REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing

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How sad that this is the ONLY thread I see on the Oregon murders....and it's one by a fellow traveler denying that the obvious Alt-Rightie murderers is an Alt-Rightie.
What's the difference between socialist killers and capitalist killers? I really want to know
Socialists commit these acts

socialists.....murdered about 100 million innocent men, women and children around the world trying to create a socialist paradise...

Capitalism...not so much.

It has been argued that Hitler was not a sociialist. His ideals were more hegemonic than would be expected of a sociallist.
His agenda did not mesh with socialism.
$talin and Mao were not Socialists either..Those two are called Communists because under their rule the state was the ultimate power. Individual liberty was suppressed and the ownership of property was limited. That's not Socialism.

So, socialists are not responsible for100 million deaths. Compared to Capitalists and Communists..socialists barely make a ripple in contributing to the tally counting millions of people slaughtered in the 20th century.

Capitalist imperialists are responsible for just as many dearhs around the world but their nefarious methodology is primarily cumulative over many
generations. Capitalism, it seems, is so exploitive, unfair and often the bed of corruptiont, that iteventually gives birth to Communism . Socialism is a buffer between the two whereas a balance is struck to nullify the exploitive effects of capitalism. Socialism is also a prophylaxis against the disease of communism. Without socialism to give hope and relief to the masses, communism would surely come.
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Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.

No moron.....conservatives believe in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the constitution....all men and women are created equal, and a limited government....

It is asswipes like you who belong to the party of racism...the democrat party......where all of the core groups that make up the party are openly and proudly racist, and their last two Presidents are racists.........
Being anti RW male isn't racist, it's self defense.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.

Nope he was a Bernie supporter yoi fake news peddling faggot.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..
Hypothetical of the Day

Let us say that on a public transport train some American born brown Muslim convert had spotted a couple of folk with T shirts favoring Trump and had started shouting anti White racial stuff...then some folks standing by tried to Calm him down and he suddenly whips out a knife and cuts their throats ..

would Trump had Failed to comment on such an attack as being a "terror Attack"


Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well to be fair the killer probably wasn't a card carrying neo-Nazi..he just espoused and shared some of their supremacist views . He definitely was no liberal. My personal diagnosis would be to classify this killer as pathological schizophrenic...a clinical condition aggravated by
TRUMPS anti- muslim rhetoric.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well to be fair the killer probably wasn't a card carrying neo-Nazi..he just espoused and shared some of their supremacist views . He definitely was no liberal. My personal diagnosis would be to classify this killer as pathological schizophrenic...a clinical condition aggravated by
TRUMPS anti- muslim rhetoric.
Can't stop lying can you?
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well to be fair the killer probably wasn't a card carrying neo-Nazi..he just espoused and shared some of their supremacist views . He definitely was no liberal. My personal diagnosis would be to classify this killer as pathological schizophrenic...a clinical condition aggravated by
TRUMPS anti- muslim rhetoric.
Can't stop lying can you?
Did you search for theowl's post referring to Dylan Roof as an ape? If you didn't ...gtfoomf.
Thats a lonnnggg acronym but a genius like you should be able to decipher it I'm no time.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.

Nope he was a Bernie supporter yoi fake news peddling faggot.
There is one thing for certain, the dead folks and their relatives don't give fuck who the killer voted for President. You people are so petty and insignificant..

We the living do care since the left are trying to pin this on Trump, I really don't care what the dead think as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim anyways.
What's the difference between socialist killers and capitalist killers? I really want to know
Socialists commit these acts

socialists.....murdered about 100 million innocent men, women and children around the world trying to create a socialist paradise...

Capitalism...not so much.
And you think that Leninism is socialism..What a twist!

It is.
No it isn't.
What's the difference between socialist killers and capitalist killers? I really want to know
Socialists commit these acts

socialists.....murdered about 100 million innocent men, women and children around the world trying to create a socialist paradise...

Capitalism...not so much.

It has been argued that Hitler was not a sociialist. His ideals were more hegemonic than would be expected of a sociallist.
His agenda did not mesh with socialism.
$talin and Mao were not Socialists either..Those two are called Communists because under their rule the state was the ultimate power. Individual liberty was suppressed and the ownership of property was limited. That's not Socialism.

So, socialists are not responsible for100 million deaths. Compared to Capitalists and Communists..socialists barely make a ripple in contributing to the tally counting millions of people slaughtered in the 20th century.

Capitalist imperialists are responsible for just as many dearhs around the world but their nefarious methodology is primarily cumulative over many
generations. Capitalism, it seems, is so exploitive, unfair and often the bed of corruptiont, that iteventually gives birth to Communism . Socialism is a buffer between the two whereas a balance is struck to nullify the exploitive effects of capitalism. Socialism is also a prophylaxis against the disease of communism. Without socialism to give hope and relief to the masses, communism would surely come.
LOL, you claim they weren't socialist therefore socialists did little mass murdering.

That's a special kind of stupid.
Three liars in a row, the dumb fuck Nazi OP and then a couple of more brain dead 'Conservatives'.The murdering bastard was a White Nationalist. One of the people your kind admire.
Didn't take long for the compulsory "he's a nazi post" Did it? :)
Well to be fair the killer probably wasn't a card carrying neo-Nazi..he just espoused and shared some of their supremacist views . He definitely was no liberal. My personal diagnosis would be to classify this killer as pathological schizophrenic...a clinical condition aggravated by
TRUMPS anti- muslim rhetoric.
Can't stop lying can you?
Did you search for theowl's post referring to Dylan Roof as an ape? If you didn't ...gtfoomf.
Thats a lonnnggg acronym but a genius like you should be able to decipher it I'm no time.
You would never get close enough for me to be in your face.
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