Report: USPS improperly enabled workers who helped Clinton campaign (and now the Biden campaign)

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
They violated the Hatch Act then and they're violating it now by endorsing the Biden campaign. In essence, Democrats want billions out of our Care-Stimulus checks to be funneled into the USPS, to "improperly enable workers" helping the Biden/Harris campaign!. This fact should be a reason enough to discontinue mail-in Presidential ballots.

That is a three year old article about a long standing violation that goes back to at least the 1990’s. There is nothing in the article saying it is going on now.
They violated the Hatch Act then and they're violating it now by endorsing the Biden campaign. In essence, Democrats want billions out of our Care-Stimulus checks to be funneled into the USPS, to "improperly enable workers" helping the Biden/Harris campaign!. This fact should be a reason enough to discontinue mail-in Presidential ballots.

I was wondering when the right wing talking heads were going to get around to this. They've pulled out all the other stops on the Post Office over the last few days. Old news. it's from 2017. And it was dealt with.
They violated the Hatch Act then and they're violating it now by endorsing the Biden campaign. In essence, Democrats want billions out of our Care-Stimulus checks to be funneled into the USPS, to "improperly enable workers" helping the Biden/Harris campaign!. This fact should be a reason enough to discontinue mail-in Presidential ballots.

And here you sit typing about the Hatch Act violations. And I suppose the furloughed Postal Workers were instructed on who to vote for. Sounds to me like everyone was supported, both sides. Yes, it is a Hatch Act violation.

But for you to bitch about it after it's been concluded with Rump and his Cronies using their offices and positions to damage the election is just petty. It's not just petty, it's completely against the Hatch Act and it's been going on for almost 4 years. The sooner we send Rump and his merry band of criminals packing the better. And then, maybe, we can enforce the Hatch Act.
They violated the Hatch Act then and they're violating it now by endorsing the Biden campaign. In essence, Democrats want billions out of our Care-Stimulus checks to be funneled into the USPS, to "improperly enable workers" helping the Biden/Harris campaign!. This fact should be a reason enough to discontinue mail-in Presidential ballots.

It's the reverse psychology thing.
Hey veterans. Did you know you're not receiving your medicine on time because Joe Biden instructed Trump's appointee to eliminate machines and cut overtime pay?
And Trump's appointee, who is also a Trump donor, wants to hurt Trump of course.
Good luck with that message
They violated the Hatch Act then and they're violating it now by endorsing the Biden campaign. In essence, Democrats want billions out of our Care-Stimulus checks to be funneled into the USPS, to "improperly enable workers" helping the Biden/Harris campaign!. This fact should be a reason enough to discontinue mail-in Presidential ballots.

That is a three year old article about a long standing violation that goes back to at least the 1990’s. There is nothing in the article saying it is going on now.

sheeeeesh POTENTIAL !!!!!!!
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.

You think he's bad now. wait until sometime in November when he learns he lost. He's going full bore revenge. No more just "Here hold my Beer" moments. He's bring the whole beer train. He will have 2 months to destroy America and he's going to do his damnedest to do it. There is a good chance that he is going to be impeached and thrown out of office in that last 2 months with the new Judicial Department drawing up charges. No, he won't go quietly. And the Supreme Court won't save him this time.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.

This whole thing smacks of desperation. I predict that in the last 2 months with him at the helm, the stock market will hit 5000 and we go into one hell of a recession much worse than 2008.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.

This whole thing smacks of desperation. I predict that in the last 2 months with him at the helm, the stock market will hit 5000 and we go into one hell of a recession much worse than 2008.

It's the complete lack of foresight that floors me. Neither party has much. But when you grab new power for your sumbitch - you're implicitly giving that same power to the next stooge, who will use it.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.

This whole thing smacks of desperation. I predict that in the last 2 months with him at the helm, the stock market will hit 5000 and we go into one hell of a recession much worse than 2008.

It's the complete lack of foresight that floors me. Neither party has much. But when you grab new power for your sumbitch - you're implicitly giving that same power to the next stooge, who will use it.

Exactly! You are setting precedents, and each is potentially dangerous if you aren’t the guy in charge. One...Trump urginghis DoJ to prosecute/subpoena former presidents. Followed by similar statements From Biden.
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.

This whole thing smacks of desperation. I predict that in the last 2 months with him at the helm, the stock market will hit 5000 and we go into one hell of a recession much worse than 2008.

It's the complete lack of foresight that floors me. Neither party has much. But when you grab new power for your sumbitch - you're implicitly giving that same power to the next stooge, who will use it.

Exactly! You are setting precedents, and each is potentially dangerous if you aren’t the guy in charge. One...Trump urginghis DoJ to prosecute/subpoena former presidents. Followed by similar statements From Biden.

dirty politics by mouth is not new
Ahh... the usual pattern. Trump does something that is an obvious abuse of power, and Trumpsters go into overdrive making excuses.

You realize he's setting precedent that will be used against you, right? Trump extending the limits of executive power will enable a Democrat President to cram shit down your throat willy nilly. Have fun with that.
The fact they dug up a 3 yr old article on an investigation of a problem that has been fixed and pretended it is ongoing smacks of desperation.

This whole thing smacks of desperation. I predict that in the last 2 months with him at the helm, the stock market will hit 5000 and we go into one hell of a recession much worse than 2008.

It's the complete lack of foresight that floors me. Neither party has much. But when you grab new power for your sumbitch - you're implicitly giving that same power to the next stooge, who will use it.

Exactly! You are setting precedents, and each is potentially dangerous if you aren’t the guy in charge. One...Trump urginghis DoJ to prosecute/subpoena former presidents. Followed by similar statements From Biden.

dirty politics by mouth is not new
dirty politics by both parties is not new.....

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