Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case

to be honest i think neither McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden are that qualified. but this election im voting on who would the least mess up this country. And I think Obama/Biden would run this country a lot better than McCain/Palin.

And I'm sorry what makes you think Palin is more qualified than Obama?

but back to the topic

you have to be blinded or a die hard republican not to have any questions in your mind being raised about Palin.
lets see, she has more executive experience than either Obama or Biden
Obama hasnt even been given hard questions by the media
if they went after him half as hard as they have Palin, he would fold up like a lawn chair
lets see, she has more executive experience than either Obama or Biden
Obama hasnt even been given hard questions by the media
if they went after him half as hard as they have Palin, he would fold up like a lawn chair

I think there will be a very rude awakening after the election, when Obama must face those questions...
lets see, she has more executive experience than either Obama or Biden
Obama hasnt even been given hard questions by the media
if they went after him half as hard as they have Palin, he would fold up like a lawn chair

Does being in the senate not hold any weight or experience? yes Palin has been governor for only 2 years of state that has less people than a major city. and the woman hadn't even had a passport up until last year. but yes this woman is more experience than Obama/Biden :rolleyes:

And the media has asked Obama tough questions. and the reason why the media has been after Palin is because McCain camp keeps on hiding her like she's some rare jewel. If Palin would speak to the media more often im sure they wouldn't hunt her down so much.
But she can be impeached if the Alaska legislature decides to.

She has an 80% approval rating. They would be cutting their own throats.

She has been vindicated in this. They could not find any real wrongdoing so all they could do was say......but!...but!...she was rude! She was Bad!

If anything I admire her even more now.
but don't you think that her abuse of power raises some questions? is this woman really qualified to be VP?

and might i just add,if this was Biden, fox news and the republicans would be all over it.

Ironic that you slip and admit that the Liberal media would ignore this if it were Biden.
From what I've gleaned from the pdf., two findings jump out and I see a problem with them:

Here are the two "findings," however (from page 8 of the .pdf file):

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

How does she 'abuse her power', while exercising her proper and lawful constitutional and statutory authorities?

It seems that Palin was totally vindicated. The powers that be could not resist throwing a little something in there for the media to use against her.
She has an 80% approval rating. They would be cutting their own throats.

She has been vindicated in this. They could not find any real wrongdoing so all they could do was say......but!...but!...she was rude! She was Bad!

If anything I admire her even more now.

Bullshit. She has not been vindicated. Rude? Probably not? Bad? Welllll...sort of. Stupid more like.
She has an 80% approval rating. They would be cutting their own throats.

She has been vindicated in this. They could not find any real wrongdoing so all they could do was say......but!...but!...she was rude! She was Bad!

If anything I admire her even more now.

a 80% approval rating in Alaska. major cities have more people in it than the state of Alaska does.
a 80% approval rating in Alaska. major cities have more people in it than the state of Alaska does.

Yes they do----and if mayors in those cities have an 80% approval rating they are doing a damn good job according to it's citizens.
She has an 80% approval rating. They would be cutting their own throats.

She has been vindicated in this. They could not find any real wrongdoing so all they could do was say......but!...but!...she was rude! She was Bad!

If anything I admire her even more now.

Here we go guys.

Ohhh the mavericky goodness.

These morally dead people will tell themselves that she is just more Mavericky because she doesnt follow the rules.

She doesnt have to answer anyones questions and she doesnt have to follow the rules.

Next election they will run people that have even more Mavericky goodness... say people they found in prison. Now not those Icky real prisons mind you but the luxury ones where they send Mavericky CEOs who just can be contained by the petty rules of the little people.
The report is quoted as saying she BROKE NO LAW, so which is it?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her power as Alaska's governor and violated state ethics law by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police, a state investigator's report concluded Friday.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is under investigation for the firing of her public safety commissioner.

"Gov. Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda," the report states.

Panel: Palin abused power in trooper case -
a 80% approval rating in Alaska. major cities have more people in it than the state of Alaska does.

You mean the Liberal Major Cities that classify themselves as "Sanctuary Cites" that thwart Federal law and harbor illegal aliens? Those?
Bullshit. She has not been vindicated. Rude? Probably not? Bad? Welllll...sort of. Stupid more like.

Of course she was vindicated. The report admits she broke no law and none of this can be used against her.

Not only that it broke too soon to be used to tamper with the election like Libs usually do.

With no charges to bring against her all this will do is energize the conservative base.
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