REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing

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And Steve McRacist with his butt buddy Jim Fucking Hoft want you to think a scumbag who railed about killing Jews and pranced around giving Nazi salutes, was a "supporter" of a Jew whose family were killed by Nazis.

Deep thought has never infiltrated that crowd.

"Link", o partisan hack hypocrite who jumps in with Steve McRacist's bullshit-blog thread bent on climbing on the backs of dead heroes so that you can achieve the far-more-important task of scoring cheap counterfeit points on an internet message board? "Link" you say?

Sure, WImpy. Here ya go. Enjoy.
Everybody jumps on the Steve McGarrett bandwagon because I only post the truth.

Self-delusion summed up in seven words:
Bigotry does not exist in my world.
Delusion summed up in one word: impeachment.

Hey if you can make a case that self-delusion falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors" go for it.
Good luck.

Soooooooooooo are you saying McRacist is not a bigot?

My guess is you are one of Trump's poorly educated. I don't expect you to know that essential difference between socialism and communism .

Communism is a form of socialism IE worker control over the means of production dipshit.
In communism the worker doesn't control the means of production, the state does..
All forms of socialism too. They're all dictatorial.
You DON'T get out much do you? Take a trip to Europe or Canada to get a real feel for socialism. Then come back and discuss socialism intelligently.
Yeah they're both fucking pits.

The MAX itself is a great example of failed socialism applied. HUGELY expensive..runs at a loss every year. Harbors the dregs of humanity, they can't afford to police it..not that they would if they could.

Yuh huh. So now it's MAX's fault.

Another poster murdererpologist tried to sell that it was the teenage girls' fault. He stopped just short of "look at the way they were dressed - they were asking for it" and actually tried to portray the peacekeeper heroes -- three of whom got their throats slashed, two fatally --- as the aggressors.

Oh btw I've been on the MAX and the above characterization is complete horseshit. It's actually one of the nicest light-rail systems I've been on, and I've been on a lot of them from coast to coast. May even be the nicest. And it's interesting that these "dregs" it supposedly attracts included at least three heroes who put their lives on the line to keep the peace. We need more of this kind of "dreg".

But do go on with this latest spin project where the poor beleaguered white supremacist nihilist asshole was just a "victim" of a light-rail transit system.
That isn't the issue. I thought we were debating to identify the sociopolitical arena of Europe.
It is pertinent because state ownership or control over sectors of the economy doesn't in itself denote socialism. The State, once gaining control of the utilities, must then turn it over to the workers, thereby freeing them from the exploitation of wage labor by capitalists. That is Socialism.

Your European social democracies might look socialistic but they are not socialist as defined by the theories of Karl Marx.
You seem to back the notion that communism is the perfect utopian paradise where all physical and economic needs of a people are controlled by the state.
Communism is the fruition of socialism culminating in a stateless society. I most certainly do not believe that communism is a society that is controlled by the State.
It is pertinent because state ownership or control over sectors of the economy doesn't in itself denote socialism.
The hell it doesn't! That is exactly the definition of socialism that I was taught in college. Communism , back then, was. pictured as anathema to Capitalism where totalitarian dictators operated as sole state authorities. Workers had no input in anything political. Socialism, OTOH, was defined as a socio political amalgamation of combined state and private ownership sans the totalitarian oversight where citizens could vote and elect their leaders or run for office.
Your link says the latter is a social democracy. I don't deny that; but, that term is a neologism that simply means Socialism + democracy = social democracy as opposed to Socialism + totalitarianism =communism.

But now I wonder if China or the Soviets were ever communists at all...even though the state owned everytning.

It will take some deep research to find any difference between the terms state ownership and worker ownership. Ostensibly the two terms have the same meaning but technically mean two different things

The State, once gaining control of the utilities, must then turn it over to the workers,

That hasn't happened anywhere.

The State, once gaining control of the utilities, must then turn it over to the workers, thereby freeing them from the exploitation of wage labor by capitalists. That is Socialism.
China nor Russia did THAT!
Your European social democracies might look socialistic but they are not socialist as defined by the theories of Karl Marx
If it looks and walks like a duck.....its a duck.

Communism is the fruition of socialism culminating in a stateless society.

Do you mean a classless society.

I most certainly do not believe that communism is a society that is controlled by the State
Interesting. Just what do you believe Communism is?

"Link", o partisan hack hypocrite who jumps in with Steve McRacist's bullshit-blog thread bent on climbing on the backs of dead heroes so that you can achieve the far-more-important task of scoring cheap counterfeit points on an internet message board? "Link" you say?

Sure, WImpy. Here ya go. Enjoy.
Everybody jumps on the Steve McGarrett bandwagon because I only post the truth.

Self-delusion summed up in seven words:
Bigotry does not exist in my world.
Delusion summed up in one word: impeachment.

Hey if you can make a case that self-delusion falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors" go for it.
Good luck.

Soooooooooooo are you saying McRacist is not a bigot?

He is entitled to his opinion. Democrats had BLM and Black Panthers playing active roles in their party.
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/---- I heard on Tucker that he voted for Jill Stein and hated Muslims, Jews and Christians

Yeah from what I've seen, he voted Bernie
He hated Sharia
and he wanted illegals to go home.

I think one of the girls was an illegal and he knew it and started harranguing her.
There has not been a peep from her, just a single interview from her friend
Who said they were leaving when the fight started. My guess is the hippies jumped him and didn't know he had a big knife.

The hell it doesn't! That is exactly the definition of socialism that I was taught in college.
Obviously you weren't taught Marxist theory. American universities misleading students about socialism......shocking.
Your link says the latter is a social democracy. I don't deny that; but, that term is a neologism that simply means Socialism + democracy = social democracy as opposed to Socialism + totalitarianism =communism.
Just for fun lets figure out how social democracy differs from democratic socialism. :)
But now I wonder if China or the Soviets were ever communists at all...even though the state owned everytning.
They weren't even socialist.
Do you mean a classless society.
No, I mean a stateless society. Classless society is realized through socialism.
Interesting. Just what do you believe Communism is?
Communism is the fruition of socialism culminating in a stateless society.
"Link", o partisan hack hypocrite who jumps in with Steve McRacist's bullshit-blog thread bent on climbing on the backs of dead heroes so that you can achieve the far-more-important task of scoring cheap counterfeit points on an internet message board? "Link" you say?

Sure, WImpy. Here ya go. Enjoy.
Everybody jumps on the Steve McGarrett bandwagon because I only post the truth.

Self-delusion summed up in seven words:
Bigotry does not exist in my world.
Delusion summed up in one word: impeachment.

Hey if you can make a case that self-delusion falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors" go for it.
Good luck.

Soooooooooooo are you saying McRacist is not a bigot?

He is entitled to his opinion. Democrats had BLM and Black Panthers playing active roles in their party.

I didn't ask you anything about "opinions" did I?

I'll put you down as a "yes" -- you think Steve McRacist is not a bigot.

/---- I heard on Tucker that he voted for Jill Stein and hated Muslims, Jews and Christians

Yeah from what I've seen, he voted Bernie
He hated Sharia
and he wanted illegals to go home.

I think one of the girls was an illegal and he knew it and started harranguing her.
There has not been a peep from her, just a single interview from her friend
Who said they were leaving when the fight started. My guess is the hippies jumped him and didn't know he had a big knife.


Yeah from 'what you've seen' you didn't look. Had you done that you would have also seen he pledged both to join Trump and to kill him (along with Clinton), railed about killing "monotheists" including Jews (which Sanders is) and pranced around a rally a few weeks ago spewing Nazi salutes --- that would be the same Nazis who killed Sanders' relatives in Poland. Everybody from all sides of the spectrum shunned him at that event.

He was in his own description a "nihilist". He hates everybody. Too bad you stopped looking.

Second, you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that either of these girls was "illegal". You yourself just said so --- "has not been a peep".

Third, nobody "jumped" anybody -- Christian lashed out first, slashing throats. Nobody else so much as threw a punch. We have a complete eyewitness account in the other thread. Plus statements from Christian himself fully not only admitting to being the aggressor but boasting about it, declaring "you call it terrorism, I call it patriotism". Too bad you didn't bother to look there either. Afraid of what you would have found out, I have no doubt.

Fucking murdererpologist asshole.
The hell it doesn't! That is exactly the definition of socialism that I was taught in college.
Obviously you weren't taught Marxist theory. American universities misleading students about socialism......shocking.
Your link says the latter is a social democracy. I don't deny that; but, that term is a neologism that simply means Socialism + democracy = social democracy as opposed to Socialism + totalitarianism =communism.
Just for fun lets figure out how social democracy differs from democratic socialism. :)
But now I wonder if China or the Soviets were ever communists at all...even though the state owned everytning.
They weren't even socialist.
Do you mean a classless society.
No, I mean a stateless society. Classless society is realized through socialism.
Interesting. Just what do you believe Communism is?
Communism is the fruition of socialism culminating in a stateless society.

There's a religious sect of I would say between 50 and 100 thousand people (total) who live in a system of effectively communism, although they don't call it that. Hutterites are spread mostly through the Dakotas, Montana and the Canadian prairie provinces, in "colonies" of generally 75 to 150 population each. They're completely independent and self-sufficient, having no real relationship with the State other than selling their wares locally and, by agreement, employing an "English teacher" (a teacher who speaks English) on their colony to meet bare-basic scholastic requirements.

No one on these colonies owns any personal property other than their own clothes, which they make. All houses and buildings are built and owned communally. Meals are taken communally in a large hall. They base their way of life on the Acts 'community of goods' passages in the bible. And they've been living this way for five hundred years, waaaay before Marx.

They originated in Austria/Switzerland as part of the Anabaptists and over time have moved en masse from one country to another when the local country starts making noise about drafting them into their military (Hutterites are devout pacifists who flatly refuse to war or even wear a uniform). They came to the Dakotas from Ukraine early in the 20th century for that reason, but not long after packed up and left when the US did the same thing, torturing at least one Hutterite to death at Leavenworth. At that point they went to Canada. All of them. After striking a deal with the USG that they could remain pacifists, some came back to the Dakotas and Montana. More stayed in Canada.

Anyway that's an interesting working example of a communistic society. And I might add they're the most self-confident secure bunch I've ever met in my life. In their entire history of five hundred years they've had something like one murder and two suicides. In 500 years.
Anyway that's an interesting working example of a communistic society.
Yes indeed. Thanks for that.

And I might add they're the most self-confident secure bunch I've ever met in my life. In their entire history of five hundred years they've had something like one murder and two suicides. In 500 years.
A testament to living in a society based on cooperation as opposed to one based on competition.
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Obviously you weren't taught Marxist theory. American universities misleading students about socialism......shocking.

Marxism theory is just that...theory. One that can be interpreted many ways. Socialism has been around long before Marx. The altruistic nature of true socialism is intertwined with religiosity in biblical narratives. Christian socialism sprang from those roots not from Marxism. And while most scholars hold that Euro-socialism emanates from Marxist theory the Christian presence decries that notion too. Marxism is not the sole blueprint of socialism that you and some scholars make it out to be.
Europe Sticks With Socialism

Just for fun lets figure out how social democracy differs from democratic socialism.

I don't have to figure it out. Socialism by any other name is still socialism. It is also remains socialism when infused with Capitalism.

They weren't even socialist.

They certainly weren't Christian socialists. But yes, I know what you mean...

No, I mean a stateless society. Classless society is realized through socialism.

According to Marx's manifesto the goal was to arrive at both a classless and stateless society.

Communism is the fruition of socialism culminating in a stateless society.

That was his theory... but never the reality in industrialized nations. Perhaps the American Indians may have been the first American communists way before the White man came. Theirs was indeed a classless and stateless society.
Marxism theory is just that...theory. One that can be interpreted many ways.
Not if you've read it. And understand it.
Christian socialism sprang from those roots not from Marxism. And while most scholars hold that Euro-socialism emanates from Marxist theory the Christian presence decries that notion too. Marxism is not the sole blueprint of socialism that you and some scholars make it out to be.
Marx defined it for the industrial age thru his critique of the capitalist system. He showed why capitalism would fail to bring about the ideals encapsulated in the French Revolution. Liberty, equality and fraternity. Thru his critique of capitalism he showed the inherent flaws in the system that would be the cause of perpetual antagonisms. And he showed how to solve them through a system of socialism.

What you call socialism doesn't do away with the antagonisms. One group is beholden to another for welfare. One group feels inferior, the other feels robbed. For this reason you give Socialism a bad name. Wealth redistribution is not socialism and doesn't solve societies underlying problems. Government control of economic processes does nothing as long as those with the means to control government exist. Unending conflict is the result of what you are calling socialism.
According to Marx's manifesto the goal was to arrive at both a classless and stateless society.
I said that.
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Anyway that's an interesting working example of a communistic society.
Yes indeed. Thanks for that.

And I might add they're the most self-confident secure bunch I've ever met in my life. In their entire history of five hundred years they've had something like one murder and two suicides. In 500 years.
A testament to living in a society based on cooperation as opposed to one based on competition.

Very much so it seems. The idea of "I" has little meaning. When our trucks would pull in (to sell them supplies) we were immediately surrounded by people including any children around, because a truck pulling in meant there was work to do and the idea of watching somebody else work while standing aside is literally unthinkable. If there's work to do one simply goes and gets it done. They incur the jealousy of their neighbors because they can work so much more efficiently as a collective than the individualist model, and their businesses (typically ranching in Montana, crop and dairy farming in the Dakotas) thrive easily.

The collective personality trait is impossible to miss when one interacts with them. At first meeting their voices sound almost scolding, as if one is reprimanding a child. Momentarily one realizes it's simply the assertive energy of self-assurance. They seem to have no doubts at all about who they are and how they live.

Since they're entirely isolated from the "English" world (us), some of them do get curious, almost inevitably the boys, and strike out to the outside world -- ours, the individualistic competitive one. Almost without exception once they've had a taste of ours -- they return to theirs.

Anyway that's my idea of a working communistic society that I've witnessed and it sounded very close to what you were describing. Thanks for this thoughtful tangent.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.

Nope he was a Bernie supporter yoi fake news peddling faggot.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..

We the living do care since the left are trying to pin this on Trump, I really don't care what the dead think as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim anyways.

Those who were killed were white Christian men, genuine Christians, not the right wing "prosperity Christians", but Christians who believe in Christ's teaching to love one another.

They were Portland lefties defending Muzzie scum, good riddance to the traitors of western civilization we need more Breiviks and less Jo Coxs.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.

Nope he was a Bernie supporter yoi fake news peddling faggot.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..

We the living do care since the left are trying to pin this on Trump, I really don't care what the dead think as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim anyways.

Those who were killed were white Christian men, genuine Christians, not the right wing "prosperity Christians", but Christians who believe in Christ's teaching to love one another.

They were Portland lefties defending Muzzie scum, good riddance to the traitors of western civilization we need more Breiviks and less Jo Coxs.
I know we could do without you.
Nope he was a Bernie supporter yoi fake news peddling faggot.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..

We the living do care since the left are trying to pin this on Trump, I really don't care what the dead think as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim anyways.

Those who were killed were white Christian men, genuine Christians, not the right wing "prosperity Christians", but Christians who believe in Christ's teaching to love one another.

They were Portland lefties defending Muzzie scum, good riddance to the traitors of western civilization we need more Breiviks and less Jo Coxs.
I know we could do without you.

We could do a lot more without that kind of vermin. His ilk is exactly what murdered those heroes. Exactly what his kind of belligerent hate leads to.

Of course it wouldn't be exactly fair to equate the CSC with Christian. The latter actually wielded the guillotine, the former is a wimp who hides behind a message board and tries to incite somebody else to do the deed he doesn't have the balls for.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..

We the living do care since the left are trying to pin this on Trump, I really don't care what the dead think as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim anyways.

Those who were killed were white Christian men, genuine Christians, not the right wing "prosperity Christians", but Christians who believe in Christ's teaching to love one another.

They were Portland lefties defending Muzzie scum, good riddance to the traitors of western civilization we need more Breiviks and less Jo Coxs.
I know we could do without you.

We could do a lot more without that kind of vermin. His ilk is exactly what murdered those heroes. Exactly what his kind of belligerent hate leads to.

Of course it wouldn't be exactly fair to equate the CSC with Christian. The latter actually wielded the guillotine, the former is a wimp who hides behind a message board and tries to incite somebody else to do the deed he doesn't have the balls for.
I have never liked extremist or haters, or people that can't control their emotions....
Not if you've read it. And understand it.
Why do you think scholars similarly credentialed could not agree on all the precepts of Marxist theory? Marx's theory succumbed to pluralism just as most theories do. Understanding depends on interpretation...
Perhaps your perspective leads you to believe that Socialism is a branch of Marxism. It's not.
Marxism is a branch of Socialism. Ponder the axiomatic implications of that. Socialism
can be defined beyond the boundaries of Marxist theory in many permutations.

Marx defined it for the industrial age thru his critique of the capitalist system. He showed why capitalism would fail to bring about the ideals encapsulated in the French Revolution.
I would agree with that. But emerging European states, borrowing parts of Marx's theory, were not bound by all the dogma of Marx in tailoring their own brand of Socialism. Christian nations were not going to turn atheist to adhere to Marxism but they could apply some of his social ideas in forming state governance. Capitalism was not abandoned either. IT too had a special place in the Euro- socialist milieu. Indeed, as i posited earlier, Marxist theory succumbed to pluralism.

As a result, Marxist disciples might reach contradictory conclusions from each other.

Thru his critique of capitalism he showed the inherent flaws in the system that would be the cause of perpetual antagonisms. And he showed how to solve them through a system of socialism.
His opinion was theoretical and subject to tweeking and interpretation.

What you call socialism doesn't do away with the antagonisms. One group is beholden to another for welfare. One group feels inferior, the other feels robbed. For this reason you give Socialism a bad name. Wealth
You are describing a dynamic associated with capitalism. That gives Capitalists a bad name, not socialists. The socio-economic scene you just described is the catalyst that birthed Marxism. Socialism, in measured dosage infused with Capitalism, has kept
revolutions down in the West.

Government control of economic processes does nothing as long as those with the means to control government exist. Unending conflict is the result of what you are calling socialism.

But the unending conflict is caused by Capitalism...according to Marx. Why do you insist that it's caused by Socialism? I fear that it is you who is demonstrating a lack of understanding. And I am not...let me repeat..NOT calling that Socialism... you are.

said that.

You left the word classless out of your original post. And when I brought that oversight to your attention you emphatically told me you meant stateless only. did not say "classless and stateless."
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