Report Tracks Thousands Of Summer Protests, 93% Nonviolent

There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

Shhh don’t tell them that. They need spin it as out of control America’s burning for the Is not like they have much else to run on.

It's interesting to see these graphics about how the protests were "93% peaceful". The problem is, that number should be 100%. Each and every time.

Also interesting to me is how 7% of those protests turned into riots and managed to drown out the entire message.... and cause tens of millions of dollars in damage in the process.

Dear Leftists, this does not hurt the "narrative." There is no "narrative." Just your denial.
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

I'm sure they counted the 3 month long protest in Portland as one protest.

Your numbers are meaningless.
ACLED data and analysis are regularly cited in media reports on conflict trends. These include pieces in The New York Times,[21][22] The Guardian,[23] The Washington Post,[24] CNN,[25] The Telegraph,[26] The Independent,[27] Buzzfeed News,[28] Al Jazeera,[29] Middle East Eye,[30] the Associated Press,[31] Le Monde,[32] the BBC[33] National Geographic,[34] The Economist,[35] and The Atlantic,[36] among others.

ALL LEFTIST - this so-called "report" produced by one of the most BIASED NGOs in existence, is about as reliable as a screen door on a submarine.

If there were so many "peaceful protests" going on, how come even the leftist media is finding so few of them, that Biden's poll numbers have been plumetting ?
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

Well right wing media says 100% of BLM protests have been violent..and god knows they never lie about anything so it must be true.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: said the left as they riot, burn, and loot their cities. Also, WTF are you people protesting in the first place??
They are "protesting" what they are DUPED into protesting about (or PAID for it).

Whoever on the left is paying for all these fiascos, it's the biggest waste of money in US history, as the whole thing has, politically, been a boost for President Trump.
The report says THOUSANDS of protests, 70 per 1000 are violent which means even by YOUR report it is 100's of VIOLENT protests.
Well right wing media says 100% of BLM protests have been violent..and god knows they never lie about anything so it must be true.
Hardly matters what the % is. If you're in one of the DEMOCRAT CITIES where the rioting is going on, the %s don't matter much to YOU.

Wanna talk about what % of riots are occuring in Democrat cities ? (as opposed to Republican ones) Now there's a statistic for you.
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

Shhh don’t tell them that. They need spin it as out of control America’s burning for the Is not like they have much else to run on.

I am sure the 35 human being murdered in the riots feel your empathy and concern. No doubt the thousands who have lost their homes and businesses appreciate your compassion as well. :(
There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

You are so full of it...where the government puts a heavy down---the protests don't get violent. Its where they allow the thugs to attack that it gets violent.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: said the left as they riot, burn, and loot their cities. Also, WTF are you people protesting in the first place??
They are "protesting" what they are DUPED into protesting about (or PAID for it).

Whoever on the left is paying for all these fiascos, it's the biggest waste of money in US history, as the whole thing has, politically, been a boost for President Trump.

Yeah vote for Biden if you want looting, rioting, burning and chaos.
Yeah vote for Biden if you want looting, rioting, burning and chaos.


Husband only beats wife once a month, the rest of the year there is no violence in the why is she complaining?
Beating your wife is not part of the 1st Amendment. The right to protest is.
Do you see how stupid your post is now?
Riots are not part the 1st Amendment. Not getting beat by the husband is.

Do you see how stupid your post is now?
Riots are not part the 1st Amendment. Not getting beat by the husband is.
Wow. They must have been really concerned about it to put it in the first amendment.
That would explain why it reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances or getting beat by your husband.

There has been violence. There has been looting.

93% of the protesting has been peaceful and non violent.

Only 7% of the protests are violent.

I know that many people believe that the nation is burning, the protests are violent. The truth is it's a very small amount of the protests are violent. The nation isn't burning.

The federal government made things worse with their heavy handed response. Then further made it worse when trump encouraged the far right to protest. To go to Portland and Kenosha where the predictable violence happened. In both cities.

The report further goes on to say that things will get worse as we get closer to the election. That there will be a high possibility for more violence if the results are delayed, inconclusive or rejected as fraudulent.

99% of President Lincoln's visit to the theater was violence free.

Gov. DeSantis calls for tougher laws on Florida protesters: ‘We’ve seen disorder and tumult:’

The measure would also make it a crime to obstruct traffic during unpermitted protests or demonstrations and do away with bail or bond for people involved in violent protests.
And the plan would establish that drivers are not liable for injuries or deaths “caused if fleeing for safety from a mob,” according to a news release issued by the governor’s office.
Nobody wants to be the next Reginald Denny. Treacher writes at the link below: “If you go up against a car and survive, you’ll get some sympathy for a while. Then you’ll have to live with the pain, long after everybody else stops caring. Maybe for the rest of your life. You won’t have solved anything, and everybody else will move on while you’re trapped in the prison of your own body.”

Dear Protesters and/or Rioters: Get Out of the Damn Road. “This is personal to me because I know what it’s like to get hit by a car.”

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