REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing

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So, has the Oregon GOP put this guy's name in to run for Congress yet?

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
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My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism
There are "book" definitions, and then there are "real world" definitions. Conservatives tend to live in the real world.
Most konservatives passing for conservatives don't know the definition of the word. To them "whiteness" is conservatism but only republicsn "whiteness." Trump is now accepted into the good ol' boy"s band of konservatism but deep down we all know he will never be a Conservative. And neither wil lYOU.
Your libtard rayssssisum is showing again
No it isn't.

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
You DON'T get out much do you? Take a trip to Europe or Canada to get a real feel for socialism. Then come back and discuss socialism intelligently.
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism
There are "book" definitions, and then there are "real world" definitions. Conservatives tend to live in the real world.
Most konservatives passing for conservatives don't know the definition of the word. To them "whiteness" is conservatism but only republicsn "whiteness." Trump is now accepted into the good ol' boy"s band of konservatism but deep down we all know he will never be a Conservative. And neither wil lYOU.
Your libtard rayssssisum is showing again
I am a true Conservative. You konservatives
are pretenders. Just look at your Russian connections. You call THAT conservative behavior?

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
You don't know what you're talking about.

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.

Not wrong you're just a fucking moron.
Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
You DON'T get out much do you? Take a trip to Europe or Canada to get a real feel for socialism. Then come back and discuss socialism intelligently.

Neither the EU nor Canada are socialist, they are capitalist, there is no worker control of the means of production in either, they have private ownership of the means of production, they are social democracies not socialist countries you stupid cunnt.
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
You DON'T get out much do you? Take a trip to Europe or Canada to get a real feel for socialism. Then come back and discuss socialism intelligently.

Neither the EU nor Canada are socialist, they are capitalist, there is no worker control of the means of production in either, they have private ownership of the means of production, they are social democracies not socialist countries you stupid cunnt.
Yep, Marx isn't taught in our schools. It is rather unfortunate.
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Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well no, not when we have pictures of him in White Nationalist Uniform giving the Nazi salute. Didn't take long long for you to lie and deny that he was not a Nazi type, now did it.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well no, not when we have pictures of him in White Nationalist Uniform giving the Nazi salute. Didn't take long long for you to lie and deny that he was not a Nazi type, now did it.
Since I never said that, and it's a proven fact, why do do make up complete lies? You are sorry.
No it isn't.

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
So, National Parks are dictatorial? After all, that is pure socialism, saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all citizens.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
A "white nationalist" who voted for THE MOST LIBERAL CANDIDATE.

Not uncommon, really. Glenn Frazier Miller at one time exhorted his tribe of white nationalists they should vote for Gore and later Obama over the Republican candidates; many of them hate Republicans far worse than Democrats.
So, National Parks are dictatorial? After all, that is pure socialism, saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all citizens.
Not really. Nationalization of parks is an example of political democracy. Socialism would best be described as economic democracy.
Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
So, National Parks are dictatorial? After all, that is pure socialism, saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all citizens.
No liar, according to our laws, the federal government cannot own any land other than military bases, ports, DC, stuff like that.
No it isn't.

Yes it is, let me guess your another one of the "my Communism is the real communism," fucktards?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.

Not wrong you're just a fucking moron.
Well, genius, I asked what the difference was. Are you too dumb to answer the question?
My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
You DON'T get out much do you? Take a trip to Europe or Canada to get a real feel for socialism. Then come back and discuss socialism intelligently.

Neither the EU nor Canada are socialist, they are capitalist, there is no worker control of the means of production in either, they have private ownership of the means of production, they are social democracies not socialist countries you stupid cunnt.
Well someone besides me begs to differ:

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Neither the EU nor Canada are socialist, they are capitalist, there is no worker control of the means of production in either, they have private ownership of the means of production, they are social democracies not socialist countries
You are confused. The only time I've ever seen workers directly control the means of production is at a Co-op.And that was right here in the USA. Your error is common. What you see as"worker control" over the M.O.P. is
really state control. But that's Communism, not socialism.
Eurosocialism - Wikipedia
Modern European socialism
,[1] usually known as European socialism [2] or simply Eurosocialism,[3] is the dominant version of social democracy in the European Union.

As I posited earlier, socialism is a buffer between Capitalism and Communism.
Many European nations and their satellite nations have for several generations placed public utilities under government control.
However Capitalism was not stifled and free enterprise flourished, too. Control of the means of production is selective in Europe. Private enterprise and socialism work together to maintain a social and economic equilibrium.

Universal Healthcare, social safety nets, nominal paid vacations and public ownersip of utilities are far more beneficial to the citizens of those countries than you think. But they pay for it via high taxes.

And while you may think the average European would leap at the opportunity to abandon their socialist Democracy to come the land of opportunity..think again...


As a subjective answer, many people I know have been to the US for e.g. an internship, a term at a university etc. and found it nice, but none of them would like to move to the US permanently. The reasons I most often heard (by Austrians and Germans):

  • Don’t want to give up at least 25 days of paid vacations, ~12 public holidays, unlimited paid sick time, good unemployment benefits and dozen other safety nets. Being an employee here is typically MUCH nicer than being self-employed, with dozens of safety nets and a lot of protection from the state.
  • Basically free education - specialized schools (e.g. technical, scientific, sports…) to universities without tuition.
  • State paid maternity/paternity leave for up to 3 years.
  • Many grumpy Austrians (especially Viennese) can’t stand the cheerful, boastful temper of many US citizens - it seems dishonest to them (because you can’t be happy when working ;)).
  • Sometimes things like “the gun thing”, stuff like “in god we trust” and prudish behaviors are mentioned.
Neither the EU nor Canada are socialist, they are capitalist, there is no worker control of the means of production in either, they have private ownership of the means of production, they are social democracies not socialist countries
You are confused. The only time I've ever seen workers directly control the means of production is at a Co-op.And that was right here in the USA. Your error is common. What you see as"worker control" over the M.O.P. is
really state control. But that's Communism, not socialism.

God you're fucking dumb, the definition of socialism is collective control of the means of production, Europe and Canada have private control of the means of production.

Socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

Definition of SOCIALISM

Try learning the difference between socialism and social democracy.

Social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, as well as a policy regime involving a commitment to representative democracy, measures for income redistribution, and regulation of the economy in the general interest and welfare state provisions.[1][2][3]

Social democracy - Wikipedia

"The organisation of society in such a manner that any individual, man or woman, finds at birth equal means for the development of their respective faculties and the utilisation of their labour. The organisation of society in such a manner that the exploitation by one person of the labour of his neighbour would be impossible, and where everyone will be allowed to enjoy the social wealth only to the extent of their contribution to the production of that wealth."
Glossary of Terms: So
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