Report: Trump questions importing people from shit hole countries

[QUOTE="JoeB131, post: 19056537, member: 31057/]

They probably didn't use them before then, either. They don't need to. The Russians are taking care of their rebels for them. So Trump essententially ceded the country to Russia, and you think it's a good thing.

There is no nuclear threat from North Korea other than the one Trump is creating by provoking them. Looks like the South Koreans have had enough of this shit and are just going around him.

Yawn, a threat to the Jews and Oil companies isn't a threat to us. But when you sign up to fight the big bad "Jihadists", I'll take you seriously.[/QUOTE]
You don't know much. They USED THEM just a few days previous to the strike. Everyone knows that except you. :rolleyes:

Don't put ideas or words I my mouth. I said or thought nothing about RUSSIA. That's your fixation.

You are breaking records for posting idiocy. No nuclear threat from North Korea, huh ? Oh boy! Somebody please help this poor soul out, would you ?

As for "signing up" to fight, I did and served 5 years in the ARMY. And you ?

And I DON'T take YOU seriously.
Yup, you guys are going for the crazy.

Look, you all fucked up electing Trump. Even your own party knows it. The problem is, they don't have the balls to stand up to people like you and fix it.
I'm a Republican. I'm not running away from Trump's comments. In fact, I just wrote 2 OPs supporting his comments. And we're all waiting for Democrats to answer Trump's question, which THEY are running away from.
Yawn, guy. Simple enough solution for Trump. Apologize for what he said and negotiate in good faith. Easy-peasy.
Nothing to apologize for. The shitholes, hellholes, or whatever else we may call them, are thieves who send their poor people here to leech off US taxpayers. All the while, they have some of the richest people in the world.

Example - Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico)
You don't know much. They USED THEM just a few days previous to the strike. Everyone knows that except you. :rolleyes:

Don't put ideas or words I my mouth. I said or thought nothing about RUSSIA. That's your fixation.

You are breaking records for posting idiocy. No nuclear threat from North Korea, huh ? Oh boy! Somebody please help this poor soul out, would you ?

The Norks can't hit the US. They are posturing. And Trump will stomp his feet, but the reality is, there isn't much we can do about it.

As for "signing up" to fight, I did and served 5 years in the ARMY. And you ?

I did 11 years. But you need to sign up RIGHT NOW to fight Trumps war for him. Let some poor black kid go home and enjoy that college scholarship they promised him.
I'm a Republican. I'm not running away from Trump's comments. In fact, I just wrote 2 OPs supporting his comments. And we're all waiting for Democrats to answer Trump's question, which THEY are running away from.

Actually, they answered it very well. Some countries are bad places to live, but the people there are decent.

But the thing is, DECENT Republicans aren't racists like you are.

Trump is the festering of the disease that began with Nixon's Southern Strategy.
Amazing just how many people were in that meeting that don't remember the president's comments the way Durbin reported it.
Amazing just how many people were in that meeting that don't remember the president's comments the way Durbin reported it.

These are hte same people who go day to day pretending Trump isn't crazy when he does crazy stuff.
President Trump on Thursday questioned why visa protections should be extended to immigrants pouring in from “shithole countries.”

The president reportedly made the remarks during an Oval Office meeting on the immigration bill Thursday, where lawmakers proposed ending the diversity visa lottery program in favor of protections for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and African nations.

Report: Trump Questions Importing People from ‘Shithole Countries’


TARDS can't stand anything logical, truthful and to the point. They like things sugar coated kinda like the world they live in it's all fantasy and bs.

Lies are their truth and truth are lies.

Reality is 3rd world nations aren't anything like it is here. Even the homeless live in luxury compared to the nasty fkrs coming in over the border illegally.
What I find interesting is that the left continues to scream about protecting the environment, but supports importing millions of people from all over the planet, thus causing more urban congestion, more urban sprawl, more farmland lost to urban sprawl, more deforestation to make room for more housing to support the millions of newcomers and more wildlife habitat loss due to the same.
What I find interesting is that the left continues to scream about protecting the environment, but supports importing millions of people from all over the planet, thus causing more urban congestion, more urban sprawl, more farmland lost to urban sprawl, more deforestation to make room for more housing to support the millions of newcomers and more wildlife habitat loss due to the same.

Do you know what the alternative to immigration is?

Japan is going through it right now. They don't have enough young workers to support an aging population. The country is in a demographic death spiral.
Actually, they answered it very well. Some countries are bad places to live, but the people there are decent.

But the thing is, DECENT Republicans aren't racists like you are.

Trump is the festering of the disease that began with Nixon's Southern Strategy.
No, the "thing" (for Democrats) is VOTES. And you'll take them however, and from whomever you can get them. Even when it means destroying the country, with overloads of penniless immigrants, with nothing to offer, and who steal jobs, suck welfare $$, and raid the US economy by remittances$$ (21st century imperialism) with the US as the # 1 victim.

If you had an ounce of decency, you would be concerned about PROTECTING your fellow Americans, especially the blacks and browns (of which I'm one) who are dispossessed from jobs, due to these Democrat-voter invaders. Put that in your race card deck.
President Trump on Thursday questioned why visa protections should be extended to immigrants pouring in from “shithole countries.”

The president reportedly made the remarks during an Oval Office meeting on the immigration bill Thursday, where lawmakers proposed ending the diversity visa lottery program in favor of protections for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and African nations.

Report: Trump Questions Importing People from ‘Shithole Countries’


TARDS can't stand anything logical, truthful and to the point. They like things sugar coated kinda like the world they live in it's all fantasy and bs.

Lies are their truth and truth are lies.

Reality is 3rd world nations aren't anything like it is here. Even the homeless live in luxury compared to the nasty fkrs coming in over the border illegally.
What I find interesting is that the left continues to scream about protecting the environment, but supports importing millions of people from all over the planet, thus causing more urban congestion, more urban sprawl, more farmland lost to urban sprawl, more deforestation to make room for more housing to support the millions of newcomers and more wildlife habitat loss due to the same.
Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($133 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees")
What I find interesting is that the left continues to scream about protecting the environment, but supports importing millions of people from all over the planet, thus causing more urban congestion, more urban sprawl, more farmland lost to urban sprawl, more deforestation to make room for more housing to support the millions of newcomers and more wildlife habitat loss due to the same.

Do you know what the alternative to immigration is?

Japan is going through it right now. They don't have enough young workers to support an aging population. The country is in a demographic death spiral.
Now tell us the alternative to illegal immigration.
You don't know much. They USED THEM just a few days previous to the strike. Everyone knows that except you. :rolleyes:

Don't put ideas or words I my mouth. I said or thought nothing about RUSSIA. That's your fixation.

You are breaking records for posting idiocy. No nuclear threat from North Korea, huh ? Oh boy! Somebody please help this poor soul out, would you ?

The Norks can't hit the US. They are posturing. And Trump will stomp his feet, but the reality is, there isn't much we can do about it.

As for "signing up" to fight, I did and served 5 years in the ARMY. And you ?

I did 11 years. But you need to sign up RIGHT NOW to fight Trumps war for him. Let some poor black kid go home and enjoy that college scholarship they promised him.
Thanks so much Mr nuclear weapon expert. How lucky we are to have you here, and with a science degree from Clancy's bar & grill.

Actually, if they'd let me, I'd put my US Army uniform back on today, and go back to Iraq (where I was for 3 months, 2 years ago, working with the DOD)
No, the "thing" (for Democrats) is VOTES. And you'll take them however, and from whomever you can get them. Even when it means destroying the country, with overloads of penniless immigrants, with nothing to offer, and who steal jobs, suck welfare $$, and raid the US economy by remittances$$ (21st century imperialism) with the US as the # 1 victim.


50 years ago, some miserable racist fuck like you said that about the Polish and the Italians.
100 years ago, they said it about the Germans.
150 years ago, they said it about the Irish.

You know what, all those groups assimilated, and they were just fine.

If you had an ounce of decency, you would be concerned about PROTECTING your fellow Americans, especially the blacks and browns (of which I'm one) who are dispossessed from jobs, due to these Democrat-voter invaders. Put that in your race card deck.

Uh, guy, nobody is responsible for you being dispossessed of a job but you. If you have such poor job skills that you are going to be displaced by an undocumented immigrant who can barely speak English, that's your own fault for not taking the oppurtunity to better yourself.

Now, here's the thing. The Poles and Germans and Irish all hopped in line in front of the blacks, too. But I'm guessing you don't want to go back and correct THAT situation.
Thanks so much Mr nuclear weapon expert. How lucky we are to have you here, and with a science degree from Clancy's bar & grill.

Actually, if they'd let me, I'd put my US Army uniform back on today, and go back to Iraq (where I was for 3 months, 2 years ago, working with the DOD)

Well, I'm glad that some contractor got rich off our looting of the treasury, but I say go all out.

We have a draft, you get paid as an E-1, not a fat government contract, and we send over enough of you guys to win the war if it's that important to you.
Guy, 50 years ago, some miserable racist fuck like you said that about the Polish and the Italians.
100 years ago, they said it about the Germans.
150 years ago, they said it about the Irish.

You know what, all those groups assimilated, and they were just fine.

Uh, guy, nobody is responsible for you being dispossessed of a job but you. If you have such poor job skills that you are going to be displaced by an undocumented immigrant who can barely speak English, that's your own fault for not taking the oppurtunity to better yourself.

Now, here's the thing. The Poles and Germans and Irish all hopped in line in front of the blacks, too. But I'm guessing you don't want to go back and correct THAT situation.
1. No, they did NOT say what I said. And like many Democrats, you are running away from the merit immigration issue by changing the subject to race, which is not involved, except as you choose to demonize me et al, fro your own political agenda purposes. One can only wonder if you guys actually think you're fooling anybody.

2. FALSE! Millions of Americans - particularly blacks & browns (since you like to talk about that so much) are dispossessed of millions of jobs, currently held by illegal (and legal) aliens. As for job skills, as I said, janitorial, construction labor, motel maids, landscaping, etc. are occupations traditionally filled by American blacks and Hispanics. They've simply been pushed out by the lower wage aliens. So you don't mind disparaging those American minorities, I see. You're beginning to look like the racist around here, with every post you post.

3. The situation I want to correct is the CURRENT one which victimizes whites (affirmative action), not ones from the distant past, which liberasl are so fond of dredging up.

4. "Uh" is not a word in the English language.
Thanks so much Mr nuclear weapon expert. How lucky we are to have you here, and with a science degree from Clancy's bar & grill.

Actually, if they'd let me, I'd put my US Army uniform back on today, and go back to Iraq (where I was for 3 months, 2 years ago, working with the DOD)

Well, I'm glad that some contractor got rich off our looting of the treasury, but I say go all out.

We have a draft, you get paid as an E-1, not a fat government contract, and we send over enough of you guys to win the war if it's that important to you.

The government contract yammer still being used by loon liberals. Never mind 1993 World trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11, LAX, Beltway sniper, Al Zarqawi, ISIS, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Pulse Club, Boston Marathon, and dozens more, + 100+ nuclear warheads in Pakistan - you're just bothered by a few govt contracts.right ? :rolleyes: :slap:
1. No, they did NOT say what I said. And like many Democrats, you are running away from the merit immigration issue by changing the subject to race, which is not involved, except as you choose to demonize me et al, fro your own political agenda purposes. One can only wonder if you guys actually think you're fooling anybody.

Uh, yeah, guy, they did. I'm old enough to remember when Pollock and Wop jokes were still all the rage in Chicago.

I know you think "Merit" immigration is a big word, but the reality is, the person from India who gets in on an H1B is more likely to displace an American than the illegal who snuck under a fence.

2. FALSE! Millions of Americans - particularly blacks & browns (since you like to talk about that so much) are dispossessed of millions of jobs, currently held by illegal (and legal) aliens. As for job skills, as I said, janitorial, construction labor, motel maids, landscaping, etc. are occupations traditionally filled by American blacks and Hispanics. They've simply been pushed out by the lower wage aliens. So you don't mind disparaging those American minorities, I see. You're beginning to look like the racist around here, with every post you post.

Except, of course, no one wants to do those jobs. Hey you know what, I write resumes. I haven't written one for someone who wanted to be a janitor. No one aspires to that. Or a Landscaper. Or a maid. They want the nice job in an office, making a living wage, just like everyone else.

3. The situation I want to correct is the CURRENT one which victimizes whites (affirmative action), not ones from the distant past, which liberasl are so fond of dredging up.

But that's my whole point. The fact is the German and Irishman jumped the line ahead of the black, on the basis of the skin color. Heck, 20 years ago, I worked with a guy right off hte boat from Russia, and even he knew what the deal was, and he was going to get better consideration on the basis of his skin color.

4. "Uh" is not a word in the English language.

Uh, yeah, it is....

The government contract yammer still being used by loon liberals. Never mind 1993 World trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11, LAX, Beltway sniper, Al Zarqawi, ISIS, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Pulse Club, Boston Marathon, and dozens more, + 100+ nuclear warheads in Pakistan - you're just bothered by a few govt contracts.right ?

Here's the thing. The State of Perpetual War to Enrich Connected Contractors doesn't prevent those things and may even make them worse.

You idiots think we should keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung.

But if this war is important, let's treat it like it's important. Do what they did in WWII. Call a draft to get the manpower you need, mandate that factories produce war goods AT COST, not at a profit, and tax the ever loving fuck out of the rich to pay for it and keep those taxes high for a decade after to pay back the war bonds.

If you guys want to treat a few disgruntled teenagers like the Wehrmacht and the Imperial Japanese Navy, then by all means, let's do what we have to do to meet that threat.

We finished WWII in less than 4 years after Pearl Harbor. We are in Year 17 of the War on Terror, or maybe it's Year 27 of the Gulf War.

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