Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case

She used her public office to pursue personal interests. It's all there. The conclusion of the report is that she broke relevant Alaska state law.

But this is public ethics 101. You never, ever allow your personal interests to be influenced by your actions in discharging your duties.

As I've implied, perhaps my locale inflates my cynicism? Perhaps Australian politicians behave better? I would be happy if my politicians confined their 'ethical' missteps to such as this.
i can't believe republicans are still defending this woman. she didn't break any laws but she still abused her power. if she abused her power in Alaska what makes them think she won't do the same as VP or even president?
i can't believe republicans are still defending this woman. she didn't break any laws but she still abused her power. if she abused her power in Alaska what makes them think she won't do the same as VP or even president?
she broke no law
she needs no defense
i can't believe republicans are still defending this woman. she didn't break any laws but she still abused her power. if she abused her power in Alaska what makes them think she won't do the same as VP or even president?
you dislike her solely on the fact shes a republican, thats pretty sad
she broke no law
she needs no defense

but don't you think that her abuse of power raises some questions? is this woman really qualified to be VP?

and might i just add,if this was Biden, fox news and the republicans would be all over it.
but don't you think that her abuse of power raises some questions? is this woman really qualified to be VP?

and might i just add,if this was Biden, fox news and the republicans would be all over it.

Ya and all the rest of the press would be ignoring it like that have ignored vetting Obama.

She used her power APPROPRIATELY as the report states, and there was no evidence other then " we think she abused" anything.
As I've implied, perhaps my locale inflates my cynicism? Perhaps Australian politicians behave better? I would be happy if my politicians confined their 'ethical' missteps to such as this.

If someone uses their public office to pursue personal interests it's plainly a conflict of interests. Someone doesn't have to be a brain surgeon to work that out.

The report shows that the Palins used her authority to get at her former brother in law. Anyone with half a brain in public office should know that's going to get them in strife.
but don't you think that her abuse of power raises some questions? is this woman really qualified to be VP?

and might i just add,if this was Biden, fox news and the republicans would be all over it.
no, it raises no questions, and yes, she is more than qualified
especially if you think Obama is even remotely qualified

whats your obvious hated of Fox News got to do with this?
if you don't like it, don't watch
If someone uses their public office to pursue personal interests it's plainly a conflict of interests. Someone doesn't have to be a brain surgeon to work that out.

The report shows that the Palins used her authority to get at her former brother in law. Anyone with half a brain in public office should know that's going to get them in strife.
actually, no it doesnt
it stated that her OFFICE, not HER, was putting pressure on Monegan
and concluded her fault was not stopping it
what was the "personal interest"
since that law also defines the personal interest as monitary ;)

The statute quoted talks about a "personal or financial interest". So it distinguishes between someone doing something for money and something doing something for personal interest.

Did Governor Sarah Palin abuse the power of her office in trying to get her former brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten, fired? Yes.

What the Troopergate Report Really Says - TIME
i can't believe republicans are still defending this woman. she didn't break any laws but she still abused her power. if she abused her power in Alaska what makes them think she won't do the same as VP or even president?
Abuse of power? LOL! This was abuse of power: - Sources: Intense Pressure Led To Palin UN Snub

Sep 19, 2008 8:10 pm US/Eastern
Sources: Intense Pressure Led To Palin UN Snub
CBS 2 HD Has Learned Democrats Threatened To Attack Jewish Groups' Tax Exempt Status Over VP Nominee Invite
Campaign '08 Complete Coverage
About The Candidates & Issues
Marcia Kramer
NEW YORK (CBS) ― Hillary Clinton won't be speaking at Monday's anti-Iran rally at the United Nations -- and neither will Republican Sarah Palin or any other politicians for that matter.

The reason? A heated behind the scenes tug-of-war.

Sources tell CBS 2 HD that a decision to disinvite Palin from the high profile rally after Clinton pulled out in a huff came as the result of intense pressure from Democrats.

"This is insulting. This is embarrassing, especially to Gov. Palin, to me and I think it should be to every single New Yorker," Assemblyman Dov Hikind, D-Brooklyn, told CBS 2 HD.

Sources say the axes were out for Palin as soon as Sen. Clinton pulled out because she did not want to attend the same event as the Republican vice presidential candidate....

On Monday, we reported Hillary Clinton pulling out of the Stop Iran Now Rally and Democrats pressuring Jewish groups to pull Sarah Palin’s invitation to speak at the rally. Reports surfaced yesterday that Democrats actually threatened Jewish groups with investigations and the loss of their tax-exempt status if they allowed Palin to speak at the rally. In the wake of this controversy, the rally was a monumental flop. The Jewish Action Alliance in concert with other organizations have regrouped and are protesting a dinner hosted by Hyatt heir and Obama finance chair Penny Pritzker at her Grand Hyatt Hotel honoring Iranian President Mahmoud “Israel is a stinking corpse” Ahmadinejad. Sarah Palin has been invited to speak at the protest....
i can't believe republicans are still defending this woman. she didn't break any laws but she still abused her power. if she abused her power in Alaska what makes them think she won't do the same as VP or even president?

The report finds she broke the law. Whether or not it's worth prosecuting is a moot point. What the legislature will do is not known at this stage.

She has form for abuse of public office.
Ya and all the rest of the press would be ignoring it like that have ignored vetting Obama.

She used her power APPROPRIATELY as the report states, and there was no evidence other then " we think she abused" anything.

It's more complex than that. Finding 1 is that she broke the law and the particular statute is noted.

Did Governor Sarah Palin abuse the power of her office in trying to get her former brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten, fired? Yes.

Was the refusal to fire Mike Wooten the reason Palin fired Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan? Not exclusively, and it was within her rights as the states' chief executive to fire him for just about any reason, even without cause.

What the Troopergate Report Really Says - TIME
The statute quoted talks about a "personal or financial interest". So it distinguishes between someone doing something for money and something doing something for personal interest.

What the Troopergate Report Really Says - TIME
but it also claimed her only action was inaction
sorry, but that is a lame way to put it to then claim she violated the law

btw, what you quested was Time's conclution, not the reports
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That's what happens when a maverick pisses of the establishment. They piss back. Wow---big surprise here. She should wear it as a badge of courage.
Really, they forced her to abuse her power?

The republican definition of personal responsibility never fails to make me laugh.
The report finds she broke the law. Whether or not it's worth prosecuting is a moot point. What the legislature will do is not known at this stage.

She has form for abuse of public office.

The report is quoted as saying she BROKE NO LAW, so which is it?
no, it raises no questions, and yes, she is more than qualified
especially if you think Obama is even remotely qualified

whats your obvious hated of Fox News got to do with this?
if you don't like it, don't watch

to be honest i think neither McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden are that qualified. but this election im voting on who would the least mess up this country. And I think Obama/Biden would run this country a lot better than McCain/Palin.

And I'm sorry what makes you think Palin is more qualified than Obama?

but back to the topic

you have to be blinded or a die hard republican not to have any questions in your mind being raised about Palin.

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