Report: Trump questions importing people from shit hole countries

Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Look, Moron, Trump's conversation was a PRIVATE ONE, and EVERY F---KING PRESIDENT you ever heard of probably talked the exact same way when the doors were closed and the mic off. The only difference here is that you have these needle-dick buttf----king jackass leftists now whose main purpose in life is to harm the country by trying to embarrass the POTUS and cause trouble for him at every turn they possibly can running like little kids to the media: Hey! Trump picked his nose! I saw Donald scratch his ass! The man burps! He FARTED. He had an extra helping of ice cream! HE DIDN'T WASH HIS HANDS IN THE BATHROOM. :eek::eek::eek:

We are dealing with a situation where our government is made up of sneaks and snakes and scum who both twisted the facts to let a criminal off, then promoted her to be our next criminal president (after Obama) then after the same person spent 10 million on a fake document using our foreign enemies to try to derail him and when failed, the very same government took that fraudulent, unverified document to criminally induce a court to illegally issue a FISA warrant with no proved facts to justify it, to spy on and try to ruin the incumbent president to nullify a legal election and continues to try to this day, the very "deep state" that Trump took office to eradicate, because they don't want an honest man in there who is not part and parcel of their crooked racket.

THANK GOD we have an honest to God real guy running the nation now trying to do a good job who actually talks to the people telling us the truth and what he really thinks and what most of us already know without the pressed suit, phony decorum, professionally-written speeches and poll-tested attitudes. Just as Tom Horn accurately reported in a recent thread, you care more about the f---king form and appearances and stupid decorum than you do actually getting the job done!
Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.
Hillary is the drunk. Donald doesn't drink.

Look, Moron, Trump's conversation was a PRIVATE ONE, and EVERY F---KING PRESIDENT you ever heard of probably talked the exact same way when the doors were closed and the mic off. The only difference here is that you have these needle-dick buttf----king jackass leftists now whose main purpose in life is to harm the country by trying to embarrass the POTUS and cause trouble for him at every turn they possibly can running like little kids to the media: Hey! Trump picked his nose! I saw Donald scratch his ass! The man burps! He FARTED. He had an extra helping of ice cream! HE DIDN'T WASH HIS HANDS IN THE BATHROOM. :eek::eek::eek:

We are dealing with a situation where our government is made up of sneaks and snakes and scum who both twisted the facts to let a criminal off, then promoted her to be our next criminal president (after Obama) then after the same person spent 10 million on a fake document using our foreign enemies to try to derail him and when failed, the very same government took that fraudulent, unverified document to criminally induce a court to illegally issue a FISA warrant with no proved facts to justify it, to spy on and try to ruin the incumbent president to nullify a legal election and continues to try to this day, the very "deep state" that Trump took office to eradicate, because they don't want an honest man in there who is not part and parcel of their crooked racket.

THANK GOD we have an honest to God real guy running the nation now trying to do a good job who actually talks to the people telling us the truth and what he really thinks and what most of us already know without the pressed suit, phony decorum, professionally-written speeches and poll-tested attitudes. Just as Tom Horn accurately reported in a recent thread, you care more about the f---king form and appearances and stupid decorum than you do actually getting the job done!
There was salty language from everyone in that room, but only Trump was picked on for something HE said.

Also, the loons at CNN were using the SHIThole word rampantly, all the while they were condemning Trump for using it. HA HA. Looney liberals don't know how unhinged they are.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

He is. You're problem is that you've confused past lying, cheating, stealing, dishonest, corrupted people like Barry Obama LOOKING, ACTING and APPEARING presidential before the camera and with everyone helping him look his best (in contrast to many people now trying to make Trump look bad) with actually being one. Shame on you for being so GULLIBLE, PARTISAN and BLIND. The ONE TIME Obama was caught with his mic still on he was caught colluding with the Russian Ambassador promising to be more flexible and being able to work better with our #1 foreign enemy after he was reelected president with the help of his weaponized IRS agency later caught suppressing his opposition.

THAT is tampering with an election, fool.
Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.
Hillary is the drunk. Donald doesn't drink.


And a vicious, MEAN drunk she is!

Here are snippets from the book of "Impressions & Observations"
of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard the presidents and what they SAW and thought:


Presidency was one giant party. Not trustworthy --- he was nice because he wanted everyone to like him, but to him life is just one big game and party. Everyone knows of his sexuality.

She is another phony. Her personality would change the instant cameras were near. She hated
with open disdain the military and Secret Service. She was another one who felt people are there to serve her. She was always trying to keep tabs on Bill Clinton.

She was known to insist staff not make eye contact and was often seen throwing things around the room in her many fights with Bill.


“The male version of "Hilary Clinton" all over again" - hates the military and looks down on the
Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite---untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums. She is a complete bitch, hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as her servants.

"In The President's Secret Service"
Behind The Scenes With Agencies
By Robert Kessler
Last edited:
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

I'll take an honest man who says what he really thinks rather than a presidential man who says what he thinks everyone wants to hear.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God

We elect Presidents. Is it too much to ask a president to ACT like a president instead of a king?
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

I'll take an honest man who says what he really thinks rather than a presidential man who says what he thinks everyone wants to hear.

What if the "honest" man is an asshole? I mean...Hitler was honest right?
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

He is. You're problem is that you've confused past lying, cheating, stealing, dishonest, corrupted people like Barry Obama LOOKING, ACTING and APPEARING presidential before the camera and with everyone helping him look his best (in contrast to many people now trying to make Trump look bad) with actually being one. Shame on you for being so GULLIBLE, PARTISAN and BLIND. The ONE TIME Obama was caught with his mic still on he was caught colluding with the Russian Ambassador promising to be more flexible and being able to work better with our #1 foreign enemy after he was reelected president with the help of his weaponized IRS agency later caught suppressing his opposition.

THAT is tampering with an election, fool.


I prefer someone who takes the office he holds seriously. And respectfully. Is that too much to ask? Is your hatred of Obama so much that you'd accept Trash as a replacement? Not good.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God

We elect Presidents. Is it too much to ask a president to ACT like a president instead of a king?

Tell me Coyote, is it that you just TALK stupid, or is it that your head is just SO FULL of Left Wing Bullshit? Every president is an individual; they are elected to do a job, not act a role. That is a King or Queen's job, to ride around looking good and doing nothing. Trump as a man who has declined his presidential salary and donates it to charity and requires that all in his administration refrain from any foreign lobbying for 5 years after leaving office (a first!), is about the furthest you could ever get from being a King.

TELL ME, are you SO INCAPABLE of distinguishing the difference being a true, natural-born leader with boldness, confidence and conviction and a con man like Obama who merely was a professional talking suit? If not then maybe you should stop voting until you learn.
Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God

We elect Presidents. Is it too much to ask a president to ACT like a president instead of a king?

Tell me Coyote, is it that you just TALK stupid, or is it that your head is just SO FULL of Left Wing Bullshit? Every president is an individual; they are elected to do a job, not act a role. That is a King or Queen's job, to ride around looking good and doing nothing. Trump as a man who has declined his presidential salary and donates it to charity and requires that all in his administration refrain from any lobbying for 5 years after leaving office (a first!), is about the furthest you could ever get from being a King.

TELL ME, are you SO INCAPABLE of distinguishing the difference being a true, natural-born leader with confidence and conviction and a con man like Obama who merely was a professional talking suit? If not then maybe you should stop voting until you learn.

That is a good point asshole.

Jobs have expectations.

Yes or no?

Jobs have STANDARDS of behavior.

Yes or no?

Are you so incapable of recognizing this that you confuse an unstable conman with a "leader"?

If he doesn't act like a leader...he just might NOT be one.

Hint: most Americans don't seem to see him as you do.
Shithole or not, nobody really cares.

Leftists just love being offended

And Rightest will defend ANYONE on their team regardless of how he behaves.

Or maybe you just like racist shit comments.
Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God

We elect Presidents. Is it too much to ask a president to ACT like a president instead of a king?

Tell me Coyote, is it that you just TALK stupid, or is it that your head is just SO FULL of Left Wing Bullshit? Every president is an individual; they are elected to do a job, not act a role. That is a King or Queen's job, to ride around looking good and doing nothing. Trump as a man who has declined his presidential salary and donates it to charity and requires that all in his administration refrain from any lobbying for 5 years after leaving office (a first!), is about the furthest you could ever get from being a King.

TELL ME, are you SO INCAPABLE of distinguishing the difference being a true, natural-born leader with confidence and conviction and a con man like Obama who merely was a professional talking suit? If not then maybe you should stop voting until you learn.

That is a good point asshole.

Proof right there that you have nothing intelligent to add like most liberals.

Jobs have STANDARDS of behavior.

And Hillary and Barack and Maxine Waters and a hundreds others MEET your "standard" of behavior? Maybe because they were swimming WITH the flow of problems rather than trying to stand AGAINST them.

JUST WHERE is that standard described in the US Constitution? All it calls for is that the POTUS stay clear of high crimes against the country. Doesn't say a thing about acting nice, especially when all around you AREN'T. Look, no one ever said Trump was PRETTY. No one ever said he was a SMOOTH-TALKER. No one ever expected him to be a WALL-FLOWER. He has taken on the toughest job in the world for no pay (in fact it has cost him MILLIONS) in a thankless environment standing in a tank of sharks all out to get him fighting both foreign threats, looking out for 300 million people all the while a hundred media outlets try to serve up his liver for lunch every day and apparently you cannot get your head out of your ass long enough to stop thinking that he should be doing all of that all the while looking and acting like DAVID NIVEN in a suede dinner jacket all of the time! The fact that he is polite and reasonable 90% of the time is good enough for me! AT LEAST WE FINALLY HAVE A REAL LEADER ON THE JOB GENUINELY FIGHTING TO FIX THE MESS THAT IS THE USA.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

We don't elect Kings and Queens , that's what's great about America and the 25 the ammendment , black guy born in Hawaii, moved to the South side of Chicago can grow up to be president, a blue collar guy who talks like us can grow up to be president...

We don't elect Kings and Queens...thank God

We elect Presidents. Is it too much to ask a president to ACT like a president instead of a king?

Tell me Coyote, is it that you just TALK stupid, or is it that your head is just SO FULL of Left Wing Bullshit? Every president is an individual; they are elected to do a job, not act a role. That is a King or Queen's job, to ride around looking good and doing nothing. Trump as a man who has declined his presidential salary and donates it to charity and requires that all in his administration refrain from any lobbying for 5 years after leaving office (a first!), is about the furthest you could ever get from being a King.

TELL ME, are you SO INCAPABLE of distinguishing the difference being a true, natural-born leader with confidence and conviction and a con man like Obama who merely was a professional talking suit? If not then maybe you should stop voting until you learn.

That is a good point asshole.

Proof right there that you have nothing intelligent to add like most liberals.

Jobs have STANDARDS of behavior.

And Hillary and Barack and Maxine Waters and a hundreds others MEET your "standard" of behavior? Maybe because they were swimming WITH the flow of problems rather than trying to stand AGAINST them.

JUST WHERE is that standard described in the US Constitution? All it calls for is that the POTUS stay clear of high crimes against the country. Doesn't say a thing about acting nice, especially when all around you AREN'T. Look, no one ever said Trump was PRETTY. No one ever said he was a SMOOTH-TALKER. No one ever expected him to be a WALL-FLOWER. He has taken on the toughest job in the world for no pay (in fact it has cost him MILLIONS) in a thankless environment standing in a tank of sharks all out to get him fighting both foreign threats, looking out for 300 million people all the while a hundred media outlets try to serve up his liver for lunch every day and apparently you cannot get your head out of your ass long enough to stop thinking that he should be doing all of that all the while looking and acting like DAVID NIVEN in a suede dinner jacket all of the time! The fact that he is polite and reasonable 90% of the time is good enough for me! AT LEAST WE FINALLY HAVE A REAL LEADER ON THE JOB GENUINELY FIGHTING TO FIX THE MESS THAT IS THE USA.

Congratulations. You have managed to defeat even the lowest expectations.

I expect more of our leaders.
Funny thing about shithole countries....

Trump Wishes We Had More Immigrants From Norway. Turns Out We Once Did

From 1870 to 1910 a quarter of Norway's working-age population emigrated, mostly to the United States. You read that right — one-fourth of its workers left the country.

Back then Norway was quite poor. Wages were less than a third of what they were in the United States. And the wave of emigration out of the country quickly benefited those who remained. That's because it reduced the supply of workers in Norway, so those left behind could demand higher wages. And this helped narrow Norway's wage gap with the U.S. by 25 percent over that same 40-year period, putting Norway on the path toward its status today as one of world's most prosperous nations.

Sounds like many African countries ya? And Latin America...and all those "shitholes".

My ancestors were among those Norwegians that came over and went west.

Shithole or not, nobody really cares.

Leftists just love being offended

And Rightest will defend ANYONE on their team regardless of how he behaves.

Or maybe you just like racist shit comments.

Hey, the last I heard? President Trump didn't steal billions from a country that suffered a devastating earthquake like the Hildebeast and Bill "drop trou" most certainly did. UNTIL President Trump acts against the best interests of this country? I will defend him INCLUDING the "shithole country" comment because there is definitely truth to it. You can be as butthurt as you want to be......your opinion and what passes for what comes out of my dog's ass are basically one and the same, figuratively speaking. Go swing your little purse full of indignant outrage somewhere else where someone might actually give a shit.
Hey, the last I heard? President Trump didn't steal billions from a country that suffered a devastating earthquake like the Hildebeast and Bill "drop trou" most certainly did.

Blah, blah, blah, more conspiracy theories from a nutter. That's nice.

I will defend him INCLUDING the "shithole country" comment because there is definitely truth to it.

Of course you will. Most conspiracy theorists are nutters. It explains why they are failures despite being white.

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