Reporter Or Host Needs To Ask Alexandria Cortez About The Economic Success Of Venezuela

She will say "We will force the rich to pay their fair share." Then she will give a vacuous smile and nod her head agreeing with herself.
She will say "We will force the rich to pay their fair share." Then she will give a vacuous smile and nod her head agreeing with herself.
then the host will advise Alexandria that we dont even have anything close to 20 Trillion Dollars just sitting around in savings accounts.
Now, this would be the $65,000.00 question that someone should ask the so called darling of the Democrat Party. Can you imagine if by chance, some reporter or host brings up Venezuela and that she is offering the same policies to all Americans that brought the nation down to it's knees, to the point where they were starving to death and had to eat their own pets to survive?
How do you think she would answer it?
:dunno: :oops-28:
Or GB or Sweden or Norway or Denmark or Belgium or......
Tons of success until oil prices tanked. Anyways, her position is faaaar from what Venezuela does.
For the love of high-orbit cat rape, you cannot be serious.
They just did socialism wrong. Just like everyone who has ever tried it. Sticking the knife in the electrical outlet wasn’t why you got the crap shocked out of you. You were holding the knife wrong.
Tons of success until oil prices tanked. Anyways, her position is faaaar from what Venezuela does.
For the love of high-orbit cat rape, you cannot be serious.
They just did socialism wrong. Just like everyone who has ever tried it. Sticking the knife in the electrical outlet wasn’t why you got the crap shocked out of you. You were holding the knife wrong.
i wonder how Alex would answer a question regarding how no one in the 57 states can find Iraq on a map
alexandria figures, hey, im good looking, i dont need to work for a living, just pay me for being a hottie.
id love to see Alex on Jeopardy. I will take "Very Stupid & Young Brunettes for 500 Dollars"
Now, this would be the $65,000.00 question that someone should ask the so called darling of the Democrat Party. Can you imagine if by chance, some reporter or host brings up Venezuela and that she is offering the same policies to all Americans that brought the nation down to it's knees, to the point where they were starving to death and had to eat their own pets to survive?
How do you think she would answer it?
:dunno: :oops-28:
Maybe by pointing out that it's a straw man argument? There are plenty of other countries that provide stuff like affordable healthcare, a living wage and the like and have a perfectly viable system. I should know I live in one. My wife is American and let me tell you, the reason we live in Europe and NOT the US is because here we have those things.
I find it hilarious that you say a country that is lead by totalitarian leaders, that nationalized everything and got into an economic mess by the fact that oil prices dropped as somehow an example that the Democrats aspire to. Find me just 1 instance were any Democrat ever said "we want to be as Venezuela. Or even used Venezuela as a positive example" I dare you.

You're posting to a moron. One so stupid he couldn't remember his "Rexx Taylor" name so he had to make up a whole new account. He's just a juvenile narcissist who posts to see his name on the internets. Has yet to make a lick of sense about anything.

He won't have an answer, I already called out his dumbfuckery and he ran away. Which he always does.
Now, this would be the $65,000.00 question that someone should ask the so called darling of the Democrat Party. Can you imagine if by chance, some reporter or host brings up Venezuela and that she is offering the same policies to all Americans that brought the nation down to it's knees, to the point where they were starving to death and had to eat their own pets to survive?
How do you think she would answer it?
:dunno: :oops-28:

The same way all political whores "answer" questions they don't have answers for.

She will parrot inane gibberish according to the script of the party.

Since she is a commie parasite however, don't expect a "journalist" to ever ask her such a question.

Why blue. Your post looks blue on my phone.
Now, this would be the $65,000.00 question that someone should ask the so called darling of the Democrat Party. Can you imagine if by chance, some reporter or host brings up Venezuela and that she is offering the same policies to all Americans that brought the nation down to it's knees, to the point where they were starving to death and had to eat their own pets to survive?
How do you think she would answer it?
:dunno: :oops-28:
Tons of success until oil prices tanked. Anyways, her position is faaaar from what Venezuela does.
Venezuela was swirling down the toilet long before oil prices took a slight setback. Her position is exactly what Chaves was saying before we all saw the results.

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