverick pisses of the establishment. They piss back. Wow---big surprise here. She should wear it as a badge of courage.

she should wear her abuse of power as a badge of courage? how brave does one have to be to abuse one's power? is that bravery? I dont think so. It is the ways of a cowardly person. Says a lot about the woman.
From what I've gleaned from the pdf., two findings jump out and I see a problem with them:

Here are the two "findings," however (from page 8 of the .pdf file):

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

How does she 'abuse her power', while exercising her proper and lawful constitutional and statutory authorities?
From what I've gleaned from the pdf., two findings jump out and I see a problem with them:

Here are the two "findings," however (from page 8 of the .pdf file):

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

How does she 'abuse her power', while exercising her proper and lawful constitutional and statutory authorities?
they found the abuse was not the firing of Monegan, but in pressuring him to fire Wooten
they found the abuse was not the firing of Monegan, but in pressuring him to fire Wooten

Just seems to me that the whole 'ethics' phraseology used to bring this in the first place was large enough to drive a Mack truck through. In any case, even that 'pressure' was said to perhaps be contributing factor, not sole or even overriding factor.

If there was any purpose to this beyond political, I'm not seeing it. At least in Chicago corruption, we get full blown messes, not 'how dare you pressure someone off the force, that admits to tasering his step son.' Sheesh.
Just seems to me that the whole 'ethics' phraseology used to bring this in the first place was large enough to drive a Mack truck through. In any case, even that 'pressure' was said to perhaps be contributing factor, not sole or even overriding factor.

If there was any purpose to this beyond political, I'm not seeing it. At least in Chicago corruption, we get full blown messes, not 'how dare you pressure someone off the force, that admits to tasering his step son.' Sheesh.
well, i think since there were no charges recomended, its a dead issue
the only people that wilkl still be bringing it up are the idiot moonbats
where they said "she broke no law"

The investigator's report states Palin's efforts to get Wooten fired broke a state ethics law that bars public officials from pursuing personal interest through official action.

Stapleton called the investigation "a partisan-led inquiry" run by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, but hailed its finding that Monegan's firing broke no law.

From what I've gleaned from the pdf., two findings jump out and I see a problem with them:

Here are the two "findings," however (from page 8 of the .pdf file):

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

How does she 'abuse her power', while exercising her proper and lawful constitutional and statutory authorities?

It's in Section IV of the report at page 48. The section The Conduct of Governor Sarah and Todd Palin is relevant.
Just seems to me that the whole 'ethics' phraseology used to bring this in the first place was large enough to drive a Mack truck through. In any case, even that 'pressure' was said to perhaps be contributing factor, not sole or even overriding factor.

If there was any purpose to this beyond political, I'm not seeing it. At least in Chicago corruption, we get full blown messes, not 'how dare you pressure someone off the force, that admits to tasering his step son.' Sheesh.

She used her public office to pursue personal interests. It's all there. The conclusion of the report is that she broke relevant Alaska state law.

But this is public ethics 101. You never, ever allow your personal interests to be influenced by your actions in discharging your duties.

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