'Report: Russian airliner downed by British jihadis'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Report: Russian airliner downed by British jihadis

"British media revealed Sunday that intelligence officials have reason to believe the terrorists who planned, or even carried out, the downing of a Russian airliner in Sinai last Saturday were British nationals who joined the ranks of Islamic State.

According to the Daily Star, officials at Government Communications Headquarters intercepted "chatter" in which numerous jihadis - including those with London and Birmingham accents - are heard celebrating the crash.

One senior intelligence source said the recordings suggest there is a "definite and strong link" between the British jihadis and the suspected bombing.

“There has...been some internet traffic suggesting there was British involvement in the attack. We know there are British jihadis in Egypt fighting with members of Islamic State," the source said. "

If they have those accents, they were raised in the UK, and aren't immigrants like. That's disturbing.
Report: Russian airliner downed by British jihadis

"British media revealed Sunday that intelligence officials have reason to believe the terrorists who planned, or even carried out, the downing of a Russian airliner in Sinai last Saturday were British nationals who joined the ranks of Islamic State.

According to the Daily Star, officials at Government Communications Headquarters intercepted "chatter" in which numerous jihadis - including those with London and Birmingham accents - are heard celebrating the crash.

One senior intelligence source said the recordings suggest there is a "definite and strong link" between the British jihadis and the suspected bombing.

“There has...been some internet traffic suggesting there was British involvement in the attack. We know there are British jihadis in Egypt fighting with members of Islamic State," the source said. "

If they have those accents, they were raised in the UK, and aren't immigrants like. That's disturbing.

DS news or tabloid? UK or LB?
We are in a race war and we don't know it.
It's actually just another bankers war. The media is used as a weapon against the people to disguise the true nature of the war and bend public will to accept it. It is troubling that the overwhelming majority of the population is still unable to comprehend this.
We are in a race war and we don't know it.
It's actually just another bankers war. The media is used as a weapon against the people to disguise the true nature of the war and bend public will to accept it. It is troubling that the overwhelming majority of the population is still unable to comprehend this.
yes and the bankers have made it a race war. Like they always have.
ISIS Leader That Claimed Downing Of Russian Airliner Killed...

Egypt: Top terrorist in ISIS-linked group killed
November 9, 2015 - Terror group claimed responsibility for downed Russian jet
A leader in an ISIS-affiliated Egyptian terrorist group has been killed, Egypt's state media reported Monday. That terrorist group, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, has claimed responsibility for downing the Russian Metrojet flight last month. Egyptian authorities have said it's too soon to tell what caused the crash, and they haven't accused Ashraf Ali Ali Hassanein al-Gharabali of being involved. But the government's announcement of his death Monday comes as authorities face questions over security after the crash and push to project a tough stance on terrorism.

Gharabali was killed in a shootout with security forces at a checkpoint in the El-Marg district in northeastern Cairo, the state-run Middle East News Agency reported, citing Egypt's Interior Ministry. Officers were attempting to carry out an arrest warrant against Gharabali. Police were approaching Gharabali's vehicle when he attempted to flee and opened fire with a pistol, MENA said. Details on when the incident took place were not immediately forthcoming from the ministry. MENA described Gharabali as "the most dangerous leader" of the group, which goes by various names, including ISIS in Sinai Peninsula. He was allegedly involved in the attempted assassination of Egypt's former interior minister and the thwarted attack on the the Karnak Temple in Luxor in June. the agency said.

The Egyptian Interior Ministry described him as "the mastermind" of a number of organized attacks in Egypt. One analyst appeared skeptical that Gharabali had any tie to the group's Sinai operations, noting that he's been accused of involvement in attacks on Egypt's mainland. "I'm afraid his death has little implication on the group's operations in Sinai or those responsible for the alleged bombing of the Metrojet flight," Mokhtar Awad, an expert on ISIS in the Sinai at the Center for American Progress, said in a written statement.

The 'Sinai Province' of ISIS

See also:

Russians greet claims of Metrojet bombing with scepticism and caution
Saturday 7 November 2015 - Guided by patriotism and a reticent state media, Muscovites reluctant to assign responsibility for the disaster to Isis
On the streets of Moscow on Saturday, the dominant mood regarding the Sinai air crash appeared to be a mixture of scepticism, caution and an implacable hostility towards Islamic State. Above all, many Russians seemed hesitant to draw any conclusions about the causes of disaster, or to tie it to Moscow’s airstrikes in Syria. “You want me to say it was a bad idea to bomb Syria? Personally I think it was high time we destroy Isis,” said one woman who gave her name as Tatiana Vladimirovna. She said she had worked in the aviation industry and thought negligence probably caused the crash. “Isis is horrible, they’re worse than Hitler,” said Natalya Petrovna. They’re destroying people, they’re destroying their history. Have you watched TV? They’re now engaged in recruiting our girls. “Do you think comrade Putin will let them take down our planes just like that?” she said, when asked about the possibility of terrorist attacks in revenge for Russia’s campaign in Syria. “Our military looks pretty good now compared to others.”

Vladimir, who did not want to give his surname, said Russians’ support for the Syria campaign would remain unaffected even if a bomb was shown to have brought down the plane. “A plane crashed, so what? Our planes have crashed before because the pilot was drunk,” he said. “Whether [perceptions] change will depend on our zombie-box,” he added, using a term for state TV popular among the opposition. On Saturday the Russian newspaper Kommersant quoted a source saying Egyptian forensic scientists had determined that several passengers died from “bomb blast trauma”.

But, in general, Russian media remain hesitant to raise the spectre of a terrorist attack. State news agency RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed Russian official in the crash investigation as saying: “At the moment it is only possible to talk about the presence of undefined sounds registered by the flight recorder,” and that it was “premature” to say they came from an explosion. The official government newspaper, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, said the decoding of the black box did not provide conclusive data that an explosive device had been on board.

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Putin gettin' ready to put the smackdown on ISIS...

Report: Russia set to retaliate against ISIS after plane bombing, complicating Syria intervention
11/11/2015 - “They know they will have to respond. It is not pleasant, but that is the price it pays for its intervention in Syria.” former Israeli ambassador to Russia and Ukraine tells Post.
Russia is likely going to increase its military involvement in Syria because of what is widely assumed a terrorist bombing of the plane that crashed in Sinai over a week ago. However, the consequences of such an escalation in Syria and perhaps elsewhere against Islamic State in the Middle East is going to have to be weighed against the fallout – more attempts by the terrorist group to attack its interests worldwide. Israel would closely follow any changes in Russia’s military involvement in Syria since it could hamper its own maneuverability in the country.


Egypt's Prime Minister Sherif Ismail (4rth R) at the remines of a plane crash at the desert in central Sinai near El Arish city north of Egypt​

Russia could also decide to sharply increase its support for Arab states and other proxy forces that are fighting against Islamic State. This could include military equipment and advisers, and even improved intelligence cooperation. Moreover, such a move to boost its action against Islamic State would further move regional forces opposing the group towards its camp, and away from the US, which is seen as providing lackluster support. Russian communications intercepted by US intelligence agencies showed Russia believed the plane was brought down by a bomb, US sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

All 224 passengers and crew were killed when the plane crashed in the desert on the way to St. Petersburg, Russia. Egypt and Russia have yet to formally announce the cause of the disaster. Both countries dismissed as premature US and British assessments last week that a bomb likely was responsible. Zvi Magen, a senior fellow with the Institute for National Security Studies told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Tuesday that Russia has been trying to avoid reality by not wanting to admit its plane was downed in a terrorist attack since that fact might complicate its situation. “They know they will have to respond. It is not pleasant, but that is the price it pays for its intervention in Syria,” said Magen, a former Israeli ambassador to both Ukraine and Russia.

Russia confirms bomb downed its plane over Egypt...

Russia confirms bomb downed its plane over Egypt, vows retribution
Tue Nov 17, 2015 - The Kremlin said for the first time on Tuesday that a bomb had ripped apart a Russian passenger jet over Egypt last month and promised to hunt down those responsible and intensify its air strikes on Islamist militants in Syria in response.
Until Tuesday, Russia had played down assertions from Western countries that the crash, in which 224 people were killed on Oct. 31, was a terrorist incident, saying it was important to let the official investigation run its course. But in a late night Kremlin meeting on Monday three days after Islamist gunmen and bombers killed 129 people in Paris, Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russia's FSB security service, told a meeting chaired by President Vladimir Putin that traces of foreign-made explosive had been found on fragments of the downed plane and on passengers' personal belongings. "According to an analysis by our specialists, a homemade bomb containing up to 1 kilogram of TNT detonated during the flight, causing the plane to break up in mid air, which explains why parts of the fuselage were spread over such a large distance," said Bortnikov "We can unequivocally say it was a terrorist act," Bortnikov said in footage that was not released until Tuesday morning.


An Egyptian military helicopter flies over debris from a Russian airliner which crashed at the Hassana area in Arish city, north Egypt​

Putin responded by saying the incident was one of the bloodiest acts in modern Russian history and ordered the Russian air force to intensify its air strikes in Syria in response. "It (our campaign) must be intensified in such a way that the criminals understand that retribution is inevitable," said Putin.

Ordering the country's secret service to hunt down those responsible for blowing up the plane, he said the effort to bring them to justice should be exhaustive. "We will search for them everywhere wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them," Putin said.

Russia confirms bomb downed its plane over Egypt, vows retribution

See also:

Russia offers $50 million reward for help detaining Egypt plane bombers: TASS
Tue Nov 17, 2015 - The Russian government is offering a $50 million reward to anyone who helps it detain those responsible for placing a bomb on a Russian passenger jet which broke up over Egypt last month, killing 224 people, the TASS news agency reported on Tuesday.
News of the reward came after the Kremlin said for the first time that a bomb had ripped apart the plane and promised to hunt down those responsible and intensify its air strikes on Islamist militants in Syria in response.

Russia offers $50 million reward for help detaining Egypt plane bombers: TASS


Russian plane crash 'was terrorist act;' bomb residue found
Nov. 17, 2015 -- Egyptian authorities were questioning two Sharm el-Sheikh airport employees Tuesday in connection to the downing of a Russian passenger jet, hours after officials definitively confirmed a terrorist bomb brought down the aircraft.
Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russia's Federal Security Service, said the aircraft was equipped with a handmade explosive with the equivalent of 2.2 pounds, of TNT. Explosive residue was found on the victims' personal items and pieces of the aircraft. "We can say unequivocally that this was a terrorist attack," Bortnikov told Russia's Security Council on Monday. All 224 people on board Metrojet Flight 9268 died when it crashed in the Sinai Peninsula on Oct. 31.

The Metrojet Airbus A-321 had taken off from Sharm el-Sheikh and was in the air for 22 minutes before disappearing from radar screens. Bortnikov said the bomb was so powerful it caused the aircraft to break up in mid-air, "which explains why the fuselage of the plane was found a great distance away," he said. Officials initially denied claims the plane was brought down by terrorism, but Tuesday announced a $50 million reward for information about who was responsible for the crash. A branch of the Islamic State operating on the Sinai Peninsula posted messages to social media immediately after the crash, claiming to have shot down the jet. Both Russian and Egyptian officials said at the time they didn't believe those claims to be credible since the plane wasn't shot down.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "we will find them anywhere on the globe, and punish them." "We won't be wiping tears from our souls and hearts. It will stay with us forever. But that won't stop us from finding and punishing the criminals," he said. The bombing came weeks after Russia launched an airstrike campaign in Syria, targeting both rebels in opposition to President Bashar al-Assad and IS militants. It's unclear if Russia's involvement in the war there is connected to the crash of Flight 9268.

Russian plane crash 'was terrorist act;' bomb residue found
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We are in a race war and we don't know it.
Militant Reactionary Muslims (ISIS types) are not race. You are in a war of ideas, and yours better a damn sight better which it is but your reject it as well. It's called Liberalism. Embrace it, boys, before you are all living in the 7th century again.

Are you stil spouting the ideology lies? It's not 1990 ya know. Get with the times.
We are in a race war and we don't know it.
Militant Reactionary Muslims (ISIS types) are not race. You are in a war of ideas, and yours better a damn sight better which it is but your reject it as well. It's called Liberalism. Embrace it, boys, before you are all living in the 7th century again.

Are you stil spouting the ideology lies? It's not 1990 ya know. Get with the times.
There is no lie in any of that. Anyone who says, But hey, was born in ______(western country) does understand what they are up against. ISIS is all over the damn globe, that is how ideas work. They may flock to the Caliphate, they are required to they believe, but they live in the same damn places that everyone else does.
We are in a race war and we don't know it.
Militant Reactionary Muslims (ISIS types) are not race. You are in a war of ideas, and yours better a damn sight better which it is but your reject it as well. It's called Liberalism. Embrace it, boys, before you are all living in the 7th century again.
But when lefty dupes defend muslims as victims they make it a racialist thing.
We are in a race war and we don't know it.
Militant Reactionary Muslims (ISIS types) are not race. You are in a war of ideas, and yours better a damn sight better which it is but your reject it as well. It's called Liberalism. Embrace it, boys, before you are all living in the 7th century again.
But when lefty dupes defend muslims as victims they make it a racialist thing.
Islam is not a race, period.

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