Reps new talking points / party line...pardon Hunter, pardon Biden, pardon them all.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Was listening to talk radio...The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.

Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.jpg

I had cut way back on talk radio. Mostly garbage, and about 35minutes of every 60 minutes are ads. There are never any suggestions on meaningful ways to save even a portion of America. But every Friday I check in a few minutes to see if the dems have made me a felon overnight.

Well, Clay and Buck were pushing the idea that if a rep gets in, the rep should pardon all the dems...for the good of the country, so we can move on and come together.

Jeeesus...what scum. As I've said before...dems always win, reps always lose.

We know the score with dems. Progressives only get progressively worse. Just what we need, no consequences for the dems for destroying America.
Job number one is take control away from the DemoFascists. We don't have America if the DOJ, FBI, IRS, the lower courts and the Media are all controlled by them. Thanks to 8 years of Obama and 4 years of Biden we are more divided than at any time since the Civil War. That will take years to mend, and may not ever mend.
Bo Snerdley aka James Golden should have carried on that time slot on the air.
Clay and Buck are lame.

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