Reps. for Facebook, Google, & Twitter squirm as Ted Cruz grills them on curating trending news


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017

We need a constitutional amendment to make the first amendment apply to the internet.
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Twitter and Facebook censor white advocates, conservatives -- anyone they don't like. They call it a violation of the terms of use.

We need a constitutional amendment to make the first amendment apply to the internet.

Wait, is Cruz complaining about private companies limiting speech on their private websites? What the fuck?

At the same time it would seem he's annoyed that Russians spending money on US political adds is worrying more because Facebook and the like want to stop this from happening, rather than because it's illegal and attacking the US democratic system.

Basically he's complaining that Google is left leaning, slightly. Like The left get 7 favorable and the right get 6 favorable. Yet he's attacking them for being biased, AS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Where the FUCK does this guy get off?

We need a constitutional amendment to make the first amendment apply to the internet.

Er... the First Amendment prevents the govt from preventing free speech. So you want to prevent the US govt from preventing people saying what they want on the internet? I think that's already in place. Go figure.

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