Report sheds light on Iranian missile factories being built in Lebanon


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group is constructing at least two underground facilities in Lebanon for manufacturing missiles and other weaponry, according to a report by the French Intelligence Online magazine.

While reports of these subterranean weapons facilities have been published in Arab media outlets before, the Intelligence Online article included two previously unknown pieces of information: the type of weaponry being produced and the approximate locations of two factories.

Sources told the French industry magazine that one of the factories is being built in northern Lebanon, near the town of Hermel in the eastern Bekaa Valley. The second facility is reportedly being constructed along the southern coast, between the towns of Sidon and Tyre.

According to Intelligence Online, the Hermel facility is being used to produce the Fateh 110, a medium-range missile. The southern facility, meanwhile, will be used to make smaller munitions.

....In March, the Kuwaiti al-Jarida newspaper reported that Iran had established multiple facilities some 50 meters belowground and protected them with multiple layers of defenses from potential Israeli aerial bombardment, citing an unnamed deputy head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The Iranian general was quoted by al-Jarida as saying that the decision to produce rockets indigenously in Lebanon came after Israel bombed weapons factories in Sudan and supply routes for Iranian rockets via Syria.
Report sheds light on Iranian missile factories being built in Lebanon

Why can't we just bomb the living shit out of Hezbollah? It just makes far more sense.
Why would we want to bomb the Lebanese? They don't threaten the U.S.[/QUOTE

the target would not be LEBANON---the target would be the international terrorist organization--
Hezbollah ---which has found safe harbor (hopefully only temporarily) in Lebanon. The best approach
would be surgical strikes against Hezbollah enclaves
Why would we want to bomb the Lebanese? They don't threaten the U.S.[/QUOTE

the target would not be LEBANON---the target would be the international terrorist organization--
Hezbollah ---which has found safe harbor (hopefully only temporarily) in Lebanon. The best approach
would be surgical strikes against Hezbollah enclaves

Hezbollah's military wing expelled the Israelis from Lebanon after a long occupation and today is the only deterent military force that prevents Israel from invading Lebanon again. Hezbollah politically represents the Shia of Lebanon who have lived in southern Lebanon for at least several centuries. They have 12 seats in Parliament and 2 ministers in the Government of Lebanon.
Many of the Shia view the Palestinians as an occupying force instigating shit with Israel. :beer:
Why would we want to bomb the Lebanese? They don't threaten the U.S.[/QUOTE

the target would not be LEBANON---the target would be the international terrorist organization--
Hezbollah ---which has found safe harbor (hopefully only temporarily) in Lebanon. The best approach
would be surgical strikes against Hezbollah enclaves

Hezbollah's military wing expelled the Israelis from Lebanon after a long occupation and today is the only deterent military force that prevents Israel from invading Lebanon again. Hezbollah politically represents the Shia of Lebanon who have lived in southern Lebanon for at least several centuries. They have 12 seats in Parliament and 2 ministers in the Government of Lebanon.

Hezbollah is installed in Lebanon for the express purpose of attacking Israel---specifically the PORT
CITY of Haifa. Haifa is one of the many port cities (just as are the port cities of Yemen) that
Iran views as strategically important for its Imperialist agenda. The Russian/Syria/Irainan alliance
is in full support of Hezbollah aggression from south Lebanon upon Haifa. Haifa is a somewhat
industrial city----devoted to water desalination. It's population is civilian. Iran has take
great pride in heavily arming Hezbollah with long range missile launchers and the BAATHIST
fave baby brain smashing nail bombs that delight Baathist sluts.
For increased efficiency in smashing the brains out of the children who play on the streets and
fields of Haifa-----Iran has devised and supplied its Hezbollah proxy army with long range
missile launchers mounted on flat bed trucks, The strategy is for the Missile Launcher to be
transported areas in which Lebanese citizens are installed for the sole purpose of acting
as shields for the Iranian proxy army. Since southern Lebanon has neither industry nor
agriculture---the civilian population there has no function other than the civilian shield
purposes. Return fire upon the launching of baby brain smashing nail bombs by the
ARMY OF ALLAH----- upon the civilian population of Haifa----sometimes results in harm
to the Hezbollah installed idle civilian population in southern Lebanon. Since
southern Lebanon----is so convenient a site for attacks upon Israel-----and has no
potential for agriculture or industry------there have been attempts to demilitarize it.
Iran has successfully resisted and has transformed the area into a fortress of
military aggression

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