Republican candidates are screwed if they do not condemn Trump's comments

Pfft.... ROFLMFAO... so where's all you jackasses FAUX OUTRAGE about obama calling Mexican's *GANG BANGERS?!*

Ya'll are a bunch of freakin' MORONS. NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

Trump is polling SECOND because of his TRUTHFULNESS. So go pound sand, idiots.
NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

We know.
Arpaio stated, “There’s no lie about the drugs coming from Mexico.”

“Everybody knows that,” he said. “I talk about it all the time. The majority of the drugs coming into my county, they are from Mexico. So that’s a true statement.”

Read more at Sheriff Joe s got Trump s back

wow, just shot down the liberscums talking points. :lmao:
The Sheriff Joe character is a bigger joke than Trump. A pair of birthers who both made fools out of themselves and continue to be mocked and laughed at. Both Hillary and Bernie are seeing increased support since Trump came into the picture.
worry over your own candidates. people are tired of all your whining and threats

you just lost Congress with a vote only eight months ago. don't be going around thinking the people are still IN LOVE with the snakes from the Democrat party
Do you even know what Trump really said? Did you read the entire comment, not just the cherry-picked excerpts? Here's what he said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Some of them are rapists. Some of them are robbers. Most of them have problems, which is why they're fleeing their own countries. And some are good people.

What's the problem? What is there to "apologize" for?
Trump is a liberal. And an idiot.

The thing is, however -- He was right. But dimocrap scum are too fucking stupid to realize it.

Very few of us can trace our ancestral roots back to rich Europeans who decided to leave their Castle in Germany or England because they were bored and wanted to go fight Indians in the Northwest Territories.

Most of our ancestors left because were in the lower strata of the society at that time. Just a fact.

A FACT that dimocrap FILTH are too racist and too scummy to admit.

Most of your ancestors came over on a boat in Cargo Class. Just a fact. None of your ancestors were wealthy Brits or Germans or Italians coming to the Shores of America.

Why in the FUCK would they?

So, yeah, the people we'rre getting from Mexico are NOT their best or their brightest.


God DAYUM but dimocraps are some stupid motherfuckers

Honest to God, drool cup carrying, Pied Piper, Pop Culture, follow-the-leader fucking stupid

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Survey GOP executives want immigrant labor not voters The Daily Caller

The GOP leadership knows they have the votes from the ignorant base in the bag.

But they want to hire Mexicans because they know Mexicans are harder workers and smarter than the best the uneducated GOP base has to offer. Ignorant Republicans play right into their hands.
NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

We know.

How did your ancestors get here, scumbag?

Mine came here in the 1700's broke as shit, peasant farmers (bauern) looking for something that was in short supply in Europe -- Land and Freedom.

But I'm sure that your ancestors left their Castle in Shitsky Poland for the Coal Mines of Ohio because they were bored, right fuck-stick?

dimocraps are some arrogant, stupid fucks
Do you even know what Trump really said? Did you read the entire comment, not just the cherry-picked excerpts? Here's what he said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Some of them are rapists. Some of them are robbers. Most of them have problems, which is why they're fleeing their own countries. And some are good people.

What's the problem? What is there to "apologize" for?

There is nothing to apologize for. Much of America and virtually all of Australia was settled by the Brits shipping criminals out of Britain, Ireland and Wales to the Southern US and/or Australia.

It was called 'Transport'.

They could agree to that or be imprisoned in a British Prison. Which was not a good move. Few survived them

dimocraps are fucking stupid. ALL of them
A republican candidate attacking Trump over his comments is double edged and require some daft handling.(Believe it or not, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee can do this, but I don't see it viable to their campaigns as of now!!).

However, letting Trump stir the masses and then stealing his support before Iowa(Trump is not going to make it to Iowa--suck on that, Democrats!!) is the best strategy, while shaping their responses to questions that Trump has created through his tactless responses and speeches.

In a way, Trump is acting like a snow plough for the other Republicans. All they have to do is follow a simple plan, then eliminate his candidacy in the 3 months to Iowa.
You ever see these same people stomp around demanding a Democrat be condemned? hell no. this is just for the Democrats DIRTY politics like USUAL

Don't fall for their crap. WE ALL still have FREEDOM of speech. But you keep letting them do this we won't have very soon
Do you even know what Trump really said? Did you read the entire comment, not just the cherry-picked excerpts? Here's what he said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Some of them are rapists. Some of them are robbers. Most of them have problems, which is why they're fleeing their own countries. And some are good people.

What's the problem? What is there to "apologize" for?
Mexico isn't "sending" anyone. Trump started his speech about immigrants with either a grossly misinformed belief or a lie. He began his rant with an accusation against a country and implied there was a conspiracy to pick and choose immigrant to send to America. Most of those coming across the border in the last few years aren't even Mexican. They come from the countries of Central America. That's only the problems with the first sentence oh his rant. It gets worse as he continues.
As Trump said "Ask the border patrol. Ask the people who live at the border. Ask the victims."

Trump might well tap into an incredible anger at the elimination of our borders and get those voters out who haven't found anyone worth voting for. Hispanics and their apologists might just find that they have poked a stick into a hornet's nest.
As Trump said "Ask the border patrol. Ask the people who live at the border. Ask the victims."

Trump might well tap into an incredible anger at the elimination of our borders and get those voters out who haven't found anyone worth voting for. Hispanics and their apologists might just find that they have poked a stick into a hornet's nest.

thank you. this BS of picking apart everything some Republican says has become their tried and true Tactic of the left/Progressive/commie party with the help of their lapdog medias.
like I said, people better wake up to it
Arpaio stated, “There’s no lie about the drugs coming from Mexico.”

“Everybody knows that,” he said. “I talk about it all the time. The majority of the drugs coming into my county, they are from Mexico. So that’s a true statement.”

Read more at Sheriff Joe s got Trump s back

wow, just shot down the liberscums talking points. :lmao:
The Sheriff Joe character is a bigger joke than Trump. A pair of birthers who both made fools out of themselves and continue to be mocked and laughed at. Both Hillary and Bernie are seeing increased support since Trump came into the picture.

oh well, Obama's a joke don't see you all whining about that. he's said worse things about US LEGAL citizens. don't see you all whining about that. so go bow to the Democrats.

Republicans, Independents, etc are sick of you all
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Pfft.... ROFLMFAO... so where's all you jackasses FAUX OUTRAGE about obama calling Mexican's *GANG BANGERS?!*

Ya'll are a bunch of freakin' MORONS. NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

Trump is polling SECOND because of his TRUTHFULNESS. So go pound sand, idiots.
Trump polls second in the Republican primary field with 11% of primary voters supporting him. That means 89% of the primary voters choose one of the other candidates over Trump.
Which means that if the primary were held today, he'd finish second behind Walker, providing you could put any faith in a poll.

Wise up, dumbass.
Arpaio stated, “There’s no lie about the drugs coming from Mexico.”

“Everybody knows that,” he said. “I talk about it all the time. The majority of the drugs coming into my county, they are from Mexico. So that’s a true statement.”

Read more at Sheriff Joe s got Trump s back

wow, just shot down the liberscums talking points. :lmao:
The Sheriff Joe character is a bigger joke than Trump. A pair of birthers who both made fools out of themselves and continue to be mocked and laughed at. Both Hillary and Bernie are seeing increased support since Trump came into the picture.

oh well, Obama's a joke don't see you all whining about that. he's said worse things about US LEGAL citizens. don't see you all whining about that. so go bow to the Democrats.

Republicans, Independents, etc are sick of you all
Obama isn't running for President, the thread is about Trump and you are pooping your pants with Obama derangement without a diaper again.
Do you even know what Trump really said? Did you read the entire comment, not just the cherry-picked excerpts? Here's what he said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Some of them are rapists. Some of them are robbers. Most of them have problems, which is why they're fleeing their own countries. And some are good people.

What's the problem? What is there to "apologize" for?
Mexico isn't "sending" anyone. Trump started his speech about immigrants with either a grossly misinformed belief or a lie. He began his rant with an accusation against a country and implied there was a conspiracy to pick and choose immigrant to send to America. Most of those coming across the border in the last few years aren't even Mexican. They come from the countries of Central America. That's only the problems with the first sentence oh his rant. It gets worse as he continues.

Than why is the mexican government printing booklets telling illegals how to job our system?
Of course they're sending them here,the US supplies them with their second largest income via monies sent back to mexico.
As Trump said "Ask the border patrol. Ask the people who live at the border. Ask the victims."

Trump might well tap into an incredible anger at the elimination of our borders and get those voters out who haven't found anyone worth voting for. Hispanics and their apologists might just find that they have poked a stick into a hornet's nest.

thank you. this BS of picking apart everything some Republican says has become their tried and true Tactic of the left/Progressive/commie party with the help of their lapdog medias.
like I said, people better wake up to it
They are, and they're damn sick and tired of it.

Trump is bowling over the leftard media like a steam roller, and he's got them all on their heals.

So now get WHINY little progtard threads about BULL SHIT from the little piss ant progs here.

They can all go fuck themselves. Conservatives are fed up with their crap and really don't give a FUCK what they say or THINK.
That means 89% of the primary voters choose one of the other candidates over Trump.

WRONG ! that means they spread their vote among all the other candidates which is probably 8% or 9% each.
worry over your own candidates. people are tired of all your whining and threats

you just lost Congress with a vote only eight months ago. don't be going around thinking the people are still IN LOVE with the snakes from the Democrat party

Of course they talk about the republican candidates,who else do they have to talk about? A career criminal,a socialist and a retard.
Pfft.... ROFLMFAO... so where's all you jackasses FAUX OUTRAGE about obama calling Mexican's *GANG BANGERS?!*

Ya'll are a bunch of freakin' MORONS. NO conservative is going to say shit to Trump, because we all AGREE WITH HIM.

Trump is polling SECOND because of his TRUTHFULNESS. So go pound sand, idiots.
Trump polls second in the Republican primary field with 11% of primary voters supporting him. That means 89% of the primary voters choose one of the other candidates over Trump.
Which means that if the primary were held today, he'd finish second behind Walker, providing you could put any faith in a poll.

Wise up, dumbass.
Twist it all you want. Put your spin on it and smile. You are a sucker to think Trump has a lot of support. And you are the one that stated "we all AGREE WITH HIM" in your post. Not only do you not speak for the conservatives, you a really bad at math and delusional.

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