Report Tracks Thousands Of Summer Protests, 93% Nonviolent

Husband only beats wife once a month, the rest of the year there is no violence in the why is she complaining?
Beating your wife is not part of the 1st Amendment. The right to protest is.
Do you see how stupid your post is now?

Burning, looting, beating and murdering people are not the 1st Amendment protected acts, you dumb you understand how stupid your post is now?
Husband only beats wife once a month, the rest of the year there is no violence in the why is she complaining?
Beating your wife is not part of the 1st Amendment. The right to protest is.
Do you see how stupid your post is now?
The violence is NOT now nor has ever been sanctioned by the 1st Amendment, you dumb ass.
Husband only beats wife once a month, the rest of the year there is no violence in the why is she complaining?
Beating your wife is not part of the 1st Amendment. The right to protest is.
Do you see how stupid your post is now?

The right to protest doesn't include burning innocent people buildings.
Do you see how stupid your post is now?
The violence is NOT now nor has ever been sanctioned by the 1st Amendment, you dumb ass.
Protests are.
Again this VERY thread shows that HUNDREDS of protests were violent. And we have seen them on the news and else where and in EVERY case the local Democratic Mayor ordered the police to stand down and the local Democratic Governor REFUSED to call out the Guard.

HUNDREDS of VIOLENT PROTESTS, Billions in lost property, something like 50 people KILLED so far.
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

Billions in lost property, something like 50 people KILLED so far.
More people die from the seasonal flu.
BTW, read my sig.
I predicted things were going to change if you idiots didn't listen.
This is all on you. Next time a football player wants to take a knee in silent, peaceful protest, let him.
Since you didn't, this is what you get.
It is how things are now.
Totally preventable.
The 2nd American revolution.
Billions in lost property, something like 50 people KILLED so far.
More people die from the seasonal flu.
BTW, read my sig.
I predicted things were going to change if you idiots didn't listen.
This is all on you. Next time a football player wants to take a knee in silent, peaceful protest, let him.
Since you didn't, this is what you get.
It is how things are now.
Totally preventable.
The 2nd American revolution.
Ya we stopped them, BE VERY SPECIFIC now and cite when ANYONE stopped the athletes from kneeling. Links and such required.

These riots are BULLSHIT a couple dead people that in all but one or 2 cases was COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED does ot justified 5 months of RIOTS LOOTING BURNING and MURDER.

By the way DUMB ASS 50 dead people is at least 5 times as many as the shootings the rioters are protesting and in every case the 50 dead were MURDERED with NO JUSTIFICATION.
Again.....he only beats his wife once a month.....the rest of the time he's a great guy and treats her nice....
Your comparison is bullshit to begin with, boy.

No, your infantile responses are bullshit. No one has decried the peaceful protests here. Not one of us. But ignoramous you try and accuse us of wanting to halt the peaceful protests because we are so anti the riots. Fuck you and your false equivalents.
The attempt to frighten voters doesn't work on those who Trump needs to convince. He had better try something else. I'd suggest being a leader who accepts responsibility and demonstrates humility.
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

In my town ---the protests are VERY VIOLENT --with lots of dead bodies in the gutter. "most are nonviolent" is something like -----"almost not
dead" Should there be a political movement in the USA that produces DEAD BODIES? VANDALIZED
PROPERTY? LOOTED STORES? DESTROYED WORKS OF ART? Long ago I did see a trivial little bullet (like 22 calibre) right in the center of a young male's brain. He was brain dead which is ---
ALMOST DEAD -----he still had spinal reflexes and his heart was beating. The case came from the same place where people are calling the activity NON VIOLENT and is producing lots of ALMOST DEAD

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